General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this how 5.5k Slark looks like? Serious question regarding this ga...

Is this how 5.5k Slark looks like? Serious question regarding this game. I'd appreciate ANY input. in General Discussion

    @ Kobby

    As I said, I'm not saying that I didn't make any mistakes, I'm aware I did.

    Even tho I don't think my rapier lost us the game, even if you people say I'm wrong, I'll accept it like a man and admit it.

    Regardless of that, our slark played badly.

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        X D XD X D

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            LUL nice speed LUL

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                i dont know why you expect to win games with 5 cs/min no bkb 8 deaths slark



                  Because he's 5.5k and he's supposed to know what the hell is he doing.

                  I didn't question his decisions and his items/farm or anything until the very end, when he started to flame us.

                  And I wouldnt even after that, if he could keep his mouth quiet and stop saying bullshit.

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                    you threw a 26k difference, this is a massive advantage
                    you should have won before 40 min, pushing with aegis and bkb slark

                    but people go overconfident and throw games
                    also buying rapier is just stupid

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                      LOL Slark has % 40 dire win rate so that's the problem. :)


                        "you threw a 26k difference, this is a massive advantage"

                        Not me, that's on Slark, he did it mostly.

                        "you should have won before 40 min, pushing with aegis and bkb slark"

                        He didn't want to go with us, he always fighted alone.

                        "but people go overconfident and throw games "


                        "also buying rapier is just stupid"

                        Fair enough


                          i'm sure dotabuff isn't needed to validate your position over some disagreement in one game

                          just get over it and play with people who are more reasonable


                            The game is mostly balanced, there s no point in arguing highest mmr when the average of both teams are the same. How would you argue about the other team's 5k player if he lost( presuming they had one ). Or just few 4ks that are averagely better than your 2 or 3 players. You hold the slark responsible but you made the game so hard for him in the first place. I don't even need to watch the game to see that 4.2k sf did more mistakes than mouse clicks. The problem is, you think he should solo win the game for 5 people, and you re just gonna watch and jerk off ? Think about what you did wrong that game, I'm sure a decent sf can also win a 3k or a 4k game with a 5k slark in his team. Ofc, he should take part in the blame cause in the end,it's a team game, but not more than you. Especially not if you re playing a semicarry rightclick core.

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                              The fact that you think you're not supposed to watch anything and yet already be 100% sure that I made more mistakes than mouse clicks is telling me enough.

                              "The problem is, you think he should solo win the game for 5 people, and you re just gonna watch and jerk off ?"

                              8 CS per min, 30k hero dmg, 19 kills, 5 deaths is jerking off? Even if I was 2k with those stats, Slark should have an easy time wining 3.8k avg. game.

                              I laned against 4.7k tinker mid, and he lost mid to me actually, at least during first 10 min, because:

                              I killed him once, he didn't kill me. I had 49 lh, he had 41.

                              I'm not saying I played perfectly, but I'm pretty damn sure better player would win that game on Slark, and 100% sure that 5.5k player would probably win this aswell.

                              ". Ofc, he should take part in the blame cause in the end, but not more than you. Especially not if you re playing a semicarry rightclick core."

                              If you actually wanted to read me, you'd realise I never said otherwise. I'm here, standing and ready to take the blame, because I'm aware I didn't play amazing.

                              But the fact that 5.5k guy on his smurf with 4.5k party mmr lost 3.8k party avg. game is still fishy as fuck, esp. since he actually blames his team, team of friends.

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                                To add on Reese post:

                                "you threw a 26k difference, this is a massive advantage
                                you should have won before 40 min, pushing with aegis and bkb slark"

                                Slark didn't have bkb, idk why. Despite me going rosh with my team, he refused to take the aegis.


                                  that slark build...account buyer detetcted.


                                    idk what the benefit for u with whinning a single game this whole day.

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                                      I'm not whinning, I'm just answering to people posts.


                                        Oh you can have 20 kills on a 2k networth wd anytime, but if you die once as a 20k worth core, you feed so much gold that 20 kills and 50lh a minute dont mean shit. That's how you throw games. That's why I am not interested in your stats or your 10min cs highscore. Tinkre is higher than you cause he knows how to come back in the game by killing you or others, or by taking rosh and objectives. Besides, obviously you can destroy a throne as 0 18 wd and still win a game, that doesnt say much about the stats, does it .

