General Discussion

General DiscussionAs a carry main I need a support not 4 other carries.

As a carry main I need a support not 4 other carries. in General Discussion
OG Kush

    Hello my name is Riki, I get rapiers for the raw damage. I don't know why my team is flaming me, I can't help I died under a sentry, if only I had a support to deward that sentry I wouldn't get killed! My team is so retarded!


      There is some thing wrong with you. You are smurfing lol

      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        My last game had 5 carries. I'm so fucking lucky it's safe to leave.

        I can't help I died under a sentry, if only I had a support to deward that sentry I wouldn't get killed!

        Exactly. That's why we need supports to deward.

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          i'm the center of the world and everyone else has to play around me or i'll complain that i didn't get my way

          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            Well, ya snooze ya lose. If you don't lock in fast enough and you're 5th pick and we already have 4 carries, then you're support) simple as that) If you want to play a hero so bad, then pick it first))


              I basically had to stop supporting because of people like you, OP. Now I WILL pick a 5th carry/core if I see a team going all carry because I know the team will be noob. Support in 2k MMR means you get flamed all day for not warding (even when there are 3 wards up and none left to buy in the shop) and then get blamed when the carries feed and can't get the job done. Even when carry does have success, no thanks given for my support. That is why I rarely support anymore.

              wait for me

                bluejack287, Dude no one in DOTAbuff is as bad as this riki-Dagon spammer. Don't worry. I'm also a normal skill player but I pick supp whenever my team needs one. Check out my last Phoenix match.


                  Riki spammer with 37% win rate and refusing to play anything else, despite everyone's advice?

                  Please change your nick and avatar to "Riki"!

                  This thread made my day.


                    BigJoe first picks Omniknight

                    BigJoe buys sentrys and wards

                    BigJoe climbs from 800 mmr to 2k

                    Be like Bigjoe

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                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      BigJoe gets trolled by the whole team and not taken seriously because he's not a carry.

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                      Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                        @MVP Salza at my bracket I almost always support because nobody shows the slightest interest doing this

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                          If this guy is a smurf, why does he plays so bad then?


                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! an hour ago

                            BigJoe gets trolled by the whole team and not taken seriously because he's not a carry.

                            BigJoe doesn't care as he still gets to keep his +25 mmr

                            Dire Wolf

                              I've never seen anyone troll an omni knight


                                in 2k I feel like I get flamed significantly more when I play support than when I play a core role, even though I'm more successful as a support player.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  uh well some carries blame their supports for not securing the lane, but generally whoever feeds gets flamed. Losing mid is probably the surest way

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    I don't blame supports.

                                    In fact I often recommend anyone who picks a support in my games and actually do their job supporting (no full-damage supports) because of how rare they are. Supports are rarer in Dota 2 than werewolves are in the real world.


                                      let us salute @BigJoe
                                      he plays a support despite all the retards
                                      he plays the highest win rate hero in dota
                                      he keeps getting +25
                                      Be like @BigJoe and not like Phantom Riki


                                        u are just a noob making excuse to not improve . wew get rekt son


                                          Well, all people want to be a carry..who the f**k want to play supp anyway especially in lower brackets..everyone want to be a star..


                                            is the man would love to have him in my team <3

                                            ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                              BigJoe gets trolled by the whole team and not taken seriously because he's not a carry.
                                              BigJoe doesn't care as he still gets to keep his +25 mmr
                                              BigJoe keep getting up in his MMR

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! doesn't care because he is too busy trolling with his riki
                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! keep getting down in his MMR, however
                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! still blaming everyone and still thinking he is the best and MAIN CARRY
                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! never accept advise and never getting better in dota

                                              90% of dotabuff member keep laughing at ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! threads


                                              I also love BigJoe <3 <3 <3
                                              I am also often supporting since in lower bracket rarely find support...


                                                haha smurf acc yet in "normal skill bracket"


                                                  Thank you BigJoe for the great advice!

                                                  except i keep getting +8 and +30 because matchmaking is broked.

                                                  The Joker

                                                    I play support? Don't worry my team will feed invoker mid and make comeback impossible anyways (Fuck the support life, I'll go with carry if I have to support a "thing that is very heavy yet useless" so that I won't end up being "crushed" by it)



                                                      Thanks for all the love

                                                      But seriously guys, I think this Riki is a Long Qua dynasty member doing an experiment on Dotabuff... And there's nothing we can do about it

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