General Discussion

General Discussionis meepo buged ?

is meepo buged ? in General Discussion

    i played meepo today and i realized i was farming super slow and after a few minutes later that other meepos(except for the original) didnt give gold for lh, finished game with 80 cs


      Idk about that but can you enlighten me on the build you used and what do you think about not rushing the scepter and going dragon lances or something now.


        Pretty sure you don't even go for aghs ever now. You should go treads + lances and stack up on stacks.
        The great thing is that now you can keep your travels in the backpack and go fight or push with treads even on minute 50.




            I don't get why you would skip aghs. Dragon lance so nerfed from original. Not much better than a blade and club for the same price.

            Extra meepo is 25% extra dps


              Ah I see, will be tough adapting to the treads game since i am so used to just rushing travels and abusing fountain regen and keep pushing but since they added shrines I guess it will be easier to clear jungle probably when done in lane.
              Also just curious but dont you think travels is even more important on meepo if you dont rush aghs because you wont have the third meepo in the early levels to leave in base when in jungle? Or will the extra stats from treads and dragon lances make up for the problem. Maybe even buy a bottle cause of so many rune spawns maybe?


                Extra meepo may on theory sound like a 25% dps but dont you think you will gain more damage if you add 2 dragon lances on 4 meepos rather then 5 meepos with no lances?


                  It's also an extra slot and an extra micro requirement. I'm pretty sure that aghs would give more DPS as a last item than another eblade, but not gonna do that still.


                    meepos already get stat bonuses from treads without aghanim before the patch. i still did not buy it and not planning to buy it


                      backpack is such a shit concept tbh


                        what the fuck you still need aghs

                        BSJ. LGD

                          lmao rip attribute bonuses that shit was op


                            Does that mean meepo is back or gone or still the same?


                              meepo is stronger early game, but even worse at late game meepo is a nuker now not a carry