General Discussion

General DiscussionSieging T3 Tower

Sieging T3 Tower in General Discussion

    Can someone give me tips on sieging highground? What if the enemy team got more teamfight advantage like AOE disable, etc.? What should we do if we got all T2 towers and got advantage? Please help.


      Depends on the draft. Sometimes u want to slow siege under bkb effect or repel from omni or with help of sd illusions. Sometimes u have to dive that damn arc warden cos its imppssible to push when he is alive. Against tinker usually pipe on utility offlaner, bkb on core is a must. Ac if they have many right clickers. If u play sven u dont really give a damn. Just wait if 2-3 stay together and dive. It all depends on picks. If u have venomancer in team ask him to plant plague wards behind their tower to cancel blink on es. Stuff like that.

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          Take rosh, gain experience and gild advantage, push all lanes, if u have use siege abilities like shaman ultimate, try to get vision and push if they have to split to defend another Lane against creeps.

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            like lex said it depends on the draft

            but i got a better in general tactic, just pincer them into their base for 10 min

            if they leave, you kill them 1 by 1 and then take HG

            if they don't leave their base, your team gets 10 min of freefarm EVERYWHERE on the map

            while theirs has to share 3 lanes of creeps over 5 heroes, and then after 10 min you walk uphill and take HG without needing to fight

            either way you win

            this tactic never fails

            you'd have to be retarded to mess it up

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                omg thanks. I always fcking lose coz we cant siege it. so all we need to do is to ward their place, choke them resources and pick off them 1 by 1. ok ty

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                  Ya starvation tactic is the most reliable way to siege
                  Or you can just take rosh
                  Or starve them while you take rosh


                    Its depend on the situation if you play hero like mirana you could dive eblade arrow starstorm and leap to safety. If you have hero like alch or naga just push slowly. If you have midgame hero like lc just go and fuck them in the ass(read:rosh then push). Remember your role if youre mirana try to make space if youre tiny or pusher try to hit building or rax


                      @Cookie: Look this game
                      They pincered us in base for 20 minutes. I had only vanguard and brown boots on spec. Still we managed to hold, why this is exception to your tactic?
                      You can even see that i literally had 0 income from 15 to 25 min in game.

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                        depends a lot on what sort of role you play. i play a lot of broodmomma so I am usually knocking on the T3 at 13:00. Ideally, I push one while my other 4 teammates push the other side of their base to split them up. If they have any AOE in a 5-man, single lane defense, they are gonna be able to hold the HG, feed on your heros and then start the comeback.

                        If I see a genuine opportunity to take HG at 15-20' then i'll build Necrobook and keep pushing it in. They hit hard and the truesight helps with any detection/dewarding. If my team is afk farming, I'll go with manfight build, rosh, choke off their jungle and keep picking off solo heros while the rest of the team comes online.

                        Started 12-0 in a few games, taken T2 at 8:00 and get full of adrenaline. Build force staff to try and yank the heros off the high ground but rarely had success with it. like all things doto, it depends on your situation. If you have greedy cores, choke off the lanes and starve them out. if you have a Shaman, Brood and DP, then end the damn game.


                          I'll look at it when i come home

                          But from the scoreboard what i can see is that they probably instead of pincer + punish they sat infront of your base throwing the advantage back to you



                            i just watched that game in fast forward

                            there's absolutley no pincer in that game

                            you had free farm the whole game.

                            why is this not a pincer:

                            1. they constantly threw their gold back to you

                            aka they'd just jump in an die instead of hunting you outisde the base and killing you while farming

                            2. talking about farming, they did none, with any pincer that would last ''20 min''(which never happened, at all this game, not even close to a 2 minute pincer)

                            anyways if it were to last 20 min, they'd have all at least godamn double gpm they had that game, obviously they didn't

                            3. you were always allowed to leave the base and freefarm for the whole game

                            aka that negates the definition of hte pincer,



                              ok so imma lay out the rules, and you try to find me one game that actually follows these rules but failed:

                              1. enemy team can't leave base, if they leave base they die

                              2. you constantly push the waves towards their base so that they can't leave without being noticed

                              3. you can't die to the enemies

                              4. ward their side

                              5. get farm, lots of it

                              6. lasts at least 10 minutes

                              7. get aegis

                              8. you can't walk uphill without fulfilling point 4, 5, 6 and 7

                              9. if you pick off more than 2 and they don't have buyback, you can skip step 4-8 and just walk uphill

                              the pincer is a very simple tactic to preserve momentum against enemies who can defend HG

                              exception: obviously if you have the advantage, the teamplay, and the heroes that can break HG BECAUSE you don't need to use the pincer as you would be able to just walk uphill and hit the buildings without having to fight.

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                              Dire Wolf

                                Just don't dive and take fights you can't win, that's how you lose games. If you haven't raxed them then they get full gold from creep waves and heroes like medusa, drow and sniper can sit back and farm all day, but you will outfarm them cus you have the whole map and both jungles, but you won't if you feed them.