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General Discussionspectre questions

spectre questions in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    When do I skip diffusal?

    I had a couple games where I skipped it cus opposing team didn't have squishy heroes or a bunch of int heroes. Is it still worth?

    One game opposing team was huskar, slark, sand king, lina, doom. I feel like huskar, slark, doom don't give a shit about illusions burning their mana during an ult, lina can eul's herself, sk go invis or sand tunnel away, didn't seem that good. Other game was am, es, spirit breaker, pudge, wr.

    Then for late when or would you build a skadi over say a dmg item? I've been trying to build into a late setup of boots, radiance, heart, manta, butterfly, then I don't know if skadi or a dmg item like abyssal or daedulus is better (or diffusal still!). Obviously abyssal if you need the lockdown I guess, like I probably should've gotten in vs that AM, and I had it in bank in that other game were I had aegis.

    Then beyond that everyone bitching about him, build slark, get a shadowblade, go solo spectre before he gets heart it's really easy. Slark is such a gigantic pain in the ass and my team never picks the right shit vs him. I'm not really feeling the op'ness with spec right now, but could be just these two retarded games which were unwinnable no matter what I picked probably. I mean this game lina and dazzle wanted to trilane then they left 5 mins in to roam or some shit and let me solo a necro. Thanks guys! Next game a guy randoms 4th pick nyx for my lane support then pudge still picks pudge for offlane instead of giving it up and getting a real support. Awesome choices! I love trying to zone out mirana with double melee lane.

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        the last 2 games you had seemed like a beauuutiful day for diffusal, look at all those mana hungry heroes....

        its a split getting either manta or diffusal for me. If I feel that I could go aggressive and chase down heroes with my team( drums, dagger and diffusal; were you trying to run, wr?) diffusal is the go to item. If you need to man up and and fist fight those painful hard carries, manta is superb for that extra pure dmg dps.

        Overall manta is always better for the extra stats and jukes, so it ends up to personal comfort really.

        what irks me is radiance late. After butterfly, that evasion is useless anyway. So is the burn worth 1 item slot?


          People say it's a core item for Spectre, it's not.
          But it has an excellent ability, Purge and it's stat gain is quite good too. Plus, the slow and damage+manaburn is quite decent too.

          Dire Wolf

            Which games, the ones I lost? never had a shot in those, you think those wins were good diffusal ones? Why?

            I didn't go radiance late, in one it was phase boots, drums, aquila, yasha, radiance, heart, finish manta, skadi, butterfly. Butter prob way better than skadi too. Other was phase boots, aquila, vanguard, yasha, radiance. Butter is not for the evasion it's for more agi for illusions to wreck, it's typically much better on illusion heroes than dmg items like daedulus, mkb etc.

            Oh I think I misread your question, do you mean why keep radiance late? I still think it's one of the best late game items for spec, one ult and everything takes a ton of dmg.

            "People say it's a core item for Spectre, it's not.
            But it has an excellent ability, Purge and it's stat gain is quite good too. Plus, the slow and damage+manaburn is quite decent too."

            Yes I know it is and I usually get it, it's great vs weak supports for when you ult like cm, lion, witch dr etc. But vs a bunch of strength and agi carries I was unsure.

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            King of Low Prio

              I tried the badman phase urn manta diffuse build and just cant get it to work for me. I just go phase vangard aquila radiance manta and use illusions to split push and split their team and ulti when I can snag one or two out of position.


                pretty sure badman build goes drum too for tankiness.

                King of Low Prio

                  drums are for lil Pusays (guess we are PC on dotabuff now)


                    Since you went Manta I don't think you have to go Diffusal necessary. As Chaoshype said, it's not core, but it's very good item on her.

                    I'd say your items were just fine.


                    Btw, it really depends. You can't say "skadi is worse than Buter".

                    Let's say they have high magical dmg. You're better off with Skadi or Heart then, unless you want to go BKB.

                    Fuck evasion if they'll nuke you to death, right.

                    Same goes for Armor or your illusions, magical team usualy have something like hex/magical nuke that just nukes down your illusion for cheap cost.

                    I'm also preparing to play her, I know the basics and itembuilds, since I played her on my smurf and main a bit, but during my climb to 4k, which I started several days ago, I'd definitly coinsider picking her if I have to go safelane.

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                      illusion melee agility hero, diffusal is insane dps, espicially vs single target thus letting you kill supports and get money for a heart.

                      even vs tanky heroes, diffusal is just too good. I can't see a game where you wouldnt get it

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                          @King of Low Prio

                          drums are lovely when you wanna get involved early, helps get that extra pure dmg we all want with the urn ticks. But if we could build all agility and no tanky items (heart, crimson guard) that would be the dream (Y)

                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            I would say only skip diffusal if they have alot of right click heroes or wk or they already have vlads. I'd make both radiance & diffusal against low HP, spell heavy lineup like rubrick, lina, ds, kotl etc... Almot late game every ult takes llike 1/2 the enemy team's mana and the radiance forces them to go back to base.


                              tihnk u can skip diffusal if u went the radiance build, u will go radiance manta and your 3rd item might sometimes need to be a skaid/heart, 4th item diffusal at like 35 min isnt very ideal lots of the time

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                                  being a metapicker while deviating from the meta build makes you an acceptable human being