General Discussion

General DiscussionI always had this question...

I always had this question... in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    Guys what do you think.. Which winrate would have a 5.5k or 6k player if he tries to climb a 4k mmr account to 5k?


      depends on the player

      i have atleast 70% winrate in 4k


        Only 70%? I have 70% this month in 3k..


          i have 80-90% winrate in 3k

          like i said, it depends on the player. i know a 6.5k guy who took 5 weeks from 4.5 to 5.5 because he couldn't adapt to the low quality gameplay, yea idk how it makes sense either.

          other example would be vaxa, who has 80% winrate in 6k+

          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

            Yep, I imagine 70% or a little bit more. you can be out drafted, or simply have a bad teammate. How much mmr do you have cookie in your real acc?

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              anyways 5 weeks is not that much. unless you play the game 6 hours a day or even more. haha


                5.5 old acc, currently this is the highest acc i own


                  I'm 6k and I would have a 20% winrate probably

                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                    thx for your answers guys. I really apreciate it.


                      So fucking hard to play with 4k clowns it's enraging

                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                        Yep, most of them are like monkeys... After a year without playing ranked. I'm trying to climb again this week. but I don't find that hard to climb. 77% winrate until now.

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                          I think you need a different mindset when playing in different brackets.
                          Through out my smurfs, when playing with 5k/ high 4K players you can rely on them to help you get kills, however, the lower you go people are less and less consistent for knowing what to do. That's why so many people say 1v5 to get out of shit bracket because you know your team won't be able to do anything useful. Sad but true

                          Dire Wolf

                            It does make sense, some of the plays a pro would make won't be effective in pub play. Really easy example is trying to gank mid on riki or bh, your mid won't place the wave correctly or jump on your gank in time for a kill and it's wasted effort. Tons of other examples of this where you make space or a nice play to init something and there's zero follow up cus no one's paying attention.

                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                              I noticed that in 4 k no one knows how to deal when someone is putting pressure on carry or midlaner. they tend to demoralize and get angry so easy. I personally take advantage to that.