General Discussion

General DiscussionWell I'm done supporting for the rest of my solo Que life

Well I'm done supporting for the rest of my solo Que life in General Discussion

    Honestly don't care if we have 5 carries anymore, love being the support with the highest hero damage in games. the pure fact that if im support I can't push which is how you win the fucking game. Also I can actually deal damage as the carry unlike many others i play with.

    When I'm with my friends I win that's why I have 70% winrate in highskill. for example my kotl game i was happy to support since i was getting carried for once in my life and I was the reason we had the xp swing and won the game with my blinding light on their initiation.

    lm ao

      I have 190 in aus but 170 usw. Wtf lolololol

      Err you have the wrong notion of playing support, but if you want i can pos5 for u if u decide to yoloblaze sea ranked

      lm ao

        If u are solo supporting pls dont pick kotl xd

        Nor lion, shaman, cm, or sum stuff cause u might go against a super aggro duo offlane (sometimes of 2 carries lol thats why theyll try to net kills instead)

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            I have 170 in sea

            lm ao

              Abbadon is gucci.

              If your retatded safelane gets punished by off duo for being terrible at oositioning u can just shield away any debuff that couldve killed him and heal his lucky ass

              Also I do not get how you just played sea only for the pire reason of spiting us people

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                lm ao

                  Kitrak pls give a pool of meta-wise support heroes plis ty senpai u so gud desuuuu~ ^_^


                    I've risen over 2000 mmr, I have never spammed the meta heros either. I stopped playimg bloodseeker when he was meta. Never spammed spectre or OD. I am happy with my win rate but there have been so many games where I have lost since Ive supported, since i lack the push and being able to win the fight myself

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                        Miku Plays

                          venge is free win, wyvern can be a good pick situationally (meepo, heavy right click team )


                            Just pick Enigma, can actually farm unlike most supports, good spells, good team fight.

                            Had to play him 5 times recently to get the 90 second disable challenge and won 4/5. Had played him 8 times before then and won 6/8.

                            Then you just run an offlaner in the safelane and send your carry and support to the offlane so they can deal with the enemy safelane rather than let the safelaner get freefarm by having a solo offlaner.

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                              Bad Intentions

                                Yo swirl, support life dey say is a hard life man :] one option for ya is do a multi role hero who can sup and deal damage :] and there is only one hero dat does this perfectly :]

                                lm ao

                                  Pls never ever 0ick solo supp lina


                                    I'd just like to say that playing support doesn't mean you can't push. There are some supports who push well, like enigma, chen, although their mainly position 4.

                                    As for bad carries, sometimes you do encounter players who are worse than you, who flame a lot or think their right click techies build is better. All I can say is, ignore them, maybe teach them, because I;m sure you've met cooperative, nice, polite teammates. Live for those games.


                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ is a dick btw ignore him

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        you haven't picked support in like 6 games, did you try to 5 position pugna? well that's a fucking dumb pick

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          Riki+Dagon+Rapier can be any role.

                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ is a dick btw ignore him

                                            I'm not a dick, I just don't like it when people are being racist and blaming Pinoys for all their mmr problems. Dude, get it in your head, you're the reason why you're in the MMR you're in. Not Pinoys. Not Russians. Not any race. You are. So the moment you stop being racist about it and actually take responsibility is the moment you raise your MMR.


                                              The idea that I could be paired with you is the reason I don't want to play anymore. You could get 50 kills in a game and you would still me the most useless person in the game, race has nothing to do with it.

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                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Sir Swirl, and if you look at his profile pic, his profile pic is entirely racist.

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                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                    I'm actually a very nice person if people don't treat me like shit and blame me for their own mistakes in game. I'm also very nice if people aren't asshole racists who say "OMG Russian/Pinoy/Turkish, we lose gg". I'm also very nice if people don't try to micromanage other players and let us do our own thing.

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                                                      You dont realize that people hate you because despite you getting a lot of kills you contribute nothing to the real purpose of the game, taking towers and killing the other teams ancient. You getting a support kill every once in a while doesnt help anyone but yourself.

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        It gives me gold to get my 3 rapiers which I use to carry my team.


                                                          You mean it gives you gold to get your rapiers that you then hand over to the other team hahaha.

                                                          Your last win you literally gave 3 rapiers to the other team and if it wasnt for your Drow pushing towers you would have lost.

                                                          Like I said, you do NOTHING to help your team. If anything you hurt them because you gave the other team 18,000 gold with those 3 rapiers.


                                                            ^^^^^^^^ It's funny how he said before that it's your own fault if you don't get MMR, but still blames his team for playing bad, while he gets so many kills and his team is the reason he loses all the time. Kinda ironic

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                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              I have divine rapier in my inventory at the end of 60% of my matches, actually.

                                                              90 divine rapiers.
                                                              140 games.


                                                                ^^^ am morbid mask lol and daedalus in that game

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                                                                  You should have divine rapier in your inventory 100% of the time at the end of the game if you buy it. Every one you give away is 6k gold.

                                                                  It just shows how little you add to the game, if your team is carrying you, you get to keep your rapier, if your team is losing you lose your rapier and make the game even worse.

                                                                  So you make games your already winning better but make games your losing worse.

                                                                  That seems awful to play with.


                                                                    Your like the A-Rod of Dota.

                                                                    Hit those home runs in the 10-1 games.


