General Discussion

General DiscussionShare your most epic/ridiculous game and comment on the previous one

Share your most epic/ridiculous game and comment on the previous one in General Discussion
Nile It's a 2 hour long game, I played dp with a pro techies and 3 retards, We had to turtle the whole game, in the last fight we wiped dire team, I was the only one survived, then I rushed in their base sold half of my shit, and bought a refresher then took down their acient with my ult.

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    Swap Commends

      I suggest u close the thread before VHS smurfs come invade it and judge your "normal skill" thing and spam :
      "You suck,git gud"
      That's what every freaking creature hanging around here does.


        Positive mental attitude


          not "epic" per say but a game i was happy about my team and myself played

          also i think like 950 gpm is the highest i have on voker

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            they all looked like they got facerolled the whole game lol.


            4 BKBs on the enemy team, a trashtalking spiritbreaker and troll, a newbie sniper getting rushed early(though sniper was quite strong already before the patch where he had shrapnel in charges) and a forcestaff-dagger tinker for going in-out of fights or going REALLY deep into fights.


              not my most epic, but i'd say the most ridiculous game i can remember.
              the radiant just disappeared with one hit


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                  normal skill
                  You suck,git gud"



                    and this game oh my fucking fuck BKB everywhere


                      every play in ranked 1k mmr in SEA Server(Ridicolous)