General Discussion

General Discussionnew aghs

new aghs in General Discussion
casual gamer

    dk: autoattacks in ult apply the breathe fire debuff, ult lvl increased by 1. lvl 4 dragon gains 1 hp regen per armor point

    ember spirit: gains 30% cleave and a 15% chance 200% crit, consumable (no stats)

    slark: essence shift can be activated to double the agi bonus for 3 seconds (30 second CD). essence shift now applies a 3% damage reduction, stacks up to 40% (silver edge-type, not anchor smash)

    phantom lancer: full hp W illusion lasts 15 seconds, activate ult to switch place with any 1 illusion within 1200 range, 15 second cd, .3 second cast point

    lycan: ult is instant, can crit on buildings

    sniper: assassinate gains a 300% crit and explodes into a shrapnel

    troll: each stack of fervor gives +10% damage during battle trance, trance cd reduced to 25s

    CK: phantasm is guaranteed the maximum illusions. in addition, 2 0% damage 100% damage taken illusions spawn

    OD: 8 int is stolen from every person hit by sanity's eclipse OR clumped heroes take damage from each imprisonment and imprison damage increased to 500 (ult still imprisons people in both versions)

    riki: backstab damage is doubled during ult, enemies inside the ult are slowed 15% per time hit (stacking)

    clinkz: gains the ability of the last neutral eaten, eating a no-skill creep preserves previous skills

    gyrocopter: sidegunner gains 50% of gyrocopter's attack speed, prioritizes heroes over creeps

    TA: psionic trap reduces armor by 5-10 (charges like the MS slow), TA gains 20% ms and attack speed hitting units affected by trap a la curse of avernus

    underlord: activating ult creates a 900 range aura on ur hero that increases ms and ias by 50% for 5 seconds, ult delay reduced by 1 second

    pa: ult can be activated for a guaranteed crit, 30 second CD. blink strike now has 2 charges

    antimage: spell shield bonus doubled, activate for 6s magic immunity


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      How about we get a consumable aghs for everyone instead, maybe like buy a 2000 gold recipe and you consume your aghs but lose the stats


        Sniper = Shotgun


          @Dog that would be a huge nerf to alche


            Ok make that 4000


              am sceptre too op


                Spectre = illusions has dispersion and desolate pierces through BKB
                I like chaos in the meta lul

                casual gamer

                  ^ illusions had dispersion once before i played and it was apparently OP as fuck


                    Juggernaut = Aghanim upgrade removed


                      Of course it is lol

                      casual gamer

                        jugg agh's - can attack during bladefury, slash increase still there


                          Medusa: rapier wont Drop if you die

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                          Full Давай

                            AW : tempest double replaces original AW if he dies first


                              That was actually a lot of good aghs ideas

                              casual gamer

                                it's me, icefrog

                                Preap Sovath

                                  Arc Warden : 6.86 except copy divine, gem.

                                  Medusa : Stonegaze also add bonus for magical attack too.

                                  BH : After his using item, chance to continue his invisible is 50%

                                  Brood : Her Ultimate Unpurgable and has aura with her allies in 900 radius.

                                  Death Prophet : Exorcism has twice numbers of ghosts.

                                  Io : Overcharge do damages same as hp io loss, do magical attack, not penetrate bkb.

                                  Terrorblade : Sunder cooldown reduce twice and can use while disabled.

                                  Riki : Blink Strike do pure attack and penetrate bkb

                                  PA : Blur effects her allies in 900 radius but half of effect, can toggled for team/herself.

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                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    axe: doubles any damage output he deals by some form of return (in order to buff blademail and counter helix at the same time, his current aghs is kinda shit), instead of 2.0x it can be rebalanced to a lower value if too broken

                                    legion: any buff or debuff placed on legion or duel target by heroes who are not duel pariticipants during the duel is applied AFTER THE DUEL ENDS, if possible, no damage resistance from other heroes anymore, this means your duel opponent can still bash you, but the enemy can't hex you, the only spells that'd go through this and still mess up one or both targets are black hole and chrono

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                                    casual gamer

                                      ^^ @_@

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                                        Riguma Borusu


                                          With a comment like that, I don't quite get whether you think the axe aghs idea is too stupid or too good, though I suspect the former. Also added a LC aghs idea that kinda makes more sense in a way.

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                                          casual gamer

                                            u will 100-0 any carry at any point in the game, so it is impossible for them to farm alone ever lest u be blink blademail called and die instantly

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                                              casual gamer

                                                if you would never open the thread again i wonder how you edited that comment

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  Yeah, that's why I said 2.0x modifier might be too much to begin with, also would make the hero kind of a lategame monster anti carry (and he was already buffed to be capable of providing huge dps lategame with blademail rebalance patch). But very few heroes have an aghs they make every game, I think making aghs do more than buff your non-scaling ultimate would be better for the hero anyway. Maybe something like a 1.3x modifier instead of 2.0 would be more fair, and still place the item on the "should I get this, or something that provides different utility" aghs list.

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                                                    WELCOME TO LEAGUE OF LEGENDS.


                                                      how about we stop making stupid agh upgrades


                                                        Mirana:arrow deals 2000 damage 3x faster the speed

                                                        Super Speed Snail

                                                          Sniper: ult global range.

                                                          Mirana: global range arrow.

                                                          Earth Shaker: gain instakilling building skill with 5 minutes cooldown.

                                                          Silencer: gain his nasty old aura.

                                                          SS: his remnant attracting projectile

                                                          Wyvern: permanent flying

                                                          Medusa: insta petrify ult.

                                                          Tinker: zero mana, cast time, and cooldown ult.

                                                          Phantom lancer: gain one permanent illusion with 0 atk dmg.


                                                            That Clinkz one sounds pretty bad. I'd rather buy HotD if I wanted a neutral ability that badly.

                                                            Antimage would actually ruin dotes. 100% magic resistance are you serious OP?

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