General Discussion

General DiscussionSeriously, what is up with Spectre?

Seriously, what is up with Spectre? in General Discussion
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      OD can rly fuck her up late game even if you 6 sloted

      Wr is also rly annoying to play against as a spec

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        Spectre and disruptor laning against legion commander bane. LC and Bane deny 21 creeps in the laning stage, pick up 2 kills against them. Spectre has no boots at 9 minutes in.

        Ends game 10-10-31.

        Dire Wolf

          well that's the thing, spec can do a lot with just a few items. compared to other carries she only needs like 3 items late game to be as effective as some 6 slotted. It's not unusual for specs to win games with 400 gpm while that would be shit farm for sven or luna. Just diffusal and manta and heart can wreck most supports during an ult.

          Probably your last game though is luna did no tower dmg, didn't push. Probably farmed too long.