Innate competitiveness bullshit.
It's just that valve never looks at reports and nobody ever uses the comm abuse report, so people keep abusing comm.
Valve needs to tell people to actually use the comm abuse report button to report comm abuse. Not trashtalk, there's nothing wrong with that. But death threats and other stuff have no place in a video game, it's fucking messed up to wish death on someone for a game.
New players don't know to pick omni and OD every game yet, thats why they have hard times.
I recently tried play with 2 new comers so we had 2 ultra noobs and 2 try hard smurfs on the other side
The game is already old, and new players never have an easy time in and old game. Its the same story over and over again, starcraft, cs, etc.
It's not that, it's the fact that they match parties with solos, honestly. Volvo come on, give us an option "never match us with parties when playing solo pls thx bye"
Cus the mechanics are complicated and you have to be familiar with every hero or you won't know what to do. Like vs a timber saw offlane if you don't know not to stand by trees or you think you can kill a witch dr and you dive him and he flasks you and your lane partner under tower and you are perms stunned and die. Tons of awareness required too like when to defend and trade towers and push, it's all subtle but adds up to a lot. It takes at least 100 games to grasp these concepts.
It's okay to be difficult.
But it's not ok to have a solo player matched with a 4 man queue and get raged at, called horrible slurs and get death threats because youre playing bad because they took your best hero and now you're playing a hero you only have 6 games with.
Because when you need help in that game and you ask your teammates for advice...
95% of the time you just get flamed for asking instead of getting advice.
The game being difficult to learn doesn't give smurfs the right to make 4 man parties and then raging at the 5th player who's a newbie....
mayeb because theres 108 damn heroes with complex spells and interactions you gotta learn about?
As I said, difficulty of the game doesn't give anyone a right to be toxic ot others for not playing well and being new.
The learning curve is so steep. It's the most demanding game you'll ever play, in that it requires 100 percent focus, thought, and action / reaction to have a CHANCE to win.
But it it's defense, it's also what I think makes the game so addicting. I have been playing video games all of my life, and never had I played a game like dota where the thought of purely improving and getting better at the game is what keeps bringing me back. It's extremely engaging and that's why I like it. Now If only the community wasn't so toxic...
Play limited heroes. Breath of fresh air. No-one flames, people can ask sensible questions, no smurfs.
People aren't toxic cus u are new dude, they're toxic cus u suck and play a greifing hero like riki and buy the worst items. They flame you because you cause them to lose.
Plus you can't call yourself new anymore. You have 143 riki matches. My most played hero is 94. You should be competent with a hero after 143 matches.
Just face it your play style ruins games. And the people aren't good enough to carry you so they get mad and blame you and say oh if only I didn't have this idiot on my team I'd be 2k mmr.
It's actually not so bad for new players. They just need a mentor to bring them into the game, show them the mute button, good to go
Not to mention, sometimes the mountain is home to an eyeless, fire-breathing, metal-plated spider that kills everyone.
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Is it becos of the innate competitiveness of the community? The overall complexity of the game? The vast racial and cultural differences? The so called 'meta'? Or is it just plainly catered to really advanced players?