General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the fuck am i suppose to carry this? (3k)

How the fuck am i suppose to carry this? (3k) in General Discussion
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      try not being a shitty 3k


        Kda's and stats are often a decent indicator of how well someone plays, but it isn't everything. You are 3k, so you at least have a decent understanding of how dota works, sometimes little things decide games. Its not very likely we can just look at your dotabuff match links and tell you why you lost, assuming you'll be open to the criticism you get to begin with. Being efficient and developing good farming patterns go a long way in your bracket while still being involved in as many fights as possible. Your first match you picked SF, who is a bit lacking in the meta right now. Also shadowblade is countered in a way by zeus with his 2 abilities to reveal invisibility.

        bum farto

          Just a quick reminder that going mid, and playing carry and getting kills isn't unusual, you're expected to do that. This is not you outperforming your team, this is simply you performing your basic function as a mid/carry. You're also horribly on tilt and this is primarily you being an egotistical sensitive sally. Perhaps, try not playing mid for awhile, or carry they're a dime a dozen and nothing is lost from not playing.

          1. Don't pick SF, garbage hero. You would have won that game with a OD.
          2. Your SB makes no sense, consider builds like SnY, Mek etc. and maybe work with your team to secure shaky lanes.
          3. Your Spec has a shitty build, but what can you expect from this bracket.

          1. Dumpstered by a mid clinkz what of it?
          2. You don't tend to move very much which you want to do with QW, you can leave your lane at like level 5 if you have to.

          1. Nothing to it, winning the game, everyone on your team played well.
          2. The game failed in 10 minutes probably due to a bad team fight, or not having buy back.


            Forget it and move on you fuck

            Why join, if abandon?

              There's definitely a secret that 7-8k players learned, especially if they didn't play dota 1.

              I realize that mechanics/speed is only the basics.

              The way people win is making insightful draft/pick with hero, and then itemization, or itemization only, and then in-game decision making.

              Deciding to fight, or to defend, or to push, or to suicide, or to let someone get fragged.

              Definitely some heroes that are not really good for getting out of low mmr.

              It's easier to random or pick poorly in higher mmr 5-7k because your teammates will take more advantage of team's advantage, and helpout, or make space, etc.

              But in lower mmr, you have to pick really good, because most likely the match is going to end up letting the opponent get fed, so if you're not outfarmed compared to them, you already lost, so you have to at least counter their heroes so that you still have a chance even against their fed carries.

              Reason why spectre is so disgusting is because, let's say opponent is fed and is getting cocky or simply low hp after a fight, and then you spectre presses 2-3 buttons, (haunt, teleport to haunt, spectral dagger attack, right click) and then gets 500-1000 gold in one moment, while getting one or more levels due to the level disparity.

              It's like spectre has her own midas that kills heroes.

              Also, having a 22 % damage reduction to all things and deflecting the damage like blademail helps.
              Having pure damage which translates into approximately 130 physical damage for free at level 4 desolate, because if you consider 130 physical damage after 50% armor reduction, that's 65 pure damage. Sometimes in late game, heroes have 70% armor, so desolate is even more than 130 physical damage.

              I think you need to pick heroes that excel in something and then capitalize it. Kind of gimmicky.

              For instance, Clinkz has death pact, every half minute. Imagine Midas plus Death pact, after 10 minutes. that's like 50 big creeps.

              10 big creeps from midas which translates into 30 big creeps by multiplier, and then 20 big creeps with death pact.

              Or nature's prophet.

              Or phantom assassin, get a bkb. No magic damage, little physical damage.

              Or ursa, you can rosh at level 3-4, and then be level 7-8 when roshan is down, and so you'll be level 7-8 when opponents are 4-6.

              Some heroes, like ursa, can kill ancient creeps faster. Means more level, if opponents can't farm in lane 24/7.

              I'm not entirely sure what the key factors 8k players think about, if they were in 2-4k and trying to raise their mmr.

              But I've watched an mmr booster, and he does pick core heroes only, but he picked things like anti-mage and broodmother, not exactly qop or shadow fiend.

              I feel like there is probably at least 1 or 2 heroes that you could simply blindly pick and then simply itemize and play well, so that even if some heroes make it harder for you, you still could win.

              But there are definitely hereos that you don't pick, which are more obvious. But then the harder part is figuring out which heroes exactly you should pick in a match.

              It's probably better to let your gold diminish and to wait to see opponent pick, before you pick, than to have 800 gold and have a hero like crystal maiden.

              At least in 2-4k mmr.

              So, if my own notes for myself are:

              1. Don't pick non-auto attack heroes.

              2. Don't pick a vulnerable hero if you don't know what the other opponent's are. If you're going to blindly pick a hero, then it should be decent in many things, or very good at hardcore fighting.

