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General DiscussionROADWAY TO THE NEXT LEVEL : 4000-5000mmr Players Analysis

ROADWAY TO THE NEXT LEVEL : 4000-5000mmr Players Analysis in General Discussion

    VztA- thanks alot for replying to my question. Other post are irrelevant to the topic unlike you, thanks.


      Git good


        so far,

        High 4k to 5k seems to have much fewer junglers, people generally know the win conditions of the game, and communicate much more

        Supports understand that they dont need a hex dagger force staff travels to be impactful, they prioritize warding and smokes over items
        They also rotate ALL THE TIME A̶N̶D̶ ̶I̶M̶ ̶A̶ ̶M̶I̶D̶ ̶P̶L̶A̶Y̶E̶R̶ ̶F̶U̶C̶K̶ ̶M̶Y̶ ̶L̶I̶F̶E̶

        offlaners will ditch their lanes if its hard

        oh and lastly, people are just sliightly more willing to give up their core positions isntead of dual mid-ing and shit eks-dee


          i really like that term win condition. if only i knew how to find it.


            Nc observation leaf, thanks for the reply.


              @jacked kind of irrelevant up until 3k or so, people just run at each other and the guy with the most kills ends up winning as far as i know (in lower brackets)


                yea.. sad stuff i know.


                  Jacked, are you an analyst?


                    @leaf, in my games before 4k i have games which we win even though the enemies leads at kills, they try to push high the grounds but they fail to do so, and we win because of that. This is a kind of win condition am i right?


                      not really

                      Win condition is when you look at the draft and say This needs to happen for us to win, we need to do this to win, we need to hit XX timer to win etc


                        Hey leaf add me i cant add people,i'll accept when im online :(


                          like, if they have a greedy draft, with 3 farm heavy cores or a jungler and shit, the win condition would be to win early game and snowball and gain mapcontrol to strangle their farm, take over their jungle, take their towers before they come online


                            But what im finding in my games right now is that i am committing more deaths than usuall. Before my deaths is ranging from 0-7 now its 7- 13 as support. And im thinking right now how should i work with this.

                            meteor hammer

                              sometimes 4ks do blatantly wrong or crazy shit though

                              look at this mid magnus, he won the game btw

                              4 7 0 0 m e m e r p o i n t s

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                                if you have a greedy draft, the win condition is to survive early mid, and keep up good vision to allow your cores to farm, making sure sups have tp's to save cores etc


                                  @iamanthony if you're dying a lot, just work on your positioning.

                                  Dont go off warding alone. its usually good to ward when youre 5man smoking for a kill, or just took a tower etc

                                  Since you're a support, you can literally sit behind your lads, give em a spank and tell em to do their best

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Thanks for the analysis, ya recently I aware that I will get hard game when enemies snowball so early or win all lane know more of the weaknesses of jungeler and how it effect team more now, thanks I will look and see what I can do to it


                                      This is another problem in my solo rank, most of the cores are farming, they dont want to 5man most of the time, i buy smoke but they dont want to utilize it, but i want to give them vision so i usually go alone.


                                        @leaf, this is actually a scenario that happens most in my games, almost 50-55% i think.


                                          If u cant get ur team to do shit, the best u can do is just let things happen and see where it goes. Win conditions arent the only way to win. People throw allllll the time

                                          The Medic Guy

                                            1. yes, most 3-4k carry don't want to push unless they are 5/6 slotted, they will go to jungle after win a big war, unless you told them to push with a reasonable statement like "WHY YOU STILL GO JUNGLE AFTER 4 OF THEM DIED? GO PUSH!!!!! DUMB SHIT CARRY!!!", and then they "STFÛ!" to you, and start pushing.

                                            2. their build just so retard. their hero build are based on their everyday-build, no matter what enemies hero are, they have a "FIX" build for their hero.


                                              @leaf what do you mean by let things happen? Im concern about our vision , should i ward or not?

                                              Exmple is when i play a gme where we are far behind in map control cause whats left is our tier3 towers, dont have the ability to fight them so i just want to give them vision, more defeqnsive vision but still i want to give pushing wards cause ive noticed we have splitpushing / pushing with one of our hero . What should i do with this situation?


                                                if you cant get them to smoke or fight, then let them do their things and try to do whats best in that situation.

                                                if you dont have any towers left, its usually a good idea to set up a perimeter around your base with obs and sents, you can put more agressive wards when/if you guys decide to go gank someone. you can also give ur ob to that splitpusher and tell em GLHF

                                                The Medic Guy

                                                  this is how i wards defensively when we want to def high ground.
                                                  most people will keep warding at cliff and contest it, but it is useless and wasting wards, because when enemies owning, they can buy gem or sents as much as they can, and your obs are limited.

                                                  try to improvise unique ward spot.

                                                  i usually put obs in the very edge of lane, but maintain the vision(not blocked by trees) and get out of usual sentries spot

                                                  for me this spot still rarely get dewarded, unless enemies got gem.


                                                    Thanks leaf and redemption, btw thats my fave wardspot too


                                                      what 5k and some 6k below do? They go by the record! And Guides and tutorials and whatever thing they saw. Read it and copy it. Doesnt understand why . They just copy it. Like standard warding spot, sod strats, and outdated playstyle, when and where to use cour(Priority is for mid to get his bottle fast). Slightly advance than basic, refill bottle after tp, Saving skills, forcestaff plays, stack before pull, dont share xp at mid, always be a productive support.
                                                      What 5k have that 4k's-below dont have?
                                                      Mechanical skills. Reaction Speed. Understanding of the Skills, Hero, and Strat. But not too pro. Im 5k and i will say 5k is still just a less-cancerous bracket. (SEA)
                                                      ~THEY DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY DO~ They only read stats like kills and deaths as a basis of performance. A bunch of tards with big heads.

                                                      PS. 5k is still much more better than 4.5k~5k. Tried playing a smurf in 2k~3k and they're cool.

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                                                        Boosting, I just hit 4k recently, but i do know tp refill bottle at mid, i stack before i pull in the small camp, the hard camp can stack and pull the same time at 53, i utilize skills example is sd ult for sven when he enters the clash, ido this even before i reach 4k, though i found out that some mid players doesnt know about the tp refill, haha they ignore me when i said give me your bottle, haha thug life tp wasted

                                                        Good Luck

                                                          i`m stuck in 4k - 5k like one year T_T i agree 4k player ego is big

                                                          my biggest gain in 4,9k and now 4,2 k so sad

                                                          our standard 4k player is good i think that already failed

                                                          4k = good player with high ego