General Discussion

General DiscussionWarlock - Mid

Warlock - Mid in General Discussion

    So i just played the first game of WL mid in many months

    midas, 15min aghs, into 25min refresher for gg push. (reference )

    This hero has a 180dmg lvl 1 dot, and 540 damage at lvl 7.
    that's pretty insane considering. if you bond someone and dot heal they just die.

    I feel like this hero is actually super underated in mid. He's quite lackluster as a position 5 or 4 imo. Unless you're doing the upheaval build.

    I love max upheaval builds for sidelanes,
    however bonds + heal in mid.
    I got ganked mid, bonded them both and put my heal dot on them, which allowed me to turn on them both.

    What's your thoughts on him mid compared to meta mids.. (potm etc)

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      i suffered vs WL mid twice but i dunno if that mean he really strong or i am really noob
      i guess vhs players don't usually pick him cause he has no escape and kinda of easy focused.


        rush ring of health against him? ez counter?


          a ring of health stops a 540 hp dot?

          I just won annother match in 20mins again.

          You just take a fight, push a tower or 2, rince repeat till aghs, take a rax. I mean, he's kinda braindead. but for MMR winning matches consistently sub 30mins.

          I'm pretty sure warlock mid is strong.


            I'm pretty sure warlock wins most 1v1 lanes, but idk if I'd want a mid warlock on my team

            Krazy Kat

              Warlock wins most mid fights, but he falls off early if he doesn't stay on top of farm.


                Bonds doesn't really fall off though. if you hit a 3man bond, thats 75% damage amp for all 3 heros. which is signicantly easy to hit, and hitting 5man bonds is 125% damage amp to all 5 heros.
                So his ulti might fall off yes, but Lategame bonds is everything, the ulti just just a little bit of damage and an aoe stun.

                Realtalk, How would you lane against said hero. I versed a storm mid, and after lvl 3 he just dies and can't lane anymore


                  Nuking out the wave and completely outfarming the warlock


                    doesn't he just bond you to the creeps and heal himself under the tower and get perfect cs because you can't deny him under tower/bonds


                      Warlock ez to focus in clash and ez to kill when ganked at mid. heal wont help you.


                        He doesn't have the mana/cd to spam his dot on you and use it on himself so it's best to be super aggressive against him very early and punish him when his mana is low.


                          like i get how he doesn't have an escape and shizz, but if you manage to bond them and drop your dot on them, its quite hard for them to dive you without getting pumped.


                            He's not that easy to gank. He's disturbingly tanky.


                              what MMR are you playing on ?


                                4k range


                                  Just look at the stats of annother game that finished rediculously early


                                  I'm sure mid warlock is legit.