              So basically, if you're not bristleback, spectre, etc that are very tanky and/or very damage heavy, you need something to compensate, like somoene with alot of escape and nuke, like qop, or slark. Or someone like nature's prophet that can escape to anywhere and push towers and gank. Or Storm spirit with ult juke, escape, and static spam. Or Someone Earth Spirit disable, or someone with basher, or someone who will level up really fast somehow, like ursa roshing, or clinkz, or meepo jungle, or someone that can potentially kill anyone at any level entirely with spells, like infernal blade, or reaper scythe heartstopper, or earth splitter, or midnight pulse.

              If you pick a hero like Mirana who can technically skill her way to getting kills and farm, and levels, but can't fight a basher or disable heavy team, then you have to get all objectives without delay. Rosh, towers, kills, and push.

              The weaker late-game your hero is, the more obliged you are to end the game earlier.

              Heroes like Storm are decent for late game because you can technically be untouchable with blinking in and out, and if you farmed enough. Meaning you can push without fear, gank without fear, and reset if it fails.

              Also, having bloodstone means you get to outspawn opponents.

              One way or another, you are trying to make winning possible with what you have.

              I think ratting is most important, but it's often that you need to fight the opponent team because they try to doompush you with better team-fight, so then you also have to pick a hero that does well against the opponent's, so you have to be rat oriented while drafting well in response to opponent, and also itemize according to opponent.

              Some good items: blink, black king bar, midas.

              Midas good for exp and gold. Blink good for escape and snipe. Black king bar good if you're a hero like OD who has huge team destruction potential, bkb auto attack 10 times, ult and entire team wipe, especially if opponent has no anti bkb disable or escape.

              Also, diffusal is pretty good item, it's better than linkens and manta if you are disabled by something that's not a stun, because you can diffuse yourself.

              Also, if you pick a hero like Phantom lancer or naga or spectre, or lone druid, and you manage to get radiance, you probably want midas on them first to be safe, but if you can, rush radiance.

              Relating to that, you will not want to insta-buy items/recipes. If you watched some pro players, you see that they save alot of gold before buying, 1k-3k.

              Sometimes it's because of that reason. They like to buy demon edge before crysalis or javelin, for instance.

              Or, because of buyback.

              That's another thing. Sometimes the issue is people buyout for a little bit more damage, but sacrifice buyback.

              Or sometimes I see people buyback for no reason, so they technically fed themselves simply by wasting their buyback, and their gold. But mostly their buyback cool-down.

              Some games are won because opponent team can't manage buyback as well and they can't defend while your team takes all their barracks'. Same happens to your own team.

              Also, some heroes do bonus damage to towers, like tiny, or bear.

              Some people are super fast, like clinkz, or weaver, or lycan.

              Also, in my understanding, whether in low tier or high tier bracket, it's better to have usefulness, and by that I mean it's better to have more than simply damage, but disable or something like vision, or catch, or escape, or some ability, and not simply magic damage or physical damage.

              Like having an RP, or Black Hole, or teleportation.

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                I'll be short about your SF game, but Havoc already said few good advices.

                I will just add some info I think it'll help you.

                - You didn't farm enough. 180 CS for 35 min game is actually very low for SF. Even in 3k.

                Even under worst possible scenario you should be able to pull-off 120 CS at min 20 as SF.

                Optimal CS in 20 min as SF is at least 150. At 30 min you should be able to have at least 220-250 CS in case you're trying to fight and farm.

                If you're farming most of the time, 300 CS is easily doable for about 30 min.

                So you're missing about 50 to 80 LH, which is actually almost one big item.

                If you're playing SF in this patch(which is bad idea, tbh, but w/e), get drums. Skip SB unless you're very confident and it makes sense to go for it.

                Bottle > boots > aquila > pt > Drums < SNY&BKB(depending on game flow you can go SNY first or BKB), Dominator and you should be able to finish game if you farmed those items fast and in time.

                EULS is not bad since it'll give you nice setup for kills and will increase your flash-farming cuz of MS/mana regen.

                Shadow Blade is really situational, it can work but only if you're confident, I'd sugest to avoid it.

                Last thing ,you lost that game because of poor farm. If you're playing SF in 6.86 you'll either get carried or you have to farm like a beast.

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                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  You're not. Not every game you're expected to win, or should you expect it.


                    how should i carry this shit??

                    oh wait i did 4Head


                      Wow u guys are a book writers. I haven't seen that much text even in a 500 page book.


                        did you see that 2 page post up there? i read:

                        "It's easier to random or pick poorly in higher mmr 5-7k because"

                        and just skipped to here to shitpost