General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat one small action angers you?

What one small action angers you? in General Discussion

    For me, it's when I'm farming jungle and a teammate comes by and gets the last hit on one creep, and keeps walking.

    meteor hammer

      i try to do the opposite, iron talon their creep and walk away :D

      2k indog monkey

        Drawing aggro randomly which makes me miss CS as a melee hero
        And of course, people who don't build riki the right way


          when your support stands behind you in the lane and he thinks he is doing a stand-up job.


            When "supports" prioritize auto attacking ur lane instead of the enemy.

            meteor hammer

              i know this is a really dumb thing to trigger me but if i dont notice that the enemy laner has aggroed my melee creep and i miss cs by 5 damage it irritates me severely


                When I play Sven and they 4 man my lane and jungle, but my team can bother to take their other t1 towers. Then I end with 300 GPM cuz I'm a ns shitlord FeelBlackMan

                clueless clown

                  It has to be auto attacking creeps


                    When the fucking catapult takes a last hit. God
                    Damn catapults that appear out of nowhere. Lmao

                    The Medic Guy

                      when i see carry keep hitting creeps like he is one of the creeps, so the lane move lane equilibrium ruined, etc etc, and he just be like, STUF JUST PLAY

                      Dire Wolf

                        damn I hate when my supports bounce the lane aggro and I can't last hit well. It's the worst. Obviously the enemy offlaner will do this on purpose but your supports don't have to make it worse.

                        Other is when they pull constantly and I have to cs under tower. And you're basically solo in the lane then too cus they don't zone out first.

                        Besides that I just hate when people flame when they are playing like garbage. Pretty much applies to any jungler who is like gg mid or gg hc no items when they sat jungle for 12 mins and all they have is a blink and a score of like 0-2-1. Or roaming supports who leave you solo vs some cancer like undying + necro and then flame you for having no farm.


                          When i see courier died.


                            When i can stall the push with naga/alch but my team goes out and throw the game like a boss. Ez -25

                            Lets do Science

                              There's really nothing more annoying than seeing a teammate try to fight you for last hits in the jungle. it wastes both of your time. One of you could be farming a lane, hunting for a fight, farming another camp, wanking, anything except standing around waiting for that creep to be at 50 hp so he can take it. I wouldn't mind it if they actually did something to aid killing the creep faster, at least then we both get to move on with our lives faster.


                                flaming at picking phase. Its just an instant lose for the team. If you're doing it dont ask why you cant gain mmr even if ur stats are ok

                                also, fucking ninja catapults that fucks up your last hits


                                  "supports" that don't pressure lane and simply fuck up your last hits.


                                    LC jungling


                                      When my team tells me timber is a bad pick

                                      The Medic Guy

                                        and yeah, that catapult or range creep, always KS my tower last hit damn it!
                                        i mean like, how can i lose CS LUL with creeps

                                        Pale Mannie

                                          enemy team 5 manning all the time with mirana

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            and my team cant handle it

                                            Pale Mannie

                                              so intense


                                                when stpd carry cry cuz his sup last hit their creep even tough he can even hit a single one while using queling


                                                  when ogre magi on mid and spamming her fucking ignite on me and no supports coming to help


                                                    ^hahaha im guilty. Feels gud to tilt the enemy


                                                      When my internet is down

                                                      Im supper triiggggggrrrrddddddddd


                                                        ^^how is ogre magi a her

                                                        CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                                          when a fucking apparition camps my rune every 2 mins and my team wont gank him


                                                            when i see someone with 300 average gpm lock mid


                                                              A three-Wraith Band Drow parked in mid lane punching my tower.


                                                                when a fucking level 3 safelane sniper, on either team, ganks my mid lane to try and get a kill.


                                                                  Lag spikes triggeriggeriggeriggeriggeriggeriggeriggerigger me ultra hard


                                                                    when monkeys get VHS while im still stuck at HS


                                                                      Retard last pick.

                                                                      On a second thought, picks actually mattered.

                                                                      Treant who bought quelling blade and decide to last hit every creep.

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                                                                        When my team have 100 or less tower damage.


                                                                          when another core takes stacks I've made but they can't ever manage to stack themselves.

                                                                          particularly triggering when they try and clear an ancient stack that they clearly can't.



                                                                            see: my last broadcast


                                                                              xd arin stream was lit


                                                                                when suport pull when i dont even ask

                                                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                                                  when i try to support a sniper then i see him maxing headshot :|

                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                    When supports pulls nonstacked camp too and proceeds to sit doing nothing but sapping xp thinking they're doing a good job

                                                                                    Dr. Banana

                                                                                      As if people aren't toxic & angry enough.

                                                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                                                        I remember getting flamed on a single draft match by an impactless speace eating rubick because I didn't do anything as invoker while I already said it was my first time ahaha


                                                                                          When Armlet invoker flames me for getting a linken's on Medusa


                                                                                            When you're trying to play mid oracle but your OD won't let you.


                                                                                              When normal skill player pretend to be 9k after killing 2-3 heroes and then throw the game in overconfidence


                                                                                                When your team picks 2 supports but the CM says she wants to carry and the Rubick wants to solo mid. Better add a jungle LC to that as well

                                                                                                Johnny Rico

                                                                                                  One time i missed 3 last hits with the OD spell the enemy creep hp was 1-2-5, or when you make a misscalculation about your kill potential and the pa blinks out with 1-20 hp after you used finger stun hex and hitted her


                                                                                                    Not a carry player, really don't care much about disruptions to farm.

                                                                                                    However, the lack of awareness in teamfights is infuriating, especially on heroes with long range / global ultimates or saving skills and are the team's only counter-initiator. It sucks when we can't take high ground because they don't pay attention or mistime their spells. Sadly, I can't blame him because team game = whole team has made similar mistakes.

                                                                                                    Personally, though, the worst kind of stupid is the AFK farming carry who watches a teammate die nearby, has the ability to save ally and possibly get a counterkill (but can't be bothered to even look at his ally rather than his own jungle creeps), and then dies to the enemy instead of running away and blames his teammates for feeding. Players like that deserve LP.

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                                                                                                      small lag and support hitting creeps

                                                                                                      bum farto

                                                                                                        People TPing too soon and afking in lanes cause they thought a fight was going to break out.

                                                                                                        For the record. Initiators in first, carries in last. If you're a carry DO NOT tp till the fight has actually started, it takes 4 seconds to TP and you will be there to clean up which is what you need to do anyways. If you TP too soon, you waste time cause they will back off, you will go jungle to get last hits, and they will catch you out there and push HG anyways.