                                                                      i don go supp ... watching my carry farm like shit is killing me, there are too many carry out there cant farm a shit even free farm .. wtf man , wat is the point u picking carry when u don even know how to farm ... when a losing team carry is farming 10x faster than winning carry ..


                                                                        "Dude, get it in your head, you're the reason why you're in the MMR you're in. Not Pinoys. Not Russians. Not any race. You are."

                                                                        yeah but I could of won at least 500 mmr even more if I didnt have a pinoy in my team considering I lose 90% of games with them.

                                                                        this is just the past 3 months as well

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                                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                            yeah but I could of won at least 500 mmr even more if I didnt have a pinoy in my team considering I lose 90% of games with them.

                                                                            Well if you didn't have a racist profile pic that they could easily see, and if you didn't judge people by their race before knowing them, they might treat you better and actually want to work with you.

                                                                            Every time I get someone on my team who says "gg its a russian, we lose", "might as well give up, we have a russian" I give them exactly what they want and we lose 99% of the time.

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                                                                                Why would you support when you get in games like this -

                                                                                All fucking farming and fighting and not a single bit of pushing. Spectre with 370 tower damage across a 44 minute game after I secured him complete free farm against an enemy undying. Elefuckinggiggle.


                                                                                Or this game, constantly swapping out moronic carries who get chronoed while an account buyer (Sven) gets all the farm so they can do nothing with it. The Sven was actually a legitimate account buyer - I checked their last 100 games in client, had won 31 and lost 69, and even the ones they won they had poor kda/shit item build etc.

                                                                                The rare games like this one - where playing support actually works out because you have a Sven who knows what a proper item and ability build is, when you trilane with a good killing combo (CM,Sven, Phoenix with level 2 sunray) and have a team (apart from Zeus) who all use mics and communicate and call and agree with one another, are few and far between.

                                                                                Meanwhile when you try to get carry you get moronic feeding "supports" like the Rubick and Witch Doctor in this game who do nothing but feed -

                                                                                In fact check out the other times I've played with this Rubick - (he was the 1-10-4 wraith king) - easy loss.

                                                                       - we beat him basically playing 3 v 5 with just me the earthshaker, my friend the pudge, and the zeus. The Medusa on our team jungled the ancients from level 1 (and was like level 2 and had killed the ancient camp only once 10 minutes in the game since he was ganked and killed 3 times) since he chucked a hissy fit after typing mid in the opening screen and then my friend picking pudge and going mid (when he didn't see the call). The Jug was solo offlane top and fed 3 times in ten minutes and only had 24 cs at ten minutes and spent most of the rest of the game farming and never said a single word. Anyway even with those team mates we still managed to win against 5 including the rubick who later went on to easily lose me a game after picking such a squishy "support" hero against a team which is literally just run at and kill you (SB, blink tiny, Invoker, etc).


                                                                                  I played support to 5k, I don't know what you people are talking about.

                                                                                  Supporting is the fastest way to climb when you don't possess an overwhelming skill difference over your opponents. If you're struggling to win while supporting, then you're doing supporting wrong.

                                                                                  People look down on support so much, rofl. You think because you stack a bit, rotate a bit and zoned the offlaner, you did a good job as a support? The gigantic issue is that you're incompetent to the extent you don't even know WHY you're not supporting to the maximum potential.

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                                                                                      That's bullshit. When you have 1000 hp and a right click which does 80 damage what are you meant to do when there is a PA who can 2 shot you running around the map and a radiance black dragon keeps pushing down your mid lane and neither of your two carries will deal with it or arrange for a push (against a line up which has Alch, PA, Naix while you only have spectre and slark). You literally can't do anything except sit at your mid tower with the other support pushing the constantly pushing lane back because all your carries want to do is farm and never actually group up and push and take advantage of your early game supremacy until it is too late despite your constant calls on the mic for them to push or deal with the radiance naix in the ancient who keeps pushing up to the mid tier 2 tower making space for all the other carries on the enemy teams, mean while the toxic mid pudge keeps shit talking and announcing he is going to feed the courier if you take a cs at the mid tier 2 tower half an hour into the game.

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                                                                                            Yeah okay you go play a skywrath mage who has 3cs at 10 minutes against a PA who has 51 and is able to blow you up in 2 hits and then come back and give me the wah wah about getting 15 kills.

                                                                                            On another topic what is your issue with me? You keep following me around threads like a whipped dog or something. Can't you get a life?

                                                                                            Edit: guy who's top heroes are tinker, ember, storm, windranger, od, ta, AM, slark, alch, void telling me I don't know how to play support and saying this in another thread about supports:

                                                                                            "Hey maybe you should play support instead of complaining about not having supports
                                                                                            Because if every1 had ur mentality ud all be fucked"

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                                                                                                  I actually just played Skywrath against a team with 4 pickoff heroes and barely died. I was the poorest in our team. I had more hero damage than my carry and my midlaner Invoker went deso dragon lance. 5k average game.

                                                                                                  Yeah, Enchant did well but that comes with providing her the adequate amount of support like detection and helping her snowball early on. Sven was some 4.8k retard that threw the start because he kept argueing with Dazzle. I suppose these would be the type of situations you 'supports' complain about and deem the game gg.

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                                                                                                    From many of the posts I see that most of u guys forget that this crap game is a TEAM game. A good support wil never ever win with trash cores, a good core will never ever win against an equally skilled enemy if his support is trash. Its a team effort, so if your team has a weaker element than the enemy team, you loose, ez...

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