General Discussion

General Discussion4 reports summary and after 2 games low prio

4 reports summary and after 2 games low prio in General Discussion

    Whats up with system? This system is so fucking unreal, dunno how not to get low priority I play every game my best I don`t play good every single game which is natural but if u don`t play like perfect every single game people will just report and low priority rly nice system unplayeble always low priority dunno how to fix this mute all and not die once or something dunno really unreal, and I can`t not flame sometimes if I have 5300 guy in team who don`t go blademail as Lc vs anti mage in game its just unreal what to do really :DDDDD

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      Git gud? Tbh play really late at night, all the friendly neighborhood white dads come out to play some doto. U will usually not get flamed or reported by them, they r very nice and fun to play with.


        Im not suprised you where to lp if you keep talk to that lc to get blademail ...


          lmao, i agree with Pippo...blademail is not mandatory on Lc


            bear with it

            casual gamer

              blademail lc gives you a timing where you acn actually just fuckign kill am 1 on 1 through vguard or whatever


                Pippo^ Thanks for your NORMAL SKILL advice really helpful. Sooooo blademail lc sucks vs Am right? Thanks

                Vem Comigo


                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                    Bogi 's descent to 4k begins


                      Yea nice job increasing report sensitivity when most ppl report for playing bAd dafuq


                        The strongmind is being broken, kappa


                          Valve new report system LULZ sobayed EleNiggle


                            ya know life is sucks !

                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                              blademail is not mandatory on Lc

                              Pretty sure it's like THE ITEM to go for after dagger because carries will hate you for it


                                "The strongmind is being broken" =)

                                Dr. Banana

                                  Valve changed the system because before people said stuff like "report system is broken AF pls fix valve" when it was completely fine. In the middle valve reduced the number of reports people could give. People said "give us more reports valve" and valve just increased the sensitivity of reports.

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    ya 1k daday and 1k Jacked are the best keyboard coach out there u better listen to them up 5k scurm Strongmind.

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      And for real the report system is broken now there will always be some crazy want to report u for no reason specially from SEA I think I played one game one of their carry is so bad and he blame teammate because they are pinoy. and said who help report xxx I will comment him.While he is the main reason they lost lol

                                      M U R D E R

                                        For blademail on lc it depends on the lineup? Playing against some timber tinker axe lineup its surely not mandatory.

                                        This comment was edited

                                          Well, another here.
                                          I was never in Low but now after 2 games full retard teams who dont want to listen, just feeding and complaining when they die for go alone...
                                          And the same said, if you have a bad game they gonna report you saying that its your fault.
                                          After this I thing the best its say nothing, mute chat and done. Nobody want to listen, if you say something that can help as a player you gonna recieve: "shut up noob im better than you gg reported"

                                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                            blademials definitely not core on lc

                                            BSJ. LGD

                                              pretty sure deso dagger armlet is enough to kill a vanguard antimage lol, and blademail slows down your farm speed and bkb timing(you need one to team fight 5v5) so i dont like blademail. but its core on offlane lcs after blink for sure, not like mid or safelane where you have to hit people and not get CC'd in teamfights so a bkb is a must;
                                              offlane lcs only need to depush the enemy and find pickoffs;
                                              i prefer shadowblade before bkb depending on how often the enemy groups up. dagger deso is core 100% of the time tho, i also dont like armlet cuz it delays the deso dagger timing substantially.

                                              also there are better cores than lc XD like luna.


                                                Im sure hes talking about jungle LC where BM is a core item after dagger cause you get both so fast..