General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Necro winrate continues and raising

My Necro winrate continues and raising in General Discussion

    Last 44 games 84.44% win rate ranked. Wtf? Lol

    mentally handicapped

      make a complete guide so benao can try it


        Nothing can help benao, he forever 4500 trash


          Why do you rush greaves on him?

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            if this is legit ill spam it to 5k


              Spammed necro from 300 to 1.1


                necro is the bomb he gets boring to play but i need to force myself soon enough lmfao

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                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                  hes really fun if u go offlane

                  Giff me Wingman

                    Necro is strong because he can teamfight early and lategame 1 good ult is gamewinning. He is a decent pub hero, he will get shit once players git gud tho.

                    But ya, benao will always be 4k dogshit Dx


                      Why do I rush graves? Cus its best item for necro together with aghs ofc. Simply amount of heal is almost ubreakable as 5

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                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                          sugoi desu ne


                            necro gets bad when the other team learns to use glimmer cape ;(

                            casual gamer

                              nah u just have to kill the glimmerer first, ult him, or wait til they will die for sure even if ur ult only does 100 damage


                                I can see why you'd rush mek and arcanes just wondered why finishing it off was worth it rather than building something else and leaving the recipe till later.

                                Massive Dynamic

                                  The biggest thing with greaves is the cooldown. Mek is 65 seconds, while Arcanes is 55. Guardian Greaves is 40 secs. That's a huge cooldown reduction for both, making it a very strong item early. It's great on Necro because it synergies well with his skillset.

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                                    Yo Bogi, have a look through my recent necro games and let me know if you see anything i could do better? Not asking you to watch a replay but if you did that'd be pretty nice.

                                    Saw you were spamming him and gave it a go and won like 9 necro games in solo in a row.

                                    not arin

                                      how does playing necro teach you how to play dota

                                      casual gamer

                                        how to position in fights as a 0 mobility hero that everyone wants dead


                                          Win rate going up to almost 90% now lmao, 5300 mmr


                                            I prioritize aghs over greaves. Its rlly good but aghs upgrade is nuts.
                                            Arcanes > mek > aghs > greaves > blademail (situational) > octarine > shivas. Potential hex or refresher. He is just good at pubstomping. Countered by od with astral, sd with disruption, glimmer, omni with repel, dazzle with grave. But he wins lane by standing in it in low mmr which is why his winrate is nuts.


                                              Yo how can u be so good at a hero and not know it before? Lmao. R u 6k necro 4k everything else? Or u just been 5k all along without try Harding.


                                                I m 5k+ lvl with like 15-20 heroes anything else probably lower and Necro is to much to say is at 6k lvl but for now is going really good

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                                                    After 8 games won almost all games and got low prio again wtf is this shit.......

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                                                        do you get veil? i like this hero a lot but my normal build has been blademail veil and ags/shivas w.e

                                                        i find myself getting counterpicked so bad with oracle sd and whatnot that i dont even bother playing him in ranked.

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                                                              Why does oracle counter necro?


                                                                Read Oracle spells, obviosly u don`t know them yet

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  w and ult each independently fuck scythe


                                                                    ? What r u talking abt


                                                                      Oh rofl. I forgot about w. Yea that's pretty big


                                                                        Hi strongmind can you give me a little summary of what you do in this games? Thank you. I'd be watching your replays too

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          he goes mid, farms mek and then starts to 5man push.

                                                                          That's the games in a nutshell.

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                                                                              67.symetricaL^ go

                                                                              synapse ye pretty much farm mek arcanes and try to fight as much as possible then transition to rosh and push

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                                                                                do u rely in early GG timing to get rosh and HG ear;ly? or do u rely on fighting effectively to win games?

                                                                                is it a timing issue, or a fighting issue?


                                                                                  There is no issue with Necro you can win early,mid and also late game very easily thats why hero is so good.



                                                                                    so what do u do if u want to win early. and if u cant win early and ur plan is to win mid game, what do u do differently, and if u cant win mid game as well, what do u do different to win late?


                                                                                      Which position necro?


                                                                                        Thats complicated question and can`t really be easy answered because every game is a different and that can explain a bit like 5k-8k players difference sometimes. 5k will have 80-90% mechanical skill as 7k in terms of clicking and farming but 7k will adjust to a game and learn fast what they need to change to win hard games and what exactly they need to do while alot of 5ks and 4ks plays like a robots and don`t think about anything in the game and 1 dead without buyback can be gg. So I can`t really answer you this easily because every game is a different and almost every game I m going pretty much same items even I m going to win early or late game. Grave is a must usually and what I change about items is do I go blademail after that first eul or ghost depends on their picks if they got smth like silencer obviosly I ll get eul if they got clinkz jugger and lifestealer I ll go ghost if they have zeus I ll go pipe if my team not going for it and etc. when you got alot of knowlege for the game itself than u can just go with it I mean there is no secret formula you just simply play dota at your best.

                                                                                        Boobs Of Travel

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                                                                                          i see, ur at the same mmr as benao few months ago lul, grats on ur 5k

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                                                                                            "clinkz jugger and lifestealer I ll go ghost if they have zeus I ll go pipe "

                                                                                            plz read


                                                                                              no coma, im confused xd


                                                                                                Benao didnt had 5300 few months ago

                                                                                                the end justifies the means







                                                                                                    God doesn`t exist sorry

                                                                                                    not arin

                                                                                                      worst is that bogi now thinks that hes actually good
                                                                                                      ayy lmao


                                                                                                        I m good enough to not post useless pus sy comments on forums with smurfs