General Discussion

General DiscussionFARMING PATTERNS

FARMING PATTERNS in General Discussion

    any tips on farming patterns. I get around 50-55 cs in 10 minutes. But how to utilize jungle well and get more farm than this in 10 minutes??


      Ask your support to stack some camps for you.

      Merve Dibo & the Podracin...

        If lane is pushed up near enemy offlaner's tower, try taking the small camp or big camp if possible. It will give cs while keeping the possibility of a pull from your support from whatever camp you aren't farming. However, after you farm the camp of your choosing, don't go any deeper into the jungle, as hopefully the lane will be equal again.


          all situational, pretty much, if you see enemys on map, farm wherever they arent

          meteor hammer

            50-55 is BAD, focus on buying QB earlier, making sure u miss 0 or only 1 creep while playing aggressive, and pulling the large camp for extra gold

            a good game i might have 80-90, a bad game ill have 50-60


              just always go for the lane creeps (on safelane) and if you clear them fast go instantly one large camp and the pull camp fast , then go back to lane creeps


                Pfffft. Who needs to farm. I farm heroes.

                Jd u must be a god tier carry. The actual benchmarks are: Hard lanes -40cs for carry
                Semi hard 50-60
                Easy 70-90


                  I get 40cs all the time but I still carry games. Food for thought for the burgeoning noob.

                  meteor hammer

                    it helps if you pick heroes who are really good at clearing the hard camp and missing no cs: antimage, sven, slark etc


                      in lane u can have 86cs at 10 minutes. So instead of focusing on getting creeps in jungle camp first focus to get around 80 at 10. When you can consistently do that – pull the hard camp into lane at 53 after pushing your lane out and congratulations, you will have ~100 at 10

                      not arin

                        you dont need patterns to get above 5cs/min

                        BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                          you cant even utilize lane creeps with 5cs/min wtf are you doing. FOCUS.


                            Lol at people saying these unrealistic ass numbers. Even 7k+ steamers don't put up 80+ cs in first 10 on most heroes.

                            According to dotabuff the average 5k+ Tiny (slow farming hero) gets 37 cs in first 10 minutes
                            According to dotabuff the average 5k+ AM (fast farming hero) gets 64 cs in first 10 minutes

                            casual gamer

                              my last tb game: 83 at 10 + an sk kill

                              casual gamer

                                another tb game: 75 at 10 with kotl blasting 2 creep waves away and leaving me 1v1 void

                                and im rusty as FUCK on tb, a real tb player can hit some ludicrous numbers


                                  I made a farming guide, look it up on my youtube/facebook somewhere

                                  Theres also some video on youtube of me getting 800 lh in 30ish min as a challenge. In some stream, someone find and post it here, not home atm cant watch youtube

                                  casual gamer

                                    basically git gud

                                    clueless clown

                                      @cookie uh whats your chanel called bro? Would love to watch your content.


                                        You're wrong. Average includes won and lost games and dogshit players. And usually in pubs nowadays you aren't getting a free lane. I was talking about the situation where you're 3/2x1/0. Obviously if you're contested – you'll get less cs


                                          And tiny isn't played carry. It's usually played offlane/mid in pubs so numbers are lower because of that.

                                          casual gamer

                                            37 by 10 is gamelosingly awful and i would feel genuinely bad if i ever hit that, i can hit 50/60 by 10 1v3 as omni or underlord


                                              If ur mid melee hitting 37/10 is decent.


                                                Kappa ?


                                                  My channel is linked to my dotabuff profile


                                                    Self-advertisement ?? !?!? BANNED


                                                      Not kappa. If you look at the numbers of mid melee heroes vs ranged heroes it's usually what you get. I'm excluding heroes like alch who have great natural farming abilities.

                                                      clueless clown



                                                          @JDF8 what cs do u typically have by 10 mins as off void


                                                            and is 150 by 20 mins fine on void? (assuming offlane of course)




                                                                Offlane is not that much about cs/min and more about impact you make. If you can't make any impact and all you did was farm and had 150 cs/20 then why did you pick offlane void in the first place.

