General Discussion

General DiscussionSven's meta huh? Sven in the last 3 games so far.

Sven's meta huh? Sven in the last 3 games so far. in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    Feels like it, i haven't been watching the majors, did I miss something? Or coincidence?

    bum farto

      Sven > Spec

      That's partially how he emerged, I said this in a post ages ago that Sven would be the one. Legit no carry can farm as fast as a Sven can.

      Zeus, OD, Sven, Windrunner are all super meta, Spec disappearing a bit.

      plz do

        ^ can u explain why windrunner? havent seen her in 4k pubs lately (i know salza spams it.. but hes like the only one)


          weeee sven. chosen a good time to quit.

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Been rocking Sven lately. Very strong hero atm.

            Livin' Real Good

              I called Spectre at the start of this patch. lol

              Thanks, guess it's time to learn some Sven.

              I don't agree with Wind ranger, but next patch for sure once her competition gets nerfed, also TA, calling those two.

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              Dune, the Desert Planet

                IDK how I got 1.1k XPM this game:


                  I'd say sven and zeus are the two strongest, at least in pubs. insane dps potential

                  Bulwark ♪

                    sven is getting spam picked a lot in the major and just looks really flashy.

                    even though sven looks flashy, he doesn't win games any more than spectre. specture has a highier win rate, kda, and hero damage per game. Sven only beats spectre in ability to farm and in-lane fighting. Spectre is better at everything else, including team fighting. (in this major)

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                      Great, I got a 0% winrate on Sven too. Lost both games I've played him.

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Spectre has team fight, only thing that sets her apart, team fight the last few patches has been sooo important than ever, 6.84 was INSANELY team fight oriented, but honestly one of the funnest patches ever. (Storm, Queen, Lina, SF, Leshrac, Wind ranger picked a few times) (Also Tusk, FUCK UNDYING though, and a few more supports) Very fun patch back then. But I don't really like team fight meta, I like solo pick offs and stuff.

                        King of Low Prio

                          I never wanna see lesh come back again


                            I'm fine with any meta that isn't 6.83 farm meta, only Sniper, Jugger, Troll and heroes who can counter them are good, 65+ mins average duration matches.


                              Sven is better in the early laning stage compared to Spectre ...he also has higher armor and movement speed

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                                  finally someone recognizing that windranger thanks havoc sama

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                                      Medusa is good vs Sven. Don't be surprised if u see more Medusa picks

                                      Edit: Sven is usually underwhelming with a 5sec bkb. Medusa ult ruins Sven, also farmed medusa only get tickled by Sven

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                                        depends who gets the jump I think

                                        if sven blink stuns right away with god strength already activated and bkb he's going to kill wind obviously, anyone sven does that to will most likely die.

                                        however, wind can keep sven disabled with a shackle and scythe very well. and windrun is also very good vs him pre mkb.

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                                            i'm too lazy to debate anything right now so i give you the win kitrak

                                            Covenant of Blood

                                              guy anyone can help me to improve with sven? (Note: im in normal skill)
                                              just wandering how get 60 LH@10min in match with fast rotations. should i avoid fights and just farm?

                                              thanks for help.

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                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                You lazy bum


                                                  ^You really should just farm, i think only tp for fights if its going to get you kills, a tower, or both. else just try and get that 100 cs @ 10.

                                                  if you want to counter sven, ursa is super good. sven with 6 items cant fight ursa with only 5. Also i have bear-based bias.

                                                  imo hes just too easily kited tho, invoker, furion, and many other popular picks will never let you get close.

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                                                      you have sven-based bias.

                                                      edit: who are good mids that stop him? ta maybe?

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                                                        Covenant of Blood

                                                          @Defianc3 Thanks man. Till now my best cs is around 30 @10min (i sucks, i know xD) so maybe i should get neutrals and ancient during this 10 min.


                                                            idk when you end up doing ancients, i'd wait until 3 stacks. just do 2-3 stack hard and med camps.

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                                                                What happened in your last game? It looks like you outpicked enemy team.


                                                                  I think pros are being blind, they should be picking ck against spectre and specifically this hard pushing meta to break highground. Just build whatever you need as long as its nit armlet and you're good to go. Farm treads drums and you're ready to destroy, assuming you banned OD ir not playing against it. He can easily zone out the offlaner and get sven level farm. I like to go bf then hearth on him and with good farm he ahould should roughly have those items by min20 then just bkb and game over. If it goes later manta just makes him stronger so really why the fuck be a stagnant piece of shit hero like sven when you can be mobile with ck and deal the same amount of damage, literally don't let people escape and bring towers down faster!!


                                                                    Eh? Isn't Sven a counter to CK?

                                                                    Oh, forget it, you suddenly start to talk about Spectre in topic about Sven, sorry. =)

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                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      Warcry armor is retarded. Either that or the ulti damage or at least the cleave percentage needs to get lower.


                                                                        How can anyone think that Sven is a hero after these two games?


                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                          All the carrys are getting nerfed, Slark's time is coming soon, same with wind ranger and TA. hehe'

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                                                                            what works in pro games != what works in your games.

                                                                            also invoker and OD kite hard.

                                                                            also OD and OD kite hard.

                                                                            also OD and OD hard OD.

                                                                            also OD OD OD OD OD OD.



                                                                              if you type OD in a row a lot it looks like a bunch of NAND gates, which as we know is false only if all its inputs are true.

                                                                              so if everything is true except when it really is the truth, can you OD on OD?


                                                                                "what works in pro games != what works in your games."
                                                                                This is main reason not to pick Sven and not to max cleave first if you insist on picking him.

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