General Discussion

General DiscussionMagnus - Damage or utility

Magnus - Damage or utility in General Discussion

    This question always gets me,
    I personally am more in favour with the Refresher + force + blink etc.
    However i see Arise go for the Echo + Damage Build with treads and just hit things, You don't need 2 rp's if you can kill them all in one.

    Any thoughts on the build?
    I prefer to play magnus as less of a farm priority, however with echo sabre his farming/Damage is off the chain so now i could be leaning the other way.

    Any ideas?


      Echo sabre made magnus great again


        treads sticks botle sabre
        then go bkb dmg or go force refresher depends on pick in your team and emenie


          Magnus "utility" actually means hi guys im an rp and a battlefury

          Magnus damage on the other hand does something else than rp dendi missed most of his rps in one game but his damage was enough to win the game even with bad rps


            I always found magnus to be weak before because I cud rp, but then I cudnt do anything after that. U don't even have to go full right click, just grabbing some casual stats and a silver edge means with the added strength from stats ur empower adds more DMG too.