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General DiscussionHello.Pls help me.

Hello.Pls help me. in General Discussion
Offline Angel

    Love to play offlane,but almost never win,I can advise 3 heroes on the offlane who can win with down on carry


      Timbersaw, Centaur and Clockwerk


        you need to dual offlane if you want to win vs any carry

        there's no universal counter for all lanes, you just have to get better at laning

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          offlaners that can achieve higest impact are underlord, timber and sk atm


            offlanesrs dont win games, usually unless the enemy safelane is solo and garbage. Usually you will be against a duel or tri lane safelane as a solo offlaner since people who play dota are greedy and need to have a jungle to farm. at 2k though offlanes are much easier, people do not know how to pull or force you out of lane, but the higher up you go the more likely youll get shit on by the enemy supports.
            good offlaners are situational, timber gets shit on by a duel offv flane with a slark and a stun, nyx just needs levels then you gank mid over and over, fv is hard to kill if they cannot chainstun you, but you need to know your limits on your hero. If you do get a level advantage you can get a kill, but dont force one for then you might just feed the enemy safelaner.
            in the end, stay alive and hope your other lanes can benefit that you are solo vs 2


              Personally I like playing really strong owners like void and timber, cuz someone like clock gets zoned way too easy. Not that clock belong there, he is just more passive. The offlaner is usually the core who starts rotating first, as they r the least farm dependent core. Tbh I feel the offlane/safelane r so flexible that its hard to define specifically. In the usual solo off I wud recommend axe or SK against melee weak laners, timbersaw and void against strong laners.


                yes underlord timber sk
                and i would add beastmaster especially vs melee carry and if posible melee suport
                or go good dual offlane but skills are important
                i can rape 2k on offlane even vs 2 i can still have items like their carry


                  1st place the not yet balanced underlord
                  2nd place timber/ tidehunter if enemy have no high magical burst plus, if their melee
                  3rd place faceless void/ sand king cuz they can contest exp in hard situations
                  4th place the old ones, windranger/ dark seer they can be niche good
                  5ve place dual/ tri off and fight all the early

                  you cant win that lane in MOST of situations, and with MOST, i mean, against average players... u purpose as an offlaner is to get much experience as u can, and delay the tower from falling all u can.. after that, everything is a good bonus, getting good gold, upset enemy farm, kill supports..

                  also, u cant win a game being a offlaner, actually, being any role, without help of ur team, the better pick, and the right strategy.. of course, as u may notice, in lower braket, having a late game carry puts you closer to victory than any other role..


                    I feel like wr needs too much farm to be gr8 offlaner. She is OK, but I think mid is better