5k here
You farm slow, like terribly slow. If I was mid lc there i would have had at least 280 cs by 50, 300 would be average. So that's one thing.
Another thing: Your teamfighting is terrible, and you don't join all the right fights. You don't even recognize which fights to join, obviously.
You go aghs which is retarded, because the extra time that duel lasts isn't worth the gold, you might as well have built towards an AC. Aghs in that particular game is a fucking terrible waste of money because you can't 1v1 the enemy cores anyway. You made bad item choices
All i see is a noob guy, and the fucking worst part is you don't seem to understand just how bad you've been playing.
People like you fucking complain about the worst shit and act like EE or RTZ wouldn't have done any fucking better. Christ.
Aghs is a great item if u have enough +dmg stolen. U can insta kill any of 3 enemy heroes. Truth is zeus seemed to play like trash getting aghs before refr, and bs picker lost u 50% of the game from minute 1.
So just move on, this is dota...
I can only say 2 things about you.
1: You are the reason why the community is toxic.
2: Read 6.86 patch notes plz.
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Team picks weaver after they pick bh,picks zeus after they pick pugna
Silencer goes shadow blade vs bh and calling "shhhh bitch,I am pro"
Jugger first item maelstrom after bf,zero fight with team and calling "I am taking towers" while zero TD.
Can you tell me What can I do beside moving on ?