General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kind of nerf do you expect spectre to get?

What kind of nerf do you expect spectre to get? in General Discussion
Keke LM

    Topic ^


      She needs none. Gank her early-mid game and she is done.

      Hot Damn, Clarice

        I would like to see small nerf like haunt illusions take 300% damage instead of 200% or rescale desolate to do 15/30/45/60 damage. She doesn't need any large nerf.

        El muchacho de los ojos t...

          Its fine, u only need to focus spectre in the first 12 min and then she well be useless, at least before the min 55 xd

          anctually they should buff shes E to 10% 15% 20% 25%

          Keke LM

            We should ask badman xD

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              If I recall correctly, this is 3rd time that Spectre is OP. Funny how patches go in circles. The samsara of DotA.

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              Keke LM

                I hope io is the next OP hero :( pleeease

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  ^ He was a monster for a long time and is still strong.

                  Keke LM

                    Yes I know but I want io to become a pubstomper rofl

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      Go to YouTube and type Guardian Wisp Dota 2. ez

                      Dire Wolf

                        I don't think they will nerf spec. Spec is strong cus of the meta. If this was still storm and lesh or sniper and troll meta she wouldn't be strong despite the same abilities. Knowing Ice frog though -1 starting armor and agility

                        Pale Mannie

                          Bring break back in Hex and she has less power in lategame

                          Keke LM

                            " -1 starting armour and agility " rofl Symbolic nerf

                            Keke LM

                              " -1 starting armour and agility " rofl Symbolic nerf

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                                  1 armor is significant rather than symbolic though. 6% effective HP against physical attacks in early game is crucial and can decide life or death

                                  ^no plz spec is already shit mana pool

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                                  Keke LM

                                    Spectre might get some indirect nerfs

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      It's enough to make people stop spamming her, look at what happened to jug. He got +6 agi then later they nerfed his armor by 2? I don't remember but everyone stopped picking him. Whether or not it's significant it affects perception a ton.


                                        I expect her to not receive any nerf or something very minor and symbolic. Instead, almost every other hero will get buffed, the meta will change to something Spectre hates, another hero will get an OP buff and people will get something else to cry about.


                                          Maybe reduce the earlier levels of dispersion without nerfing the last level? Or increase Haunt CD slightly. I'd like to see a small nerf to her mid game but leave her lategame untouched. (Basically make it more difficult for her to get 6-slotted but without weakening her late game once she is six-slotted.)

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Could just make desolate and dispersion magic not pure dmg, might be too much nerf

                                            Keke LM

                                              The only buff I want her to get is her model to be changed so she become pretty with a nice voice like windranger *_*


                                                Dispersion isn't pure anymore and I think Desolate would just be bad as magic damage. It is already cancelled when there's a creep or something near the enemy.

                                                Keke LM

                                                  What is needed I think is just a slight nerf so we don't see spectre so often, a minimal nerf, you know, cuz spectre all day is boring lel


                                                    She gets her stat gain nerfed.
                                                    +1.0 STR incoming pls OSfrog

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Just make the stupid ulti illusions actually stunable.


                                                        They can't be stunned? Shit, I've been gone from dota so long I never noticed that.

                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          ^ Love the smell of cycloned illusions shitting on supports.

                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                            @Zano, that's like since forever. Also they have 400 base MS.


                                                              -3 base str and lowered str gain

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                                                              A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                People saying gank her before 12 minutes and she's done XDDD

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  yeah that's not really true, you can gank her sure but you actually have to end the game still. Should be end game before 30 mins and you're good.

                                                                  I forgot they changed dispersion. I think the deso thing would be pretty strong nerf tbh, makes her pickoff potential a lot lower, a lot of those ults that wipe entire teams are cus they are spread out and taking full deso dmg. With normal magic resistance on heroes it would lower desolate dmg to 15/26.25/37.5/48.25. That's a pretty sizable nerf without being game breaking imo and then you could get stuff like pipe to counter her.


                                                                    You guys must not remember old despersion or even despersion before it lessened with distance..... A CM would melt just standing anywhere near spec if the whole team was attacking spec


                                                                      They might make manta illusions proc desolate less similar to anti age but besides that she is fine. Shut her down early ha,e and you'll be good.

                                                                      plz do

                                                                        next patch, she will be gone and forgotten. no matter wether she is hit by a direct nerf-hammer or not.

                                                                        Swap Commends

                                                                          She is the same as everytime.


                                                                            a nerf to drums would work for both enchantress and spectre which is pretty good, i guess


                                                                              like, make this item to not have any active form with charges


                                                                                Reduce the damage the ulti does.. Just stupid to have a hard carry that deals 30% of his hp in aoe damage as well as an ulti that takes supports to 60% on it's own.

                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                  Buff all heroes and she looks like nerfed

                                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                                    nerf her str gain, 1.2khp ehp at lvl 8 is retarded


                                                                                      Haunt will be one second shorter I'm guessing.

                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        I think Spec has a good winrate this meta partly because every Normal skill player is a slow-brained dickhead who never ever fucking listens to me when I say, 'Lets go gank Spec, guys'. Basically becomes a monster if your team has the coordination of sea planktons.


                                                                                          They're gunna nerf his ags upgrade


                                                                                          Spectre highest winrate hero with ags because... its spectre.

                                                                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                            Lower her HP a bit. So annoying to win the first 40 minutes of the game and delay her radiance to 30+ minutes only to lose in a 50-80 minute game, cuz team wouldn't push high ground etc... Yea her desolate is way too strong versus INT heroes. Maybe even giving her Dispersion a miss chance like 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%.


                                                                                              nerf her passives a little


                                                                                                @Defianc3 Specs actually went Aghs? 4Head BibleThump WutFace

                                                                                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                                                  Spectre doesn't need any change, the pick rate increased because of meta and the 17% evassion of radiance, so rushing radiance make him strong at min 20-25 mark, and doesn't need to wait till min 35 with 6 slot in his inventory.

                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    Except people don't even go Radiance anymore. They just realized how strong this so-called "late game hero" is in the early game as well.

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                                                                                                      this is like the MoM meta all over again


                                                                                                        People are changing from radiance rush brown boots at 20 minutes spectre into, phase/treads+combination of aquila/urn/drums/vanguard/diffusal blade at 30 minutes and then getting a late game radiance at 40 minutes. Radiance is still by far the highest built item on her and with one of the highest winrates of the item when commonly built. Eg compare her 70% winrate with radiance to Naga's 53% winrate with radiance.