General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you play mind games with your enemies without trash talking/fl...

How do you play mind games with your enemies without trash talking/flames? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Is this even possible? if yes kindly advise?


      Get a teammate to hide nearby. Type 'shit doorbell pls wait' in all chat then standstill and pause. After they I unpause and try and kill you give them justice


        show up near enemy's camps with a ward, hide in shadows, drop ur ward near ur tower, come back, watch them using sentries trying to find a not yet placed obs.

        dive stupidly 1v3 imitating that it is a 5 man smoke gank and force tps, while u r actually solo on ur lane and ur team is taking rosh on the other side of the map.

        is it what you were asking about? i actually dont quite get what the topic is.


          Predict victory even if it's 100% guaranteed loss. Enemies may lose confidence and it can give allies confidence too.

          Riguma Borusu

            1) I pretend I think they don't have vision of me
            2) I pretend I have no vision of them
            3) I start running away from a gank even though I see other 3 enemies on the map, and my allies are right behind me, just to bait them
            4) I stand in lane with 1/2 hp to make enemies think they can kill me, and I either have reinforcements or superior items that aren't yet countered in any way
            5) I regularly walk into the rosh pit just to make enemies check it and possibly get initiated on by my or my allies' blinks a bit away from the rosh pit (usually in their jungle)
            6) I pretend to ward just to get pinged by 3 people on the enemy team, then go and place ward close but far enough that a ward that'd reveal the previous ward position doesn't catch it
            7) I pretend to TP to a lane just to have the enemies back away, then just continue farming, trading 75 gold and mana to help a teammate
            8) I juke away from intuitive safety and TP so that enemies don't follow/disable me
            9) When I have a techies who plants mines around my lane, I always try to juke away from them if enemies don't initially follow me, so that they chose a path where they get blown up, thinking they're avoiding them
            10) I leave shadowblade/blink behind a tree or on a courier and show in lane, to pose as less of a treat or to pretend not to have an escape mechanism or initiation tool
            11) Get enemies to follow me for half the map, and then TP from a treeline/high ground where/when they can't disable me, wasting their time

            But I find it unfortunate that most of the time, where I play, it's not even necessary to use mind games, or they are effortlessly effective, it'd be different against much better players, and I am not that creative about mind games anyway.

            BTW, TS, if you try doing that sub 4k you're gonna get pinged 50x and blamed for not joining the roshin'.

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              sometimes when u spotted the enemy team placing a ward, its better to not destroy it and instead use your knowledge about what the other team knows. one thing is not to know anything, and to know what your enemy wants you to know is a whole different deal.

              very rarely you might need to put two wards rather close to each other, so that their vision would interfer, and when the enemy team's supps deward one of thos obses, they will definetely not look for the other.

              as a support/roamer in early stage of the game, whenever u r not ganking shit, stay in fog. the fact that ur enemies realize u can be anywhere, makes them farm less aka indirect impact.

              if you go for smthng like butterfly and are afraid of mkbs, dont keep oarts of butterfly in ur hero's inventory; they are not that needed. take it from stash when its completed.

              spam spell cancel so that when u actually cast it, enemies wont be prepared (useful on a limited amount of heroes tho).

              learn to move as if u were alone when ur team is around, and vice versa. psychological part of the game is very important.

              when u r pushing, u can retrieve and tp staying in vision to force enemies to chase u and get out of base. unconciously wvery time a player sees some1 tping, he wants to cancel it. use it as a b8.


                @lich early brain dmjd
                good shit im not playing in sub 4k, i get flamed 24/7 for other reasons tho


                  "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak" -Sun Tsu

                  Bad Intentions

                    Naise :]] these are what im looking for, gotta try to remember these gud stuffs.


                      ^techies + venge
                      -venge on mines
                      -techies allchat "pause pls venge afk"
                      -enemy comes to kill afk venge

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^if the enemies are melee you don't even need the swap.

                        El muchacho de los ojos t...

                          play pl

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            1. Pick CK
                            2. Spam canceling Reality Rift
                            2. ???
                            4. ez epi attack


                              Predicting Victory actually makes enemies play better from what ive seen.

                              I would say that n1 is "gg" (after dying) which often leads enemies to overextend.

                              Walk that shit back TURBO

                                @?-_- I've seen a support ck guide on /r/dota2 by Sanguine. The cancel spam is very effective to put fear in their thoughts. A shocking loud sound and a nice cast point long enough to cancel.

                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                  Buy rapier. Don't feed it to the enemy on purpose and still try your best to win/stomp and not lose it, but just buying the rapier makes your trash talkers anxious. This is for teammate trashtalking you)))))))))))))

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                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    ^He was hit in the head as a kid, don't mind him, he can't know better.

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                                    Pale Mannie

                                      ^^i hate this obnoxious russian way of smile so much

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        Pls get out

                                        Paid actor

                                          Try to bait a couple of stun...get actually hit by the stuns and lose ur life in the process...spam "space created".

                                          plz do

                                            (in early laning) players will do everything to get lasthits. abuse it to harrass and/or manipulate the creep equilibrium in ur favor. plus the opponent will be in a very predictable location for skill shots/intiation.

                                            I observed that many players like to stay on the right(east) side of the creep wave in mid lane on their own high ground. on the opponents high ground it tends to be the left(west) side of the creep wave. Nice to keep in mind for skill shots/initiation.

                                            Doctor Ead

                                              Was pretending being afk on enemy base playing Necro, knowing greedy BH would definitely come out to bite it
                                              Dagon lvl5 + Aghanim, oh hi there lil one.


                                                Pick on enemy support. Get 1 gank. Go to all chat "man, do you guys have any wards?".
                                                Build a difficult Lane, get the opposing laner a 0-3 kd. Go to all " hah. You guys will never win with this (opponent laner here) on our team too".
                                                Basically just be evil and get the other team fighting. It's evil mind games. Muahhahaha