General Discussion

General Discussionhow the fuck do i play against meepo

how the fuck do i play against meepo in General Discussion

    everytime this little shit sits mid, meanwhile farms whole jungle, gets blink agh in 16th min and proceeds to instakill everyone because idiots keep going solo until he has max lvl in 25th min
    what the fuck do i do

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    waku waku

      you have raised your standards a little too high ever since you jumped in mmr, maybe it's time to bring them back down and accept that there are a lot of games which you just can't win because of bad picks and teammates


        u want an advice from noob? maybe phantom riki can answer.

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          If he snowballs, invest everything into killing him once. Congratulations, all the advantage is now gone, your supports are 3 levels higher than a carry on his team and he dies first in every fight from that point.


            go 5 man, he's super bad in big teamfights. if you kill meepo once he feeds you 1k gold and he's dead for like 100 seconds. also don't let him rosh
            and you can counter him directly with like half of the hero pool

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                Sven, Ember, Lich, Ebola Spirit, Earth shaker, WD, Warlock, Jakiro, Also PA with BKB and bf, WW

                On mid good against TA and Qop, maybe pudge also (but who plays pudge mid now), against rest is shit and should never have 16 min blink aghs.

                EDIT: When it comes to your game, hes good against omni + diff build.

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                The Joker

                  Pick whoever the hell that have an abilities to nuke meepo off to the orbit as if there is only one meepo there