General Discussion

General DiscussionTo my peenoise political morons

To my peenoise political morons in General Discussion
lm ao

    Pls dont vote Duterte ffs I have tons of reason why radicalism will not work on our country, nor will it yield your uneducated expectations of fake 'idealism' and egalitarianism.


      radical peenoise Xd roooflll

      no more majors for u

      lm ao

        yeah fml half of the voting population is gonna vote for duterte just because he has that authoritarian 'action-star' attitude that makes people think he will make the country greater.

        PLUS crime rate isnt the only problem of our country lolol nor would solving crime entirely guarantee a trend towards prosperity

        lm ao

          man why are my countrymen so fucking gullible


            sounds liek peenoise trump

            lm ao
              This comment was removed by a moderator

                Fucking kys him

                : )

                  Same guy who vote Pnoy? We wont know unless we try right? Who do you want to win? Mar, the incompetent joker. Binay, the corrupt that thinks he is poor. Poe, the-hides-in-his-father's-shadow-to-win-without-doing-fucking-YES-FUCKING-ANYTHING. Duterte, a ruthless killer, trash talking bastard but got something to prove (all of the candidates got sumthing to prove actually but you can see it thru the way they speak during debates, like how mar and binay point guns to other candidates except miriam). And lastly miriam, yeah she's smart, we know she can do it, she's the other 1 of the 2 candidate that is qualified, the other is you know who. But the masses(?) cant relate to her, people cant understand her. Drops mic.

                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                    Picks up mic

                    Drops mic

                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      But seriously, who are you voting for president if not Duterte? If you answer Roxas I'll give you a high five

                      On the face

                      With a rusty bolo


                        i hate penoys so dun wanna know and idc. but i post on this thread tho, so it means i care? oh whatever, fck it.

                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                          ^you secretly love penoys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

                          Player 175043649

                            pick the candidate who will ban dota from ph pls

                            : )

                              ^boom panes

                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                After 6 months of duterte as president, people will start to dislike him, because we filipino always blame all our problems to the government.

                                Just like a typical dota peenoobs who complain all the time that his teammates are trash thats why he lost.

                                lm ao


                                  Man youre knowledge of politics really suck


                                    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                    So did you guys vote or you're like half my facebook friendslist of people bitching about politics but aren't registered voters.


                                    saoirse ronan

                                      Dont go for Duterte. RIP Major RIP PH dota. Things are gonna change.

                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                        Is Davao dota nonexistent because of Duterte?

                                        lm ao

                                          You guys only like Duterte because he has that austere, 'vigilante'appeal.

                                          Take note that crime rate and government corruption atent the only problems of our country lolz. Sure Duterte can completely eradicate governmental red tape and send all those fucking corrupt officials to jail (Lols ordinary people dont realize the fucking magnitude of this task, moron alert).

                                          My god you pinoys are so stupid.

                                          Look, our country's economic framework is and has always been supported by capitalist policies. Duterte has explicitly shown his left-wing ideals to the public (and in a very cocky, shitty way). Why are you pinoise idiots voting him for what he seems to be instead of what he truly stands for, are you guys blind and crazy? Leftist policies scare away foreign investors. We are a pissant country behind the times and whether you like it or not, we have to cuckold ourselves to globalization until we can truly stand on our own feet. Lolz 'muh secular nationalizm will enzueeeeeeee'. Please.

                                          lm ao

                                            Tbh the best options are super mediocre. If Mar Roxas doesnt look like a total cuck dor all his career I would vote for him, because he is very intelligent and very versed on econimic policies.

                                            I wouldve vote Grace Poe if she had more experience. A perfect, charismatic presodent with little political connections but sadly looks too young for yhe offive.

                                            My god Miriam why run if you have ficking cancer ill fucking vote you in a heartbeat


                                              All I see, All i hear, All i know is the Trump.

                                              : )

                                                You just mentioned Roxas is intelligent, where he at when he's needed? Shame on you. This thread is over.


                                                  It seems you do not know the true problem. This thread is over.

                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



                                                      @dont vote

                                                      So who did you end up voting?


                                                      Also, just don't turn a dota forum into a platform for political discussion, it's cancer enough. But for arguments sake, I have a lot of misgivings with each candidate.

                                                      Mar: Clear lack of charisma and competency post 2010 plus he has a lot of questionable PR stunts. (His track record prior to that is quite good. Objectively speaking, he's qualified and no corruption cases have been filed against him.)

                                                      Poe: Citizenship case and lack of experience. (But of course, a fresh face can also be good for Philippine politics. New perspectives should be able to bring new discourse on old issues)

                                                      Binay: Out of all the candidates, he is clearly the worst person possible. I don't see any real benefits from voting him (since those benefits can be done by other candidates in a better way)

                                                      Duterte: It's not his 'gutter language' that bothers me, but his impulsiveness. A president has to always consult with advisers and be careful of the policies he releases (policies which he has shown to not follow at times). His words against the US and Australia can be very detrimental especially since they are allies in the arbitration case vs China and have given us a lot of economic support. (However, his political will is something to be commended and his charisma should be emulated so the others can be more or as convincing as a leader)

                                                      Miriam: Clearly the most qualified, however her health is not the only issue. As a champion of justice and a person against corruption, how can she pick a VP candidate who is so deep into it (whose family has stolen billions of dollars from the country, money which they refuse to return).

                                                      So, in my opinion, the vote cannot just go to the one with the most pros, but it is a fight of the least cons.

                                                      This comment was edited

                                                        is it just me or is this attitude in politics showing in a lot of countries lately
                                                        i'd think that it's mostly because of refugees but apparently even countries on the other side of the world have to deal with this shit



                                                          It's apparently a pattern in asian countries now (forgot the source but i think it was either an economist or huffington post article)


                                                            Well not my country, we have just the most adorable little teddy bear as our leader this time around. Good times.


                                                              You just need to vote for the lesser evil candidate

                                                              "fight of the least cons"

                                                              Facebook stuff blowin' up, from dutertards to mds ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and a couple thats gonna get rekt in jail for 6 years because they can't follow rules.

                                                              NoNiggity Kappa EleNigglet


                                                                chi long qua beats all anyday

                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                  @kyle they better make sure roxas wins or they "shut up na lang" in jail, which I will enjoy oh so tastefully lololllolololol

                                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                    Looks like digong is gonna win a landslide victory. Say goodbye to your beloved country.


                                                                      I'm honestly more worried about the vice presidential race. Here's hoping that if BBM loses this, then he loses all political steam outside of Ilocos.

                                                                      lm ao

                                                                        I decided not to vote as 98% of the guys on my ballot are opportunistic fuckers


                                                                          A vote for abstain is a vote closer to allowing the son of a dictator to regain his seat of power.

                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            nah idc

                                                                            I concede, lets see how this new president wil work
                                                                            People are so dumb anyway..


                                                                              Please vote the candidate that will turn phillipines into communism. No internet connection for the citizen no dota for u just like a core communism like n.korea

                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                Duterte is not exactly communist, he's a left winger


                                                                                  Im not peenoise but i hope the new president in your country can settle the conflict with moro or abu sayyaf people. Please do not kill anymore, enough war.

                                                                                  : )

                                                                                    Landslide win m8

                                                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                      Daang matuwad launches plan B ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


                                                                                        Hsie Sien Loong didn't like Duterte but I think if he will avoid being rude in public, Singapore and Philippines would be in good terms.