General Discussion

General DiscussionFuck valve

Fuck valve in General Discussion

    i cant win in low prio i got 4 games straight with 5k enemy and 1 6k and my team isfull of 3k i dont know what is happening


      valve wants me to lose


        it's only low prio, you're not losing mmr


          8 lose streak i wanna kill myself


            It will never be as bad as this

            doc joferlyn simp

              I feel so sad.

              doc joferlyn simp

                That's atleast a thousand MMR dropped holy shit.

                meteor hammer

                  no looks like no more than 25 games lost max = 25x25 =625 mmr lost

                  meteor hammer

                    mmr in unranked/lpq really means nothing. i jsut had a 4.9k sniper feed me 0/6 mid with help from his allies. then my 5.2k AM with 25 minutes of freefarm skipped manta and fed a rapier

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      Doesn't make it any better to lose that much MMR.

                      meteor hammer

                        ive lost at least that much before. i went from 4.7 to 4.2 in probably a month? which was honestly probably less irritating than oscillating between 4.9 and 4.7k 5 times before i breached 5k


                          You can lose 500 mmr in a month, but losing 620 mmr in 3 days hurts that much more


                            WAW EMEJING

                            meteor hammer

                              looks like you ODed on sange and yasha tbh

                              sny drow, sny bh, sny doom, sny slark


                                Sny pudge, desolator? Damn that's one right clicking pudge