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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      lul. we met a really cancerous duo party. i had no choice

      doc joferlyn simp

        haha kelly shadowfiend. good shit


          fuck man, rekt mid, but those two tards kept fighting

          doc joferlyn simp

            and damn jacked carrying that ursa game, wp im impressed


              that's a low priority game tho. because i lagged out and got an abandon


                issit bad that i really enjoyed watching jugg fail.


                  can someone remind me how does a level 11 treant win a manfight against a level 11 sven?


                    idk why he went battlefury,

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      treant has the highest natural base damage of any hero i think, and his green armor shit can protect up to 7 instances

                      so its you, a sven who only has an echo sabre, fighting vs a strong and tanky treant (who has mek) and can block 6 of your hits (7 including stun)

                      the real question is why you stayed to find out


                        Lmao. Cuz I was like. There's no way a god strength sven loses to a treat right? So I stayed to find out how his living armoir spell works.

                        And then I also found out that u can't hit someone when rooted. It was a good game despite the lag


                          I think Jacked's sven is way better than mine
                          I'm like 300 MMR on sven




                              I actually got more cs jungling at 10 min than I usually do laning.


                                Kelly fucking disabled help in the last match. That trigerred me so much



                                    Anyone wanna help me get out of low priority later

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      how shit do you have to be at csing in order to end up having more cs jungling than laning

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        hahaha 1k lp games best shit


                                          ill help, this time i wont split p with mag jacked :) i promise


                                            come jacked, lemme carry you

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              kelly playing dota 2 at 9 pm during a sunday topkek


                                                my class starts at 1pm tomorrow, ill be fine


                                                  Haffy because I like to shit on whoever dares to lane against me. Who needs cs when u can strike fear it the offlaners


                                                    Split push mag was legit. No way we lose that game despite our throwing

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      hmm, words mean nothing

                                                      when was that daddy vs jacked 1v1 mid


                                                        it was fun tbh, we waiting for u jacked


                                                          Job completed


                                                            seriously, we should get some badges for our incorrect mmr predictions


                                                              Yeah XD

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                did yall know that pa's dagger triggers echo sabre's slow when it is used off cd? i just discovered that today and it is good shit

                                                                may seem overkil seeing as how stifling dagger already has a slow but why not stack the slows


                                                                  isnt echo saber redundant though? you already have attack speed from 2nd, plus if its the stats your looking for, better go aquila or vangaurd

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    between the two of us i used it as a farming item since my kotl left lane at level 2 in anger since i didnt want to kill tide (no dmg kotl and pa lul)

                                                                    had to iron talon at my 2nd death. i figured since iw ont go bfury ecchi sabre will have to do



                                                                      i think i read somewhere before that using elves lower my rank?

                                                                      also that there are special moves u can get from bosses if u beat them on s rank?


                                                                        you know how to use echo sabre properly on pa?

                                                                        blink first before u dagger to proc echo slow, then reapply it using dagger

                                                                        that way u dont stack slows


                                                                          interesting, might try that build for fun


                                                                            but honestly speaking echo sabre PA is dogshit

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              you got it wrong alice

                                                                              dagger only procs the slow if the echo sabre is on cd

                                                                              if i initiate first with it then i cant reapply the slow

                                                                              why does that matter though, dagger slow is sufficient

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                ohohoho gonna spam this shit to 3k mmr no kappa. fuck yall i listen to bigdaddy

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  but in case i fail be here to comfort me roflmao


                                                                                    my english is so bad

                                                                                    what i meant is that u can slow first with echo via blink, then when echo slow wears off u can just dagger them so they get slowed again

                                                                                    but yeah that barely matters, the cd on echo/dagger are so low anyway

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      The problem with Echo Sabre on PA is that the only way it's useful for PA is if you walk up to your opponents and hit them and then use Blink Strike. Blink Strike cooldown at level 4 is actually shorter than Echo Sabre, and since Echo Sabre can't be disassembled you're either stuck with it or you sell it in the late game.

                                                                                      Basically, it's a waste of 2600 gold on PA, because one of PA's two skills actively wastes the proc on the item, and the proc on Echo Sabre is the only reason you buy it in the first place for PA since she doesn't need the 75% mana regen and she can get the stats elsewhere with better lategame upgrades.

                                                                                      You can make a lot of items that don't work on heroes look like they work on them, but it doesn't really change that Echo Sabre's advantages aren't felt by PA. You're better off building other items.

                                                                                      from reddit


                                                                                        i tried pa echo before and tbh in that game i kept complaining about it cuz i ran out of slots

                                                                                        pretty much rather get vlads + raindrops for enough survivability. everything echo gives is so fucking negligible on PA

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          i still believe, i bought an arcana for that hero not gonna see it go to waste


                                                                                            you know before hero nerfs, im pretty sure raindrops are gonna fucking get a heavy nerf

                                                                                            that item does shittons of stuff for its cost, its unbelievable

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              yeah i get that item on slark ever since it came out

                                                                                              meanwhile, i think pa doesnt have enough slots for that. basi, pms, phase, blight stone, tp are what you should be carrying early game


                                                                                                ive always underestimated that item tbh and it wasnt until recently that ive respected it so much that i buy it almost every game


                                                                                                  Echo saber pa huh, seems legit.
                                                                                                  I will try this out in my sub 1k bracket


                                                                                                    Raindrop should be 400 gold or shit
                                                                                                    Way too useful