General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kind of retardation causes sniper players to rush shadow blade?

What kind of retardation causes sniper players to rush shadow blade? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    I thought that once I reach VHS in ranked I would no longer be seeing this kind of shit, but apparently it is still prevalent (aside from the fact people still have not learned how to farm, of course).

    So what exactly are you thinking when you buy shadow blade on sniper? Do you buy it to initiate and shoot people down, do you buy it for some damage and attack speed, with an idea to get silver edge later, or you are brain damaged enough to believe it is an escape mechanism?

    I really do not fucking get it.


      I buy it if I have positioning problems. Mostly so I can get where I need to be before I drop shrapnel and start shooting.

      Riguma Borusu

        40 minutes and only one guy in the game has over 200 last hits (at 206, as TERRORBLADE)!

        okay, that game is way beyond my range of comprehension so I will do my best not to comment on that

        you have 5 farming heroes on your team BUT NOBODY FARMS what the fucking fuck


          Dude its a fucking 1k game I was literally being hunted by infest ganks the entire time. This was played when my game knowledge is even shittier than it still is. Have u never ever seen a fucking lower skill game? R u that good? Fuck you


            Riguma Borusu

              my problem is that this kind of crap is still prevalent in VHS

              you linked me a shitty 1k game where you could have bought 6 dagon fives and still won

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              meteor hammer

                silver edge is situationally ok as a damage item that also gives some hp and utility, if ur against shit like axe or pa or luna or (etc) a well placed break can completely fuck their gameplan, sniper can apply break from farther than any other hero in the game and doesnt need to use it to initiate or escape

                meteor hammer

                  also you can use it to run away faster!! nobody buys dust right? lul

                  meteor hammer

                    but in 99% games i think pike mael skadi mj or something close to it is the build

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^pretty much, I'd probably get shadow blade every game if I played sniper against (especially multiple) heroes with nice passives, but pike's too good to pass up atm, maelstrom gives you a farming and pushing capability (plus it's good against armor too and builds into mjollnir), skadi makes you pretty much immortal combined with pike and possibly bkb if you have to get it, it is just that I do not see the value of a lone shadow blade if the enemy doesn't have anything you would ever need to break

                      I am pretty sure you have to buy silver edge every game against spectre, if you are unfortunate enough to have picked sniper while spectre is not banned or something, but as I said, i see people randomly buying shadow blade for no fucking reason only to get dusted every time, and of course they have no force staff or a proper damage item to deal with the situation, not to mention they get cocky because invisibility=invincibility

                      I did not think this kind of shit happens so close to 4k is all I was saying, I went from 1.1k to 3.8k on this account and I have seen a ton of insane shit people who have never played in 1k would not believe, but I just hoped people would realize a dumb idea is dumb by now

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                      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                        shadowblade is fine idk whats ur problem

                        2k indog monkey

                          Yes it is fine but pike is better

                          meteor hammer

                            did i tell you about the 4.4k rubick bloodstone rush?thank god that game was already in the bag and we closed it out before his terminal retardation cost us

                            Riguma Borusu

                              ye I read that and it gives me little hope about the 4k bracket so I am not too hard pressed to play solo ranked to get there atm

                              Freya 69

                                Taking SB over Pike is honestly less efficient a route to take. Better positioning, better range, better mobility, better over all sustainability, better escape mechanic if you just practice with it a little. You pretty much said it. I'm not trying to be mean here, it honestly is just less an efficient option in nearly every situation, thus technically worse.

                                meteor hammer

                                  i mean that was an extreme outlier, and he probably was very good at something else to compensate for his brain cancer

                                  im pretty sure >4800 mmr is a huge jump in quality though