General Discussion

General DiscussionCould Luna do with a rework?

Could Luna do with a rework? in General Discussion

    I don't mean she is too strong/weak, just seems her ability build is a bit inflexible - pretty unlikely that lunar blessing isn't the best first point, then unless you plan to skip eclipse, its hard to justify not getting 4 points in lucent beam before 7 leaving you with the only choice as to whether you get a second point in lunar blessing or one in glaives.

    once you are 7, most likely you want to max glaives for farming which means the last couple of points of her aura are picked up past the point where they are particularly significant.

    maybe the ulti needs to be decoupled from lucent beam.

    just doesn't seem like you don't have much in the way of options in what to skill early game.


      there are a lot of heroes u go for the same skillbuild on, over and over again

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        how about no


          I'd say change that fucking accent of hers .


            Every hero in dota 2 is different and every of them has its own features


              I'd say don't change that incredible accent of hers .


                once you are 7, most likely you want to max glaives for farming which means the last couple of points of her aura are picked up past the point where they are particularly significant.

                lol Question mark pretty sure you want to go 4-1-1-1 on 7 and not 1-4-1-1.


                  reread what i wrote H "once you are 7" i.e. you will be 4-1-1-1 at 7 or 4-0-2-1 at that point you will be wanting some points in glaives and not wanting to max lunar blessing (probably)


                    and yes, fuck that accent :D maybe as non-native english speaker it is ok but that is the worst scottish accent i've ever heard :D

                    not arin

                      i dunno, it's probably wrong but i tend to go 4 0 1 1 (one point in passive) while i hold one skill point
                      and then i just go glaives


                        That's not a bad idea. The only hero I do that on sometimes is meepo


                          Her accent is fine .they should change the ultimate that only hits heroes


                            Seriously, her accent isn't fine. It is really really really bad.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              the nayyt seeze oll

                              Dire Wolf

                                So we should change Sven? Everyone goes 1,1,3,1 on him, jug? Max spin ward leave crit at 1 pt. am? No one puts more than one in spell shield, max blink first. Tons of heroes have one build.


                                  @Dire but that's not true - there are situations where you build differently on Sven and it has changed from patch to patch. Likewise Jugg - the popular build changes over time.

                                  Luna's doesn't because lucent beam needs to be maxed to make the most of her ultimate.

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    yes i understand where youre coming from the build has to be one dimensional in order to not be completely dogshit

                                    maybe they need to tweak the mechanics of her ulti? make it so that it isnt reliant on her lucent beams and give it a dmg that scales when levelled up independent of beam


                                      max 2 3, skip eclipse until lv 13 in all 32 luna game that i have played. that will help you farm really fast and win game ez ;)


                                        this threads retarded lots of heroes are in the same spot.

                                        Also maxing glaives before beam is viable if ur lane and jungle is free


                                          if anything lunas more flexible than other heroes yeah this threads megastupid actually


                                            on sven the most significant deviation from max warcry after cleave is to put 2 into q for the extra nuking damage in lane, other than that the builds basically static

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                                              80.7% of Luna matches have maxed Q by 7. I think that suggests there's not much variations non the early build.