General Discussion

General DiscussionIQ Test exclusively for DOTA players

IQ Test exclusively for DOTA players in General Discussion

    I made an IQ-Test game only for DOTA players where you can see how you score against people with all kinds of mmrs - so you have a chance to see where you 'fit in'!

    Try it out on - the test will only be online for one more month - it is a Bachelor thesis for university.

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        Btw if IQ has to Do with mmr you will never get an bachelor :D


          WTF! This site changed my wallpapers to Angela Merkel with swastikas!!!


            LUL soultrap


              Ayy lmao, I knew I had become more stupid these last few months..


                I seriously hope Dota gives me IQ I played ways too much the years of university :-)


                  post it on reddit


                    I don't know how, weeb... can you do that for me?


                      Nice, I got 33% of participants that I want! I show you one graph so you might get interested to participate before the test is over:

                      Participate at


                        Shoe this to relentless. Anyway I thought this was iq and mmr?


                          "Btw if IQ has to Do with mmr you will never get an bachelor :D"


                            "Show your solo/party MMR" fml


                              It doesn't work

                              Could not find your games count. Open up Dota and make sure that your Solo/Ranked MMR (whichever is higher) and Games Played are visible in your profile.
                              If it doesnt work on your 3rd try, Dota is updating slowly today and you have to try again in an hour.

                              It's been hours

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                                uh, what if we dont play ranked


                                  Then calibrate.

                                  I bet you'll get like 500 MMR ;P

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                                    Hi Aaron, I fixed it for you, try again.
                                    Drop Dead, sorry I need an MMR, so if you don't play ranked, it won't work!
                                    Jacked, IQ consists of different skills. I think the logic test is the test most closely related to traditional IQ.

                                    By the way: At the moment I am especially interested in people with < 1000 mmr - so if you know any of these, please encourage them to participate!


                                      i love your emotion test, i'm a very logical person. and when i spot a copy of some test

                                      i copy from the answers of a copy of another test

                                      in reality i would've hit like 10 of those correct :p

                                      logic test, i couldn't finish in time but i made one mistake if i remember, which is misclicking XD

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                                        Here are my results:

                                        The logic test was hard for me. Maybe I'm actually pretty dumb and that's why it took me so long to get my mmr lol


                                          Also is that 1300ms reaction guy with <100 MMR a troll lol


                                            this test is all over the place, insanely small sample size and only thing that actually grows is dota knowledge.

                                            reaction time is avg the same across the board, emotional is all over the place, so is logic.

                                            also a big problem with the sample size is the amount of players who play in lower brackets compared to higher brackets

                                            also games played doesn't matter because majority here are smurfs.

                                            also, what kind of an IQ test doesn't give you an IQ, this is just a survey. not an iq test

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                                              Hi Cookie, you are right, the test is measuring intelligence in different ways, but I don't give you back an IQ number because the sample size is still too small.

                                              Lets do a deal: when I reach 100 samples, I will calculate the average for every test, so "average" actually means IQ of 100. Then, based on your score, you will get your IQ shown on your summary page.


                                              P.S. I am still looking for people especially < 1000 MMR and >5000 MMR - we don't have enough data there - please share the word!


                                                the av iq is between 100 and 110, afair
                                                its a pity there are no real trends/consistent correlations, would have been pretty cool otherwise


                                                  and the mmr does correlate with the iq of a person, just the same as being succesfull in literally any field correlates with iq. its not a strong correlation, but the tren is pretty consistent, as well as intuitive.

                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                    Hey dumble, it doesnt seem to work for me, even dotabuff got my mmr.
                                                    I can post on Reddit if you want.


                                                      Why the fuck should log in to it with my main account? I logged in with 10 games smurf and it demands mmr. WHY THE FUCK THIS SYSTEM DEMANDS MMR AND HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO WORK?

                                                      P.S. Author is retard :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


                                                        @PLYO what sort of retard wouldn't understand that he needs mmr ot correlate his results against mmr? anyway, i guess we don;t need you to fill in the test :D


                                                          @triple you really don't need a high iq to play dota. or maybe what i think of as high IQ is different to you? i class anything above 140 as high. I totally agree that you have to have above average iq - say 120 or something - to understand it but i really can't believe that some of the retards I can watch streaming are geniuses.


                                                            Hi Hook And Roll, tell me your steam id (the number you use for making friends on steam) and I can add you with your mmr manually so you can start the test. (If you don't want to make it public, send me mail to . Alternatively, ask a friend to check your profile. Only if he sees your mmr and games played, then it is truly public, and then it works. (Sometimes you change the settings, but you are the only one who can see it for some hours).


                                                              Ur tests don't take into account some major things which is why u might not see results. That or sample is too small, or range of mmr is not big enough at this point.

                                                              The only real relationship that somewhat makes sense here would probably be game knowledge and mmr; emotional intelligence one is interesting.

