General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking

Matchmaking in General Discussion

    Can we discuss how shit matchmaking is? Cause today I have played like 7 games and only 1 of them have I had half decent teammates.. It's pure shit. Like I don't even lose legitimately.. It's lost because of having people with legit no brains on my team. Like the other team isn't even good. It's just the 4 dumbasses on my team are worse than them and its hard to solo carry 4 legit idiots who don't know what they are doing.. fuck valve

    Bad Intentions

      Yo OP, u sure u not in the dreaded shadowpool? Id suggest get more commends to get out there man :O

      Also, what role do u usually play?


        yeah you need at least 25 commends to get out of hidden pool, else your teamates are going to be awful.



          u are playing on the lower dota bracket wtf did u expect.... chances there are increased to find retards

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            Paid actor

              A thread about how your teammates suck and keep u original

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                  not using @ in proper context


                    guys I have smuf acc
                    how to get HS or VHS?


                      if everyone around you plays like shit, you are either a booster, or shit urself but fail to realize it


                        Do you matchmaking?
                        Your mom is so fat.


                          Play with 4 friends. Seriously, why bother solo queue if you didn't enjoy it. This is a game after all