General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease straighten my view on this hero

Please straighten my view on this hero in General Discussion

    Ok guys.

    I wanna say a few thing about Necrophos. My most played and successful hero. Please give me your comments nicely.

    I think he's very flexible. He can play safelane, offlane, also midlane (although I think there a better midlaners due to last hitting and mobility problems)

    He can be semi-carry, offlaner(tank), semi support(I wouldn't recommend it tho)


    I think he has the capability to be a carry, not hard carry like AM or LC. At least when you open dota2. You can click on the profile of the hero that he has 1 from 3 points in carry role...other is nuker I believe.

    If I have 1 hard carry, I would have more impact since early game. And also indirect impact; respawning time. and quite big impact in level 6ish fights or ganks.

    Now, this is my pov. This is a hero that excels and help his team in teamfights. The aura, healing and nuke, not to mention if you have mek and bloodstone will almost certainly win you many fights ( noting that you know when to take fights).

    He's not like other carry with right clicking...his positives are from his abilities to nuke and heal in teamfights, I dunno how to say this but if u play Necro u get the idea.

    Just by being tanky, with your nuke and ulti is devastating enough...

    Him being a support is acceptable. But not maximizing his potential. He needs gold to buy items. I build him items which can benefit the team like mek, bloodstone, and pipe.. now that needs sone farm...these items could prolong the survivability of your team in big 5v5 fights.

    If he is tankable, that also means he can carry enough of his team. That's why buying those items I mentioned above maximize the potential of him...being tanky as well as somehow carry.

    He's versatile...not much of a carry, but not a supp...hope u got the idea.


      he's a core hero.


        He is.


          I think whether you play him support or core, after your early items, Aghanim's Sceptre becomes necessary on him. That ridiculous added time on enemy to respawn (no buy back if died to Aghanim's ultimate) turns the matches in your favour.

          I like him as Carry (LodA) or position 4 with Aghanim (Rubick style).


            why not just say that instead of writing 5 paragraphs trying to explain how he's not a hard carry or a support.

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              Necro is possibly the worst hero you can meet as safelane carry. You won't get last hits and he's passively killing you while you're going in for hits, he's hitting you for 2-3 hits. His blademail/dagon build is annoying and really good as well as his carry radiance/shadowblade build. You won't last more than 5 seconds in 5v5 fights.

              Necro is like veno in mid-game he needs to SHOW the enemy team his power. Otherwise he will fall off later. Making mek and aghs just delays his carry potential and shouild be only your 3rd or 4th item unless you are going full support than it'll be your 2nd item 30 minutes into the game.


                Making mek 3rd or 4th item is not a good idea. Mek loses a lot of its potency as the game goes on and necro loves the armor. If you're getting it t should be your first item.


                  And ps he is only a pain to lane against if you don't realise you can buy an extra set of tangoes during the owning phase.