General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    imo doing patch analysis especially discussion by just typing is very tiring. maybe if i had a smartphone shit would be easy but typing requires effort and im lazy af when im not driven

    edit: my subconscious is so fine tuned to the thread that the thread would want me to start every page as is humanly possible

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      @sia, u can kinda see how the frog is trying to buff split pushing. whether that actually takes the meta is a whole different story. i kept thinking am will come back cuz of battlefury + split push buffs, but he still ded/ meh

      doc joferlyn simp





          Am's fam pattern has been ruined too much and it's the whole map maybe if jungle gets changed again he could come back.

          Rn im thinking of troll if i get safelane ember if mid but after veil i go battlefury build and if both are taken i get lycan

          i will pick 3rd person if possible if not just 2nd or 1st so i wont be forced to pick other than these.

          Will focus on mid ember first just to see how it goes if it's shit i'll replace him with qop probably


            think bkb wouldve sufficed. tho


              think ember's still a mage. they didnt do anything to terrorblade right?


                Ember mage still does huge damage but im talking about solo winning. Im thinking more and even if i build bf daedalus i still wont be able to drop towers af

                viper???? Qop? Alch is still good imo we're not 6ks i wont spam it if i get to 6k and he's still like this lul


                  Invo is good in this matter. Im going to try no midas drums into bots aghs build tonight


                    ember is simply not a 1 v 5 hero because he simply cant solo push towers. after awhile mid game his solo kill potential is not as strong anymore. always needs a +1 from a smart and coordinated team to get things done with ember's skillset

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      invo no midas is dogshit i think. he values those levels too much. imo the nerf to the midas was for the supports and abaddon always getting it every game and abusing their talents super early. skipping out midas on invo is like skipping out on blink dagger as a magnus. youre still effective but not optimally


                        but seriously guys, i believe troll is a strong pick right now. he is one of those heroes that can do everything - kinda. like gyro jugg kind of heroes, except u have to be strong enough. and right now he seems strong enough.

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          i lost two games as ember magiv burst because teammates lavished the space i created for them and failed to understand and recognize the win conditions of the game (the enemy was super strong late)

                          3-0 early game died lots of times trying to 5 man push bcs by the time the luna finally wanted to push am and invo was able to come back in terms of farm and we just died

                          anti mage thought he was unkillable bcs i killed everyone before they could kill him, came a time that drow and pa werent able to be just bursted down and am just got shredded with all the physical dmg they could dish out including invos control


                            well just proves my point. look at your tower damage. not a solo win hero for sure. but still strong in some games.. that hero has a negative winrate btw


                              Viper feels rlly nice but its 1k sooo
                              Also necro is untouched so im gucci


                                Fuck everything I'm not playing unranked anymore fuck this shit


                                  We're talking about 1 creep each 1.5 min 3/4th more xp. Invo already got lvl15 xp talent which is huge and if u rat u gonna get 15 in 18 mins or smth


                                    my oh my


                                      All right I'm going backt o just practicing mid I can't roam or safelane anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                        invokers xp gain talent has a 6% winrate disadvantage to forge spirits fyi
                                        2x forges allows invoker to split push hard


                                          I already know that. Still midas gives fuckin so low and invo isnt nerfed himself okkdgs!"+ i dont just wanna givevup my 30% wr invo


                                            2x forge is still better in all cases unless you had a terrible early game and need to catchup



                                                Ye human race is dying gg

                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                  Rofl look at her skirt


                                                    She got balls boys. Big Boy Balls


                                                      she got massive lady balls


                                                        That is highly disturbing


                                                          Ye? You shouldve checked out miku's hentais on discord u couldntve slept for days. Trust me!!!

                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                            What the actual...


                                                              Its good that I don't visit db discord then


                                                                It's dead anyway. Every discord channel i got is dead wutface


                                                                  Its not quite ded, there's some random arguments


                                                                    BEWARE OF THE MIGHTY KOALA


                                                                      u haven't seen my ck

                                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                                        Nice face actually


                                                                          Better than my face ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                                                            PogChamp im cute


                                                                              r u proud bws sama?
                                                                              805 gpm even after feeding fb with a 24 min bf

                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                7.04 i think xp talent for voker was the way to go, ur level 25 tornado talent was extremely good and u reach it very fast with xp talent and midas. low cd cc spell > +1 forge

                                                                                now im not so sure anymore. xp required got larger, midas xp got nerfed, and splitpushing got buffed, but as jacked said buffs at times doesnt correlate to how the meta evolves. remember the patch where huskar got nerfed but he became even more meta anyway?

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  inb4 koala man is the guy behind the guy with the glasses

                                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                                    inb4 koala guy is rly a koala

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      i fucking called it


                                                                                        Lol 33 min manta and win. 1k things.

                                                                                        That's why everyone bans am in normal skill


                                                                                          I just noticed diox is in the vhs bracket


                                                                                            yeah I got rekt in lane but they made hella space
                                                                                            that gpm is actually my record, until again today where I went 35-1 as slark

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              my god jo what have you done to isaboobs


                                                                                                The guy behind me is one of those guys that u wouldnt know the difference if he was dead or not! He's pro at fifa tho

                                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                                  where u cucks at

                                                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                                                    man i really hate it when my friends get ahead of me even tho theres nothing i could do about it. one of my friends just got 4k mmr and im jealous of him because he has all the time of his life to play dotes this vacation, meanwhile i cant even play more than 3 games because i either tilt/share pc with my bro/parents use wifi and im not exactly performing well nowadays either, not to mention summer classes start next week.

                                                                                                    i know i have to do things at my own pace, but when ur getting compared by a third party u just feel bad about it. thats prob why i try to play a lot sometimes but those dont end up to well... just played 3 games today and i wouldve been better off stopping after 1 because i went 2-1 anyway, not to mention i went 1-4 yesterday

                                                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                      I got nothing to compare
                                                                                                      I got no guide to watch (no one teach jungle that efficient like mine)
                                                                                                      I play my own style (SB,Basher Ursa,no BKB no Blink,same for WK)

                                                                                                      Be yourself and discover your true strangth
                                                                                                      REEEEEEEEE EEEEEE?