General Discussion

General DiscussionTilt to strong

Tilt to strong in General Discussion

    I cant even do anything in my game at the moment, and half the people in my team havent even won more than 5 in the past 20

    I really feel the force 50% winrate

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      I feel you dude ...I got out of a 6 games losing streak few days ago...during the losing streak my team were literally retards mid feeds, all carry game, no courier and no wards...Feelsbadman

      yung griphook

        focus entirely on yourself when you play

        understand your mistakes and don't get mad. It's the key


          ^ agreed dota is not a team game

          yung griphook

            it's a team game but don't waste your time and energy trying to convince your retard carry why he should upgrade his brown boots or buy a bkb. Just focus on what you can do better, and don't worry about how others play. That's what I mean.


              haha! i feel you that's why i created a new account... feel the pain baby. grind it grind it grind it until u get back to VHS


                In my windranger game i just muted my team expect for my friend of course! I don't know why but when ever I'm not in a fight my entire team is dead, they just preform so badly without me. And now they are pissing me off because they might be 0/12 but they all report me now. I basically got 6 reports in 1 game, 2 from the other team who traded reports to report someone on their team. Yeah i'M 0/4 But im un able to do anything since they have all died over 10 times


                  Hate when you are paired with team-mates who are obviously tilting. Best thing to do, is check their profiles on load, and if you see a bunch of losing streaks, play Omni, or Beastmaster, or some rat hero. Best way for me to get out of the hole.
                  Also, just not giving a crap, and just randoming does good for your soul too.


                    When you're at your real position, there's almost no way to escape the 50%, except u do sth to break the balance, tilt or girnd.

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                      I have 60% winrate over the last 3 months. Every two-three weeks games become really hard to win and most of my team are on massive tilts.

                      Bad Intentions

                        Yo swirl, dats dotes man, we jst have to continue to be effective and hopefully grind out dem wins :]


                          Stop spamming Veno xD

                          Giant Sloth

                            There are ups and downs. The problem for me is that the ups require hard work and strong improvement and the downs happen without me being able to see the problem in my play. I change nothing unless a new patch hits or the meta shifts strongly.

                            Concentrating on yourself is probably correct but damning yourself for every loss despite it being rather obvious someone in your team just gave away the game with a retarded item pick up, pick or multiple bad plays is actually insane. I improved massively over the three years I play now, managed to get to 3,7k from 2,7k but I lost everything in about a month. I was not tilting. I was not playing any worse myself. But somehow there now always was a bad jungler, an unintentional feeder or someone just not getting the game in the slightest. 40% winrante teammates all around. If it was not for the compendium and the quests I would have stopped ranked and probably dota in general.

                            It is a bit like real life. You can work on yourself, improve and get better. But you can fuck up yourself or have bad luck like getting sick or your employer going bankrupt. It is annoying as fuck when you know you worked for it and someone else is destroying it without you having any say in it or any impact on them for that matter. But that is how it is.


                              How the hell did you lose this one -

                              Bad Intentions

                                ^damn somethin crazy happened at 30 mins mark, might have to check the replay on dat one.


                                  ^ killed a lot, but didn't break t1 tower. How can he win if he doesn't want to push. Just see his stats, 24 kills, 0 Tower Damage.

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                                  Giant Sloth

                                    ^ looks like it. A lot of people seem to believe dota is some kind of death match game where you win when you get 40 kills on your team.


                                      I fucked up once and lost the game. But it's frustrating to be the only one that decides the games in my team

                                      lm ao



                                          also I could never push at the end of fights i was extremely low

                                          lm ao



                                              ^ you always have chance to break t1 tower, especially late game, no bd protection, with your items it'll take less than 10 sec.


                                                with natures, and shadow shaman you cant when all lanes are pushed in hard


                                                  Tinker is like literally the depush god, and there was an Antimage as well. They must have screwed up something bad.


                                                    Did you see anti-mages damage. and last hits compared to tower damage.


                                                      Literally anything below 3.8k+ is not about your team-mates, but it's about your ability to perform 1v9 sometimes. Long story short, you're not good enough.

                                                      After 3.7-3.8k, you get matched with 4k+ people and often, you can end up with enemy 4.5k solo/4.2k party as highest mmr against yours 3.7kk party / 3.3k solo.

                                                      And yes, before you ask, you get, sometimes, 500 mmr difference between highest mmr on average.

                                                      So it can get tricky to win those games, but then again, they are just, let's say, 2 out of 10.

                                                      Basically get good.


                                                        That's not me.

                                                        Giant Sloth

                                                          @Shred you to bits: Depends on your forte. If your forte is coordinating people and having map awareness but not mechanical skill you might be on average worth 4k or 5k but at low mmr it is utterly impossible to make people listen to you. What I mean with that is to keep them from diving base at 20 minutes, make them rosh or take objectives. If you see mmr as pure representation of your mechanical skill, you are right. If you see it as an aggregate of multiple subsets of skills I think it is incredibly hard if you are only slightly better and not mechanically superior.


                                                            ^ shred point to be noted here.


                                                              Shreds point to be discarded.

                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                Yo shred, swirls not too bad mannn, hes climbing the ranks and will be on the next bracket soon :]

                                                                yung griphook

                                                                  @Eldury If I am already tilted and I see someone random a visage or some shit I will most likely tilt into oblivion

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                                                                      Nobody has experienced forced 50% harder than me.

                                                                      lm ao

                                                                        how do i win as death prophet like wtf i am so brain dead

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          Lels shred what is wrong with you can u stop spewing low-value judgments everywhere


                                                                            tilt isn't real


                                                                              ^4k mentality is strong

                                                                              Also to OP, you have 55% winrate m8, just keep this up on the big scale and you're fine.


                                                                                Yo swirl maybe you should shut the fuck up in your games and stop shittalking and idk maybe actually listen to players who are better than you instead of being the dumb shit chatter blissfully typing away whilst everyone else stays silent because they have social training


                                                                                  i don't even know if you have potential to be better because you're so fucking annoying


                                                                                    I 100% guarantee if you mute yourself you'll win more