General Discussion

General Discussion10 wins

10 wins in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    And on the 10 game dota put you with retards, still won,
    but more retards at each game
    i daed, pls make it stop
    dont let necro take last hit or denies when he is low on hp and mana
    and have lvl 2 sadist.
    doent know what lina ult does, never ult with necro gg
    10 minutes in i was 0/2/7 cause they always burst to steal kills, even if i was low hp
    and that fucking troll with first hit bash on me evey time he left invis , and 2 bashes each 3 hits .
    wtf is this fucking game.

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      it's called Normal Skill, idk how you aren't used to it by now
      dota stupidity never ends, i had a 7k and a 6k player in my team who kept dying and getting us killed because they didn't know how the enemy arc's flux works, they didn't know how it gets disabled.

      a 7k player not knowing how abilities work is disgusting.

      retardness never ends, the only thing that changes is game difficulty

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      casual gamer

        how do they kill steal reaper scythe ?

        sounds like you play retard support necro and try to cs ? everyone would report u if u try to pull that shit here

        how do u even have level 2 sadist before level 8 rofl

        casual gamer

          nice 10 death necro with 0 force ghost mek euls etc. way to lose your team the game and not even realize

          if u have so little understanding of the game after so long just give up rofl. blaming ur team when u feed away unranked dota games

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          Johnny Rico

            i wasnt a support necro, i want to solo offlane, but they didnt let me, they would never target a enemy that was under my ult (tinker, lina)
            I had a tinker right next to me , i ulted the injoker, he didnt even use any spell, he had a regen rune and was sitting there with 100 mana for more than 1 minute.

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              Try Daedalus with mkb and deso next time. I have not lost a necro game with that.

              Professor Dog

                Rush dagon 5. Yup, seems good.

                casual gamer

                  death pulse trash skill dont max til lvl 10 ROFL