General Discussion

General Discussionis ogre the best solo roamer for this patch?

is ogre the best solo roamer for this patch? in General Discussion

    he has decent movespeed with bloodlust, a stun, a very potent slow especially if maxed first, and he can dive towers so going for extended dives isnt really much to him

    also his skillset is so good, he's pretty much a tanky cm with a better enabling skill (aspeed/ms versus mana regen)

    the only problem with him would be is that he doesnt get levels as fast as cm could, and his kinda lacking in the range department considering hes melee and his spells no longer have the godlike range it used to have


      Guys bear with me here but Drow seems like one of the best carries for this patch? Really strong aura, pushes really well, makes sure all your lanes win. Is it just me or am I figuring out some new meta shit here? Why aren't any pros picking this sleeper OP hero?

      This comment was edited

        great hero, but very boring to play


          DING DING DING, Mother F**KER!!!

          Dire Wolf

            Yeah he's up there idk about best. Pudge is probably the best roamer but ogre is a lot better in lane


              Ogre isnt a lane support. When u have starting 8 armor and 700 some health. U can lvl 1 walk at enemy heroes, so its ok he doesnt have insane range. As for levels, similar to aa cud midas work? Recently ive been seeing a lot of midas on supports or offlaners so im just wondering. Why u say purge is best roamer, he is good but i mean he isnt a pro player. LaNm is a good ogre player so check out his games.

              yung griphook

                LMAO ^ that actually took the most hilarious turn XD