General Discussion

General DiscussionFucked up dota mechanics question

Fucked up dota mechanics question in General Discussion

    What does happen, when axe chops down a 1 hp graved target under the effect of both necro's (in the very beginning of the time of its effect) and aa's ulty? does the kill go to necro or aa?


      there was a bug where axe could ks from necro with his ult but they fixed it.

      if a hero dies under the effect of sythe, NECRO gets the kill no matter what.

      meteor hammer


          ^mask of midas
          aa's ultimate is the only spell that can killsteal from necro atm

          @its about efficiency
          why did axe cast cullingblade on himself


            nvm got it

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Necros always gets the kill. Necros is ks god.

              Dire Wolf

                well yes cus necro's debuff to respawn always gets applied as well so kind of makes sense.


                  debuff jointly with stun is a separate part of the spell to dmg it deals. both stun and debuff go through spell imunity, and the debuff procs even if the target dies to other hero rather than necro (well, it can only be aa anyways).

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