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General Discussiongitting gud in normal skilled normal matches (halp teach me how to br...

gitting gud in normal skilled normal matches (halp teach me how to breath) in General Discussion
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    I'm casual chaos online (Korean pirated version of dotes) and HoN player who finally decided to switch to dota 2.

    It's been a month since my first match and so far I have enjoyed (almost) every aspect of the game and want to believe I'm on the road of improvements.

    I want to believe I'm doing my jobs in my games.

    When I play support, I buy cour + obs/sent ward + smoke or two at the beginning, share tango and help mid player secure rune, make courier fly, zone enemy and stack/pull if lane equilibrium get messed up, check runes for first 10 min & smoke gank mid if enemy mid laner overextend for dat juicy ranged creep. I know what enemy's up to most of the time and end up detecting half of the ganks and deward avg of 4~5 wards according to open dota.

    When I play offlane, I try to contest enemy carry's farm as much as possible, contest their jungle stack, force rotation and etc.

    (I refrain from playing cores as I know I'm not greedy enough + there's high chance of my team insta-locking cores b4 I make any form of conversation :p )

    And yet deep inside I feel like I'm delusional kid who has fundamentally flawed understanding of dota as a whole and I'm not doing enough.

    That is, when I win I feel like my team won because enemy cores made more dumb decisions (either in itemisation or taking objectives) not because I made space for my cores and made the play.

    Now I don't really expect anyone to watch replay of my games as it will make one's eyes bleed to death (Kappa), but I would really appreciate it if anyone can give me some insights of what I might have been missing from match data and general advice for newcomers who enjoy this game but have faintest idea of how to improve.

    Thank you for your time in advance.

    Opendota link :

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      I have just gone quickly through your carry games and I have noticed that you need to practise last hitting and denying. other than that, it sounds good what you are doing. Just continue to play at some point you will get decent mates (lul)

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        IKR, my core games are terrible :,(

        As my justification I randomed in all those games, politely asked if anyone wants to swap me as I can support and ended up sharing lane with another core player anyway contesting last hits.

        So I end up playing like pos 4 whatever hero I play and remain irrelevant most of the time.

        Are there any carry hero I can try in this classic SEA environment? Pos 4 arc warden seemed to work for me but would love some other suggestions.

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          What do you mean with "classic SEA environment" ? Do you mean that everyone is playing core only? I think this is almost the case in every lower bracket in every region :-P

          Carries who are easy to last hit with are in my opinion : Anti Mage, Juggernaut, Sniper, Mirana, Naga Siren, Bloodseeker, Luna, Lycan, Phantom Lancer and Phantom Assassin. I guess there are penty more but you could try with one of those.

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            Haha that was my guess but I did not want to assume what other players do as I only play in SEA, SK, USW servers.

            Yeah ... guess it's time to practice my profile picture as a carry not support then lol.

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            Feeding in progress

              I just went through the first 5 minutes of your game.

              I like the way u took initiative to purchase the wards and courier.

              My feedback as follows:
              1) Why get an SOD in the start when u have no indication of performing some team ganks in during 1st rune contest?
              2) Same thing with the sentries when there are no invis heros. The pros of a potential deward in the rune spot is so much lesser than the utility that u would have gotten off with a quick null build with a bit more gold after the 1st 30 secs.
              3) Why hold on to the Obs when u know void is hiding among the dire bushes. Park it to have sight of the fogged dire area in safelane.
              4) Since void is soloing offlane, exert more pressure and harass him off the lane (even better when u have sight of the fogged area) and lure small camps to balance the lane once he backs off (You only started the small camp lure after the 2 min mark). Timing of large camp lure was off plus not a good way to lure in front of the opponent since he would be moving closer to leech the exp. You need to watch the tower kill rate of the creeps and strategise your lure.
              5) Why camp at the mid so long with invis, you saw AA was low in mana and sniper had full health and tower hugging. Don't waste time and rotate to bottom lane where there is a larger opportunity to catch meepo who obviously is jungling.
              6) The path crossing at 4:40 between u and sniper is funny. Apparently u both zoomed to the meepo fight and didn't even notice that. Both of u were off positions but u had a slight advantage as slark and drow were close by and high chance u could outfight sniper if u channeled fortune's end onto him and ping the map a few times to alert those 2 rather than chase down the meepo that would have died even without yr intervention.

              My 2 cents.

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              casual gamer

                I buy smoke in fountain all the time if I know my trilane can kill mid with lvl 2 or even lvl 1


                  If you want to become a good core player you might as well do what I do when my internet went down for nearly 6 months (not saying I'm a good one but still better than most of the instapicking nubs in the bracket, yeah the least disgusting trash out of a trash can is still a trash)
                  Constant and discipline LH practice
                  Farm on a free farming enviroment and target 65 LH /10min
                  Then practice with unfair bots (not just during the laning phase obviously) to see if you can LH in a contested lane
                  It will help you make decisions, positioning, priority targets, item builds, when to fight and when to not, and will help you to be a good carry that can drag the team to victory no matter how retarded your team is
                  Keep practicing with em until you feel ready,fighting against dogshit people won't make you improve,it will only make your ego skyrocket because of those ez high KDAs because they fed your ass
                  600 LH / 30 min challenge on an empty lobby might also help,it helps you to find the best farming pattern available

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                    I won't even bother giving suggestions with supporting
                    I'm just a typical mainstream ward spot warder who can only sit behind his carry's ass and build utilities then uses it in teamfight

                    Hanamichi Sakuragi

                      Are there any heroes you wish to master? That's a good start for a long journey.
                      Or do you just wanna master mechanics/playstyles in general?

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                        > Farm on a free farming enviroment and target 65 LH /10min

                        It's really useful
                        Btw one can just launch Hero Demo not a full lobby

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                          @[SYT] BabyPower

                          Yeah my oracle game was dreadful. I was drowsy all the time, tilting and making some really stupid mistakes.

                          I got smoke because I thought Oracle + AA have good kill potential if mid sniper under levels q. But sniper wasn't idiot and i couldn't make any meaningful use out of it.

                          And there was no excuse for not warding jungle & missing pulls. It was my first time babysitting spectre and didn't know she was that weak in lanes and failed miserably.

                          On sentry I thought it's always worth it as I can at least try to deward if my smokeless gank fails or enemy shows strange movements.

                          TY for actually watching my game lol

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                            yeah I guess I'll have to learn how to farm creeps sooner or later. Sounds boring but there seems to be no substitute for practice on that subject. thanks for tips

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                              @Farix Eltozen

                              IDK, I enjoy killing enemy hero more than killing creeps and feel anxious when no action is happening.

                              gank coordinators and heroes with lots of utility intrigues me, but AFAIK if your name is not singsing you can't just roam and kill all the time right? lol

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