General Discussion

General DiscussionPersonality Archetypes in RMM.

Personality Archetypes in RMM. in General Discussion

    Theres the 'Captain'. This guy orders everybody to do stuff, often excessively. More often than not, his decisions are good ones but his utter lack of communication skills means he's irritating as fuck and nobody wants to listen to him. He is irritating in the sense that he is either too demanding or he speaks to you in such a polite/kind/babyspeech manner that shows he's looking down on you from way above despite having the same MMR. He tends to think he is smart but is ironically too dumb to realize the correct way to direct people.

    The 'Muter'. This guy, like the Captain, thinks he is heads above the rest. The difference is that he has no interest in interacting with anyone. As a result, he often has bad habits ingrained into his gameplay. Ideas such as making space or other strategic moves are unknown to him. He mostly plays mid/carry. As a result of muting everyone to avoid 'toxicity', he creates it because his actions are likely to piss off his teammates. By muting them, he will never know important discussions such as whether or not to smoke. He might eventually grind up in MMR by tryharding but will never realize he could have gone up much faster by learning the game properly.

    lol I can think of a dozen others but ironically I think every dota player personality could be categorized under 10 archetypes rofl.


      Can you list the archetypes?


        wheres the tilter, the name-caller, the (fail) hero spammer, the puller, etc

        Miku Plays

          The fck who cares is me

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          The Joker

            "Me mid or feed"

            Often heard this when our team got SF and Invoker


              I'll try. " The support". Game starts and someone fisrt picks Treant Protector, then you get falses hopes of having a nice game because someone wasn't "forced" to play support role. That's when you miserably fail. The guy buys ward set, animal courier and pools 2 tangoes to the ever demanding mid. Then the same guy thinks he's done with the supporting thing and starts to farm his aghanim at the cost of his team being outnumberded all the time. But u know? He thinks he did a good job, he's a support and bought courier and wards and flames rest of the team. Just fuck those guys!


                HAHAHHAA TOLD YA. u play in sea right?


                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  The "asshole" who just rages at people and trash talks for no reason.

                  The "sniper spammer" who usually deserves a lower mmr but got a higher mmr just because of his easy hero.

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                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                    "The Blamer." No matter how shitty this person plays. They will always find any excuse to shift the blame to somehow else or call them out for something dumb.

                    ex. 1. Mid or carry dies. Spams we need wards when there's 2-4 wards on the map and wards being on cool down.




                        The "I'm solo support so don't expect me to buy wards"

                        D the Superior
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                          We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                            I don't think you're a retard cutie pie.


                              There is always "the butthurt" in one of the teams, this guy will usualy flame as soon as game starts be it for team having a jungler, him not getting core roles or somebody picking an unorthodox hero for the role they are playing. Butthurts will often try to imitate human like abilities poorly mimicrying the human languages or simply attempting to look like they are in a social bond with the rest of the team when flaming a particular person. But don't mistake them for humans, as soon as they deem a member of the team unworthy of their presence for a real reason or simply out of pure hate no matter game not starting yet they will attempt to assist the enemy team much more effectively than by just feeding; they will feed gems, block allied jungle camps, kill/fight over the courier, spam wards in base or simply try to make the whole team argue; they will never DC no matter how long the game ends up being, they will never give up, when the whole team turns against them they will rationalize their actions and guilt trip a random dude, always asking the lobby to report somebody when the match ends. They are most often account buyers and smurfs from a lower mmr bracket, most likely vengeful league players or young dota 2 community members who don't understand how the game works yet so they imagine themselves as vigilantes and justice wariors.