General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is a real fixed match

This is a real fixed match in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    Srsly how this is possible ?
    I won this like super ez.It was like my team were pro & enemy team was retarded as shiieeeet.
    Just look carefully at tiny & storm items.It is supposed to be 3k!!
    Imagining myself playing with that team in a match scares me.


      Tiny was throwing very hars. I can tell just by looking at the thing.

      The fact they lost that match was that ur team knew what they were doing and they did not.

      End of story.


        How did the avg mmrs compare?
        I've had games where the opponent's average mmr was greater then our highest mmr.


          Waow. So pro, much good. Must drink some vodka to make up for all this dodka.


            omg volvo investigate ban from major

            Swap Commends

              Same avg mmr on both teams.Also no stacks.
              Another fact the mm is broken.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Yeah mm is fucked sometimes lol
                And every .9 (when you just need one more win to get to next k level is like 80% more difficult)
                I was like 2,977 and lost my last game so fucking hard. I was super pissed and just stopped playing for the day as you can in my history. I'm still a little bitter because of how bs that game was. Not really bitter anymore, but it just makes me pissed knowing that .9's are hell.


                  im not usually replyig to threads in this way, but its the time

                  you are fucking retarded

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    No I'm not :sad:
                    I regret not supporting that game though.


                      it was meant to op

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        Oh! :blush: kkkkk


                          what u state is just a case of selective memory. its also false, but not that pathetic as the original post.


                            some explanations for anyone who's wondering what mmr is and why people at 7k sometimes play poorly, and 3ks seem to be good at certain matches.

                            matchmaking rating reflects your average ability to win games being matched with 9 random people in such a way that makes the variation of rating as low as possible, and the average of two teams as close to each other as possible.

                            important note #1 - this is NOT your game skill

                            important note #2 - as long as u are below 6k, it is a VERY accurate estimation of your skill

                            important note #3 - it reflects ur average performance. or mean performance. i dont know what was the word your school math teacher used.

                            important note #4 - generally, your skill in winning games is a randomly distributed parameter with mean equal to your mmr, and a pretty high variation. it means that if u can have a well-deserved 4k rating both by pkaying all ur games at a 4k level, or by playing half of them as if u were 5k, and the other half as if u were 3k; etc. also, ur performance highly depends on your current mental state.

                            important note #5 - your ability to win games, as well as your skill, is not only unstable, but also multidimentional. you can suck at itemization, but in the same time have godlike decision-making; be good at farming efficiently, but do mistakes in fights, etc. comparing players by one factor to show who of them is better, makes very little sense.

                            important note #6 - selective memory and subjetive spectator biases do matter. all of us suffer from these two. human mind tends to find others' mistakes way better than our own ones, and our memory is better at keeping information about how other people fucked us up, rather than how we failed.

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                            Swap Commends

                              "you are fucking retarded"
                              The tiny guy item build is just trash.Enemy team is trash.match is one sided.
                              Considering what u said is true & imo it is in most part,yet u have to convince me how this tiny reached 3k while his true game skill is sub 1k?
                              U once mentioned MMR is skill with reliable +-500 variance.I like to add more. +- 1000 mmr difference.
                              So how a 1k guy can win games & reach 3k? 2k mmr gap is no big for u ?
                              This huge gap in avg performance just shows how MM is retarded.Let alone how stacks can ruin games.
                              MM only & only works based on 2 things : MMR & faster q time.Just it & end of story.
                              It doesn't take ur game skill or your winning ability.
                              Since u are playing in higher tier where the player pool is limited,you don't & can't see what happens in the majority.

                              Lets do Science

                                Is it somehow impossible that tiny was tired / drunk / high and just playing goofy? People aren't consistently always playing at top form, and expecting everyone to always do so is bound to get you dissapointed. I'm a pretty low energy person myself, if I play something like 6 games in 1 day, it becomes very obvious to me that i'm playing at a weaker level than when I started the day with a cup of coffee in me. Is it impossible that this was the case for him?

                                I'm afraid I'm not seeing why Valve would even bother fixing matches for random 2-3k scrubs who'd end up losing the mmr they hired 5 guys to feed them anyway.


                                  ur ignored other factor that happens in dota :
                                  1. The id got 3k mmr, its that the owner who plays on that acc ?
                                  2. Is the other players is on good health or mental condition ?
                                  3. Is other players there know how to play the hero he picked or maybe just want to try it on ranked mm?
                                  4. Is the playstyle of an individual with the whole teams compatible?
                                  that pretty much can be the cause of that. I belive valve want to make matchmaking get balanced, but cant notice smth like that.


                                    esa droga poderosa que circula en la ciudad


                                      winning ability and mmr score is the same thing.

                                      why do you think this tiny is a 1k mmr player basing on this one match? there are thousands explanations for his itembuild, be it trolling, a result of forced role switching, or just an experiment, or anything that mashiro mentioned

                                      the +-500 is a reliable interval to say that player A is better than player B (not working at 6.5k+ though!). the interval of possible performance deviation from one's average one is way higher, as far as i see it.

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                                      ASSESS Product

                                        I even found a player that play like a total newbie in avg 2.4k mmr and he has the highest mmr in our team. I watch the replay back from his perspective, he actually looking at shop reading item description like 5 min (he playing juggernaut), he often let the creep hit him and stay in enemy tower range. He play like a total newbie until 10+ min then his playstyle change. So, i guess the guy might lending his friend acc to try dota and accidently search for rank. I bet the owner really mad at him.