                                        I agree with you that it s not a nice thing to do in a party of friends, blaming the team and saying they re bad, even if that is true. But then again , you lower yourself to his level and blame him in return.

                                        Yes, I dont need to look at the replay to see if you did mistakes, you obviously make mistakes by making your stats relevant.


                                          p.s. if you want, you can add me, I ll review your replay with yourself on teamspeak and we can have a friendly discussion about the game.


                                            Only reason I lowered myself is because I endured this shit from him for quite a lot.

                                            "Oh you can have 20 kills on a 2k networth wd anytime, but if you die once as a 20k worth core, you feed so much gold that 20 kills and 50lh a minute dont mean shit. That's how you throw games. That's why I am not interested in your stats or your 10min cs highscore. Tinkre is higher than you cause he knows how to come back in the game by killing you or others, or by taking rosh and objectives"

                                            Man you're really wrong, it's not me who actually gave away shitload of gold to them but Slark. I died 2 times after he gave away literally shitload of gold to morph, if you really care, go and check it yourself.

                                            It's really easy to talk from your point of view, but you should really go a bit deeper if you want to be objective.

                                            Stats doesn't say much, I do agree, but I already pointed out mistakes he made, and exact minute when he made them.

                                            At least if you have time, go and check and comeback, maybe, with different opinion.

                                            As I said, I'm aware I didn't play good. I'm not saying stats are relevant, but they are not irelevant either.

                                            At the end of the day, people do care/talk/compare them.

                                            Go easy on me, because you're really bashing me for no reason so far... :)


                                              Vazi brate, add cu te. :)


                                                he was probably fucking around since it was party ranked

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                                                  Tony Push

                                                    hail morphling!


                                                      I would agree with 4Skin. He was probably just fucking around in party MMR.


                                                        that slark build...account buyer detetcted.

                                                        are u stupid that build is fine

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                                                          If that slark came with you when you were taking that last tier 2 top you would have probably won the game, instead he walked uphill into their entire team and got chrono'd and die'd. You also died trying to kill a NP after raxing mid. He basically got mad cus he played really well and lost a close game and blamed you guys. Pudge did some really stupid shit as well when you were getting raxed mid. Surely butterfly is better than moon shard when you are vs a void and morph. That game was in the bag if you just took towers after your lead. There were sentries everywhere

                                                          oke lol

                                                            "Maybe if he's legit 5.5k he can't be wrong. I calibrated 4.5k and got almost to 4.7k on my smurf, before I sold it."

                                                            pls die

                                                            wtf TWICE RV BP GG TARA A...

                                                              ^ king of low prior this noob claim others to be noob while he continue his shit build on bh. by the way, i never claim myself good.


                                                                how can you be normal skill after 1300 matches? That's insane


                                                                  Yo brate :D Kumbo nije ni blizu 5.5k lmfao xD Bio je on 5.5 ko je bio Earth spirit OP, a na svakem smurfu dobi 4.5k in ne može klajmbati nešto dosti. I 4.5k je na offlejnu, carry rolu igra ko 4k i zašto gubi u 3.8k igrama :)

                                                                  For all other english speaking people - Slark's not even close to 5.5k lmfao. He gets 4.5k on every smurf and stays there and can't climb. Also he's 4.5k on offlane, plays carry like 4k and ofc he loses pretty easily in 3.8k games. Nothing new here :)

                                                                  < blank >

                                                                    ayy lmao



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                                                                        Yo brate. I ja sam mislio da je 5.5k, ali posle ovog gejma, ne vise.

                                                                        Ne toliko zbog toga sto je odigrao lose,vec zbog njegovog stava i nacina na koji gleda na taj izgubljen mec.

                                                                        Definitivno se slazem da mu je ES pomogao da nabaci 5.5k, dok je jos bio prejak.

                                                                        Cinjenica je da je na brdo smurf account-a nabacio 4.5k i nikad izasao iz tog 4k.