General Discussion

General DiscussionSome personal thoughts about the essence of this videogame

Some personal thoughts about the essence of this videogame in General Discussion

    Hello everyone and thanks for the precious time you are dedicating to this topic.

    I would like to share some thoughts about how dota 2 works (from my personal experience, of course).

    These are my personal (and I underline personal) opinions.

    1)it's a team game: this means that one player can do whatever he wants (like playing alone, wrecking the entire enemy team, etc), but if his / her own team does not follow, the chances of losing are not so far. Usually one player can't kill all the enemy team unless he is very over "farmed" (which is not so common) and even in that case, sometimes the death happens.

    2)The chances of winning usually are always 50/50: this means that from my personal point of view it's not worth struggling more than necessary to try to win. If you and your team are better than the other, you should at least have an advantage. Every member can do max 20% of all the team's work. Not more. Despite what happens in some non-so-common matches, a support hero can't usually carry the game, the mid laner can't do much in the late game and the hard carry can't kill everyone 1 v 5. Usually.

    3)Six things in this game are the key to win: intelligence, attitude, experience, knowledge, communication and luck.

    4)If a person seems to be "toxic", this game is the only environment when that person does not deserve a second chance and should be instantly muted (and / or reported, if necessary).

    5)it's a videogame and like all the videogames, the main purpose should be "play for fun" and, for people who want to improve and ho foward "playing professionally". Playing to win is a wrong purpose, for the reasons I explaied before and also because as soon as your game does not go as you planned to (yes, it's Dota, not tetris. it's not easy) usually it starts the "negative" phase. The sentences like "game is over" after ten minutes since the game starts and things like those. So, if you really want t go foward, don't forget this is a videogame and you should aim to play professionally and good, but never to win. Because you can do whatever you want, your winrate will always be around 50%. That's how the game works.

    6)The community is, generally, toxic and ignorant. There are good people and there are bad people. Good people are those who are communicative, friendly, try to help each other andnever say something rude, negative and stuff like that. bad people are the opposite. Good people have a constructive attitude. bad people have a destructive attitude. Good creates. Evil destroys.

    7)The MMR hell does not exist. probably the algorythm used to calibrate might not be perfect (we are human, after all) but if you obtained that score in that precise moment of your career, there must be a reason. If you think you deserve a higher MMR, you will get it. Some people say "eh, my teammates suck. How can I get a higher mmr if my team mates are so bad?". The answer is: are you that good? Are you so perfect you feel in right to judge the others? Start looking and focusing on yourself and improving on what you do. You single impact will be felt in the game, trust me. Remember, you can't do more than 20% of the work. Also, pointing to the allies as "bad players" is a destructive attitude.
    if you want to improve, then you need to work on yourself, not on the others. You are the one who has to get better. Your allies are supposed to be at the same level as you, even if (sometimes) for different reasons.

    8)I played once (or twice, I don't remember well) with 6k MMR people. The differences I noticed are the followings: they think faster; they take important decisions (like a smoke gank) a lot faster than me (my mmr is lower than 6k); they communicate when necessary and theny don't usually chat for other purposes; the never "afk", they always have something to do; they have more experience and know how this game works; the have faster reflexes; they are very focused only on one purpose.

    That's it. I just wanted to talk about it.

    Thanks for your attention and I wish you happy internet surfing.

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    a funk

      Nice read. I was thinking of something like this. If you break your analysis down by the potentially-flawed but mostly-accurate mmr system, what separates 1k from 2k players? 2k from 3k? And so on. Both tangible (apm, cs, etc) and intangible (foresight, player synergy etc). What can each bracket look at to improve themselves?


        I disagree about one thing, you have to attitude to want to win.
        Of course you want to be professional. Be kind and all that. But, what's the point if you are losing and you give up already before it ends? Losing for me is never fun. Even in unranked.

        I play to win. No matter the situation.


          About toxicity: if you (I don't necessarily mean you) join a ranked VHS game, and pick crap hero and use a retard-only strat, I will most definitely be toxic to you (u got non-ranked for that), cose you dont deserve to be there and u ruin my fun of trying to win. Otherwise I will certainly be nice and friendly to you...

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              play it like a game, uninstall like a whiner