General Discussion

General Discussion4k is not deserving to vhs bracket!

4k is not deserving to vhs bracket! in General Discussion
Cr@zy Antz

    valve should up very high skill bracket to 5k plus.... we have mmr inflation i think miracle will get 9k mmr

    Livin' Real Good

      I think Very High Skill starting at 4.0 would be better, and fine cause majority of the player base isn't even 4K, so it makes sense.
      I mean once you get to 7K, honestly, does it matter? Those are usually just pro's or guys who do Dota for a living anyways.

      This comment was edited

        im pretty sure Normal Skill, High Skill, and VHS is all % based anyway.. so if a certain % of the dota2 community achieves 5k, that will be the new requirement for VHS

        can someone confirm

        EZ MID 9k mmr

          mmr is not exactly 'inflated' there are only 200 players in your region with MMR above 6k

          very few players manage to get that 7k+ cream

          if anything mmr is more balanced than it's even been and valves getting better and better with smurf detection

          Cr@zy Antz

            yeah valves should detect smurf and get much 5k's player and ge very high skill bracket if they are deserving

            EZ MID 9k mmr

              would you really be fulfilled knowing that you smurfed to 5k mmr tho?

              Cr@zy Antz



                  Considering that the threshold of the vhs went down from 3800 to 3700 I think that percentage of skilled players went down do to the fact that more and more noobs join the game.


                    Just put ultra high skill bracket which u can only climb to in ranked mm so 5k + something


                      Remove the bracket names altogether and end the never ending wave of pointless threads


                        op, you underestimate the amount of people who have mmr lower than 4k. its smthng like 95-98% of players database


                          Skill =/= MMR!
                          People who've just started playing Dota can be drafted in High Skill within 40 goddamn matches.

                          Cr@zy Antz

                            EZ 4k shit gaming hahahhaha!


                              you definetely know better