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  150 by 20 is absurdly good for offlane void, omni and pitlurd have crazy aoe spells, id have to look up what i usually get

                                                                  cs as offlaner isnt a real measure of success unless ur ricing a mek though typically


                                                                    Yeah, lane isn't always easy and you don't win every time. You can't just queue in thinking you'll get free farm whenever. Also no 5k player is dogshit. They're objectively amazing players compared to average


                                                                      Lol at people saying these unrealistic ass numbers. Even 7k+ steamers don't put up 80+ cs in first 10 on most heroes.

                                                                      7k = normal skill?
                                                                      the more you know


                                                                        ^you're pretty dumb if you think 7k is normal skill

                                                                        Go look at pro tournaments. Notice how the best players in the world aren't usually getting 80+cs in 10

                                                                        Realize that farming in a real game is different that farming in a private lobby (tough concept for most itt)

                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                          nobody is talking about private lobbies i can hit 110-120 cs at 10 in a private lobby as sniper but nobody cares


                                                                            for a purely jungle pattern

                                                                            you can farm along the yellow lines, stack at the circles. you need some sort of blink to make it work well though
                                                                            i dont know for radiant

                                                                            with stacked ancients and hard camp its nearly 20cs/min (its possible to clear all that in one minute)

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                                                                              if ur team is farming ur own jungle, bot and middle are pusshed out, and u go top to farm. i always dont know what pattern is good for top lane (on radiant). do u go ancients, hard camp, lane, then enemy hard camp? going up always usually ends up with a bad pattern coming back down..


                                                                                idk if you want to farm enemy jungle go ahead just watch the minimap and you will be fine i guess


                                                                                  Or is it better to go straight to lane, clear one wave then head to jungle?


                                                                                    it depends on the situation, maybe your team is farming lanes, or maybe you are well-started antimage/pa or whoever and can do this pattern AND lanes

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                                                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                      Whoah. I thought my avg 50 cs in 10mins actually good.

                                                                                      More practice i guess


                                                                                        depends on the game actually. sometimes lanes are easy and you can get high cs . avg 50 is fine for me but gotta practice more


                                                                                          Radomly just chose 5 games from the first page of recents on sumail's profile cs @ 10 was:

                                                                                          where the hell are all of these 70-100 cs by 10 coming from, are you not missing any cs in the safelane and getting every jungle stacked or some shit you only get 5 creeps every 30 seconds, you would have to never miss to get 100... people are insane.


                                                                                            because NS=7k avg games

                                                                                            anel, get to reality.

                                                                                            you can't be real to compare 7k+ avg games where it's incredibly hard to sustain high amount of farm without getting ganked, to a goddamn NS game where you get freefarm for the whole godamn match without any consequences at all.

                                                                                            my record in an NS game is 1.2k LASTHITS in 50 minutes as AM

                                                                                            that's how much freefarm you get, i once even got 800 in 40 with a goddamn treant

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                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              on a good game I can hit 80-100 last hits on sven if somebody has stacked a camp or two (or I managed to because I was not pressured s ejolr loy) but jesus guys how are your lanes so uncontested while at the same time you have supports not sapping exp or fucking lane equilibrium or forcing you to last hit under tower until you get some wave clear it is fucking crazy

                                                                                              oh right

                                                                                              7k != 3k

                                                                                              now it makes sense

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                                                                                                MAX lane CS is 82 (iirc)

                                                                                                But you can also hit jungle too if their offlaner is gone. But hitting jungle means you need to push the wave or you will miss CS. And generally you don't want to push unless the offlaner is missing.

                                                                                                My last (db+) AM game I got 71 in 10m vs a centaur lane.


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                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  It really depends on what hero you are and how your lane is going. Of course uncontested on a melee carry in safe lane just try to not miss cs and get around 80.

                                                                                                  If you're on a hero with aoe like sven or sniper, have support stack some camps and go kill them.

                                                                                                  If your lane is being contested hard well there's not tons you can do, try to come back in farm later.

                                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                                    if ur sth like tb you can stack camps and pull the large camp by urself, kill the pulled camp while still getting cs, etc

                                                                                                    ofc i cant get perfect cs on a pulled camp especially with low lvl illus, but dedicated high level players definitely can, which is how people snowball and hit disgustingly high GPMS on TB (800-900+)



                                                                                                      I was trying to relate to you 5k players talking about how much cs you get and used sumail as an example. By no way am i comparing him to my ns games.


                                                                                                        just look you hover around the 50s.