General Discussion

General DiscussionHow i can got 4K mmr pls guide me

How i can got 4K mmr pls guide me in General Discussion

    need guide and good boy teach me


      Pick morphling and don't be bad and you'll be 5k in no time.


        not by smurfing if u arent 4k on main


          @ctrlx thanks a lot bro


            stop smurfing and go grind your main you lil cuck, it won't help you

            average kebab enjoyer

              Git gud


                if you haven't hit 4k on main, why the hell would you be able to do it on your smurf?


                  Though luck my friend, but the answer is No


                    U sure as hell can get 4k on ur smurf even if u are 2k. The thing is u REALLY have to be good and play as if u were already 4k. Getting 4k on smurf isnt hard. Not losing it is hard. Therefore if ur not good enough to get 4k, smurfing wont help u


                      ban aa + drow and spam morphling

                      Luminuos Adra

                        Anyone can guess what my mmr will be? I love to play support/initiator heroes but I'm afraid if I keep playing support heroes my mmr will be calibrated in 3k. Give me some tips please. And don't ask me to keep playing carry heroes as in SEA server everyone wants to play carry. It's heart-breaking if you play with a team of 5 carries.


                          @vile33 is that ur smurf? Pretty good matches from normal skill to vhs. Just maintain on vhs skill and surely u will get 3,800 or 4k above mmr. What mmr is ur main account btw?

                          Father Jack from Marketing

                            Some dude was in here the other day saying you could spam underlord mid from 3 - 4.5k.

                            So anyway I watched one of his replays, never played the hero before but played 18 games mid and have a 77.78% win rate in solo Q (2.8k mmr)

                            Trouble is it gets a bit boring spamming the same hero...

                            Class [S] Rank [7]

                              They see me smurfin they hatin @vile33 i just notice that my arc warden played with your batrider 2 days ago. And i played with a guy who has mmr, we are on the 4.3k-4.5k bracket atm, if u can mantain this till calib u will get at least 4k

                              This comment was edited

                                My account from a friend when he gave me is1k mmr now is going2k when will be3k huhu


                                  Now i waw thinking open a new acc and get my real mmr calibration
                                  Any suggestion ixxit maintain this2 mmr just ply for up my mmr