General Discussion

General Discussion73 denies

73 denies in General Discussion

    your % winrate, your bracket god tumors in my monitor


      I have a 100% winrate as Invoker.

      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        ^ Your game was longer than mine.


          if the number of deny was linear to length of game, you'd get 103 deny with my length.
          (not to mention that we deny much more early game, so 103 is a big overvalue of what you would get)

          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            No, I would have denied more if my team didn't keep on pushing. I just wanted to farm but they just wanted to push. They just wouldn't leave me alone so I could farm.

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            Pale Mannie

              BrokeBack 5K HERO DAMAGE WITH RAPIER AND DAGON BrokeBack

              Wet Old Soggy Vegetable

                Lol, fucking 35% normal skill russian trash. Why do you even play dota?


                  not to mention matrice plays in 7k bracket and you play in 300 bracket

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                    So the reason he cant last hit is that he is to retarded to move behind the enemy creeps to last hit. because he is already behind his creeps by default he has a better chance to deny

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      I just wanted to farm, but my team kept on going for kills and pushing my minion wave(((((

                      Pale Mannie

                        Learn to Dota

                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                          Denying creeps doesnt matter what bracket you're in. You're attacking creeps.


                            ^ are u retarded? fucking bot


                              minion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                From which fairy tale have you appeared? FailFish

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                                  My sincere and deepest condolences for the people that one day, mistakenly believing in having fun playing some doto, get you in their team. Oh poor them


                                    Try to deny creeps the same way in 5.5k bracket and you will be fucked every time


                                      my lord thor what happened? u cannot last hit so u are denying instead? if u have taken your last hits, u could have 7 rapiers :((

                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        kakaka 73 last hits, 23 creep kill, that's like afk laning, I supose the last 23 last hits was from throne with rapier??

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          when your denies are triple your cs that's not something you should brag about.

                                          plus my eyes.... dk with no boots and double deso on opposing team. I mean you are like the king of retards with your bootless dagon rapier build but still the retardedness abounds.

                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                            i just wanted to farm. But my team kept on pushing my creep wave. I was so frustrated.


                                              It looks like you were just looking for denies. That's not the way you earn gold. You said you were trying to farm, but your team kept pushing. Oh well, how about tp to another lane and keep farming? Or there is even jungle if you wanted to farm that much.
                                              You must have some kind of retard if you planned to farm, but ended the game with 23 last hits. Even worse, with RIKI. All you must do is to stay behind an enemy creep, then last hit it.

                                              About your item build on Riki, based on your winrate with him, sounds like it sucks. You have crappy mobility, and it doesn't contribute to your team as a teammate. If you're looking for frags, there are better games to do so. Try some FPS, etc. Also, great.. let's feed rapiers, let's throw the game. Woohoo!

                                              Seriously, I think this guy is that "Pudge NOOB Something" guy, who had 300 MMR and came out on forums with billions of insane high level strategies and heroes synergies.

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                @Goku they kept on drawing the enemies to my lane while I'm trying to farm, so I had to TP back to base every time because they keep on attacking me as I'm farming.


                                                  I think you missed the part in which I said you should tp to another lane and keep farming.


                                                    lmao lol, good job on the 73 denies. Did it win you the game or help you get more gold?

                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                      @Goku Super Safadjin

                                                      They ended the game before I could amass large numbers of farm.


                                                      Actually it did win me the game.

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                                                        Ok, 30 mins game where you were not able to farm 1 creep per minute.

                                                        Based on your records, I can assume 120 creeps kills is a large number of farm for you. Even a support could do better.

                                                        "Actually it did win me the game"

                                                        Yeah, we shouldn't count the fact that it was 5 vs 3.

                                                        Stop being so egocentric.

                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                                                          they left because of how hard I was owning.

                                                          They knew they couldn't keep up.
                                                          I was denying so much that they couldn't farm at all.

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                                                            ROFL yeah you're a beast, bro! You're the best!

                                                            Vladimir Putin

                                                              I love this guy. Dagon Eblade Riki is a CHI LONG QUA approved build.


                                                                u have 1 more but I got much more cs


                                                                  ooooooo 73. not to shabby