General Discussion

General Discussionhow to ember

how to ember in General Discussion

    I randomed ember in a match yesterday and I was like ''great, i practiced a lot with the bots this hero, should be fine in my ns bracket''.

    Bang. HS. A fucking smurfing tinker made the lane impossible for me, had a fucking pudge camping mid and i managed to not die, I even got a kill on tinker.

    How to lane ember? why is he played as a mid? I mean, he is a decent nuker but the range of his skills and the low hp/armor values on early game fit more to a safelane carry.

    I request tips in general about how to play ember spirit.


      So many ppl wanna know about ember. U know why? Cuz he is bad hero





          Something like a niche pick? Or just anorther shit tier hero

          This comment was edited
          doc joferlyn simp

            shit tier currently

            need to be ahead of gpm and xpm, his spells fall of too fast. even if he can kill people takes too much time, opens himself to counterattack. takes too much farm from the team, needs at least a daed to be effective. needs atleast a dr to be strong late game

            not arin

              i played him once this patch and he feels like hot garbage
              or i just forgot how to use him


                Safelane ember is A-okay. Nothing wrong with it
                Mostly just play him mid if it's a decent match up


                  Dont pick Ember, even with Meepo or Phantom lancer in the other team....
                  Really this hero need a lot of items for kill ez Travel Boots, Bf, 2 Daedalus, Rapier...
                  Then u git gud.

                  Need a buff.


                    damn my last match. es was just complete useless

                    casual gamer

                      you just have to not die ever and u have a decent chance of winning

                      which is why hes shit, he can be 20k nw ahead and get roared or whatever even after linkens and just fucking die

                      if ur good enough you can just not die though. his ult is kinda a broken spell


                        he is one of the weakest solomids if not weakest


                          he is played mid cuz he needs xpm avantage.. also gpm.. he is not total garbage, but doesnt feet with the current meta