                                                              But logic? I didn't do the tests so I don't know. But a simple logic test like puzzles is too specific an attribute to use as a proxy for intelligence or for it to matter in a really complex game like dota.

                                                              When u measure mmr, u have to also take into account the number of games played by each individual. Ideally u want people with stable mmr - those who have played similarly large number of games already, and who have around 50% win rate. You need to realize that someone at 2k mmr with 50 games and 60% win rate is a completely different individual compared to a 2k mmr with 2000 games and 48% win rate. You need to account for such differences in ur tests if u want to see a better correlation.

                                                              A more interesting thing to measure Instead of mmr is the rate of learning of an individual startin from a base mmr.

                                                              Rate of learning or rate of gaining mmr might be a better dependent variable since it is hard to gauge someone's mmr ceiling because so many players have different number of games and different win rates.

                                                              Hope this helps bro and interesting stuff u r doing


                                                                Generally intelligence probably correlates with long run mmr but there are really so many factors that probably determine mmr, the correlation might be quite small.

                                                                You need to define what you think determines mmr before u start measuring it. Motivation to be better at the game might be one. I like that u did reaction time because there's a lot of myths surrounding this. U probably only see an effect for extreme values, I.e. ppl really slow will probably be shit at the game. Ppl with terrible terrible game knowledge would probably suck a lot too. But u will see the effects shallow out as other attributes become more important.

                                                                One thing u might consider measuring instead of reaction time or "logic" are attention, spatial memory, working memory, and general analytical skills rather than specific intelligence tests-typed logic puzzles. I'm pretty sure all these attributes are needed to do well in dota, and overlooked by many. Though they might also be too "specific" to really show a result. But getting a composite score from a combination of these attributes might make more sense.

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                                                                  Hello Jacked, your ideas are very interesting! The good thing is, that I also measure games played for every participant. So I could calculate a thing called "mmr gained per game", and compare this to the test scores. (I will definitively do this for the Bachelor thesis on paper). Or I could only compare those people that gained a specific mmr in the same amount of time - but the sample size is still too small for that.

                                                                  endless grinder

                                                                    Yo, cool test but i think my reaction time probably miscalculated cuz i was using mobile data tht runs at 15kbps at best, im pretty sure my reaction time isnt a low as a 40 y old man so... a re test maybe? the other results i think i deserve em avg at most hehe

                                                                    N also i would love to see pro's result maybe u could n invite them through their stream?

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                                                                      ^^ see that's a good idea for OP.

                                                                      Usually it's very ambitious to try and collect results for the entire spectrum of mmr. You end up with a problem with ur sample with more in the middle.

                                                                      Usually for a bachelors ur better of doing a group wise comparison (eg low skilled vs very high skill - something like 1k vs pros) you might see more results there too. Good luck for your thesis and let us know how it goes man

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                                                                        This statement got me into a coma. "If it doesnt work on your 3rd try, Dota is updating slowly today and you have to try again in an hour."


                                                                          tbh i got bored with the logical test and i just randomly clicked on images

                                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                                            ok later i do it, like i tried 100000000000000000000000000 times
                                                                            Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....
                                                                            Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....
                                                                            Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....
                                                                            Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....
                                                                            vvAsking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....vvvAsking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....Asking Steam for your MMR. This can take up to two minutes. Please Wait ....

                                                                            Dotabuff got my mmr 1 minute after i exposed on the profile.

                                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                                              my mmr is 2096
                                                                              and the number thing is 57632805


                                                                                you do not have to have a high iq, thats not what correlation is.
                                                                                you are more likely to become a decent dota player if you have high iq.
                                                                                you are more likely to play in nba if your height is above 2 metres, but a lot of players are smaller. you are more likely to become a billionaire if you have a decent degree, but it doesnt mean that no one without phd ever got that much money. you do not need to have high iq in order to get a phd in maths, but according to the trend ppl with higher iq are more likely to get it.

                                                                                < blank >

                                                                                  The average dick size is 15cm, you are more likely to get more grills if you have a bigger size
                                                                                  But it doesn't mean that you can't get grills if your small size, good news for you Triplo


                                                                                    how can u be sure im not into guys?

                                                                                    < blank >



                                                                                        The IQ Test is now complete to 85% - thanks to the 85 participants so far! I need 15 more people to complete the test and I am ready to start the scientific analysis (which will need 2 or 3 weeks) - then I will be able to announce some final results on a mathematical basis.



                                                                                          Hi Hook and Roll, it didn't work for you because you displayed WINS and not GAMES PLAYED (aka matches) in your profile. I now calculated your games played as 1344, you are now ready to take the test.


                                                                                            Wow if 15is average im happy with 18.


                                                                                              It is going brilliantly: I have 90 participants now, and I only need 10 more! It is likely that I will close down the test for new people so I can analyse the data without changes.

                                                                                              So last chance to jump on the train is probably today and tomorrow:

                                                                                              Johnny Rico

                                                                                                i dont know but that AAAAH and the OOOH triggers me, i lost all my will the emotional test, them i muted that shit.