General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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      :thinking: :gnikniht: :thinking:


        :thinking: What if the meta doesnt exist, and pros are only playing heroes they like :thinking:

        doc joferlyn simp

          should i get rid of the sf arcana or the pa


            And quit dota


              follow your heart

              doc joferlyn simp

                wait it doesnt matter anyway i still cant play


                  Get rid if both

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    and buy what with the money? i think ill just hold on to them for bragging rights and hat waving between friends and soon-to-be friends

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      mum dropped her phone and broke the screen, apparently its my fault for stressing her so much :))))))))))))))))))))))))))



                        doc joferlyn simp

                          personally from my noob view i think they should nerf daria's defense and attack. she already has an insane fanfare effect, letting her go 4/4 like gauda is better imo. allows her to clear minions reliably but not enough to deal 1/4s of your total hp whole game

                          turn 4 daria into a flame destroyer next turn is not balanced as far as i can tell

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            also fuck that mage whose as old as dirt and his red jizz

                            mr. rabbit

                              daria (the card) isnt broken at all

                              its just that spellboost as a mechanic feels "unfair" in general

                              This comment was edited

                                Im just mage

                                mr. rabbit

                                  i do agree that levi needs to be nerfed, geez his 2pp 2/2 earth rite counterpart evolves into a 3/3 and honestly that card isnt even THAT broken so why cant he be the same?

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    spellboost in itself is a great mechanic imo. if you are aiming to stack spellboosts on a big card/a select few you will have to suck up the efforts of the enemy to fuck you up, so its not that hard to deal with it if you can push the enemy to fit you into your own win-con

                                    spellboost 5 cards in your hand 5 (!!!) times??? given not every card has a spellboost mechanic and you have to discard your hand, but spellboost effecs are retarded. i play guardian sun satan and i say that daria is retarded

                                    garuda with his amulet timer reduction and 4/4 looks better by far, amulet summons arent even that retarded what the fuck

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      thats because levi evolves into a 4/4 and has a 1 pp card that deals 3 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) damage to an ENEMY. can be ANYONE. you can go fucking face with that. dont even get me started on the angelic fucking snipe

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        finally feeling good winning in shadowverse then a daria shits in my face with my mouth open lmaooooo

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          how do u lose to daria as gsun

                                          i see daria and all i have to do is remove all their shit and heal up with frogs/radiance angels


                                            Just gimme the arcana haffy


                                              I'll make better use of it than you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                you have to believe in the heart of the cards

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  i was trying out some kind of hybrid gsun/amulet also centric deck swapped my moon al miraj for a couple of garudas, still going with satan. removed radiance angel filled my deck with rabbit healers and unicas luuuuul

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    i was a shit player playing a shit deck self-made with shittiness, why cant the enemy be the same smh

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      not that this also matters tho cuz mum wont let me use phone as well because she dropped it and i was the cause because i was stressing her :)))


                                                        Git shrekt also gimme the arcanas boi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          i cant i touch myself while my inventory is opened


                                                            You cant touch yourself if you remember your mmr tho

                                                            BSJ. LGD

                                                              new expan soon PogChamp

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                                                              Bords ☺

                                                                How about give me an abaddon set if you have one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                  [29/03 13:58] Zero 14-322 8673: Guys
                                                                  [29/03 13:58] Zero 14-322 8673: Flame alice on db
                                                                  [29/03 13:58] Zero 14-322 8673: He fucked up playing with me rofl
                                                                  [29/03 13:59] Zero 14-322 8673: 1/15 axe offlane seemsgood


                                                                    You fucked up playing with zero rofl
                                                                    1/15 axe offlane seemsgood

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      The face is so gay


                                                                        Hmm seemsgood


                                                                          Am player think their good at dota


                                                                            Childlish delusional autistic attention wh0re luna spamming kid who kept looking for excuses for his shittiness with horrendous grammar think he's good at dota


                                                                              Sorry that was my sister


                                                                                AM is actually a baby hero Valve categorized him 1* out of 3* in complexity category

                                                                                This comment was edited

                                                                                  HE ONLY HAVE 2 ACTIVE SKILLS


                                                                                    sf players are the best


                                                                                      at feeding kappa


                                                                                        I'm the beat at feeding ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                          I am feed


                                                                                            Radiant victory
                                                                                            Jugg:behind a good carry there always a good supp
                                                                                            My sf:theres no supp in our team
                                                                                            Jugg: im your supp you fool
                                                                                            My sf: but your 0-11
                                                                                            Jugg:i buy ward
                                                                                            My sf: wtf you only bought 1
                                                                                            Jugg: space created

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              that juggernaut is my spirit animal


                                                                                                rtz built bf on jugg at DAC

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  damn renshins son is so cute lmao



                                                                                                    Sounds like my jugg

                                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                      should i keep my gabriel or swap her out for an olivia