General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about smurfing and dotabuff truesight.

Question about smurfing and dotabuff truesight. in General Discussion
ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...

    Hello, I have been playing dota 2 for roughly 2 years now. I first started in source 1 and calibrated to 200 mmr >.<. I managed to push myself up to 2k after about 2 years. I really just had to agree with the voice in the back of my head saying the trench doesnt exist, since it really doesnt btw. Over time I have gotten better and better. I took it upon myself to make a new account and play as i was normally playing on my other account. No trying to Zeus spam or whatever. Just genuinely curious how high i could calibrate. I mainly play offlane/support heroes, and do a pretty good job at that. I noticed on my smurf today that my true-sight is rating my game play as an F, but i have only one match analyzed. Out of curiosity, I headed over to the account who was also analyzed. he seems to have an A- in overall game play despite being absolutely terrible. yet my account here: seems to be rated way lower. Then i looked at my main account: (dont mind the mmr shown here, i haven't displayed it in game and played matches out of embarrassment of my pathetic mmr, and my recent games were mainly me screwing around with new heroes and builds) Here i noticed I'm almost a B player, currently at C+. I was just inquiring if anyone could explain the huge differences between my new accounts true sight rating, and the other guys rating. Thanks!


      trueshite randomly chooses a games to analyse or someone has db+ and it automatically analyses

      the score is how many games were analysed

      ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...

        But it only analyzed my first ursa game since there was other players utilizing Dotabuff plus. But my main question was why someone with lower overall game contribution had a higher rating?



          ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...

            Look at how he plays: with his truesight score, vs. how I am playing and my truesight score @Renshin

            D the Superior
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                it doesn't matter how you goddamn play

                that score means ''how many of your recent matches were analyised with truesight"

                going 50/0 every game and going 0/50 won't make a difference towards the score

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                  thats because the other acc has more games analyze..., izoa has 4 games analyze and the one day acc only has 1 game analyze,
                  hence the account izoa has a higher "true sight score". plus that rating/score doesnt determine your skill if thats what your thinking.

                  smh irl

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                  ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...
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                    ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...

                      Renshin what you're saying makes sense, I do realize that average kda and all that doesn't mean that much overall, but i ussually play a huge part in my games, even the one game that i had analyzed was overall way better than his 4 put together.


                        are you retarded or what?
                        Those fucking letters don't measure your skill. If you can't comprehend that, kys

                        ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...

                          Well i was just inquiring how it worked @Renshin @Cookie


                            the share of your games being analyzed by truesight has nothing to do with the impact you have in thos games

                            D the Superior
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                              ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...

                                TripleSteal, I also would like to ask you about when does going up a skill bracket kick in? Ive seen players with worse overall "score" skyrocket upwards. What factors trult determine it? (Someone like this guy for instance: )

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                                  skill bracket is determined by the amount of games and how good you play


                                  ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...

                                    But does Gpm and xpm influence more than say score? Since i notice a lot of smurf accounts will just afk farm for 600-700 gpm xpm and lose rather than try and play


                                      no, those smurfs don't afk farm to waste the game

                                      they actually know how to properly play and know in which scenario you would farm rather than go fight

                                      obviously in your bracket a high mmr player WILL get 800+ gpm without even trying to farm

                                      and you only get 400, you belong to that bracket

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                                      ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...

                                        So, in an account like the one I linked a few comments ago. He doesn't have that good of a score on his first few games (more deaths than kills), but has a high GPM and xpm in all, his going up in bracket is mostly related to his farming patterns?


                                          Those numbers are random and weird as fuck
                                          No need to consider them seriously


                                            him going up in brackets is mostly related to his performance compared to his enemies/teammates.

                                            ϟ  One Day The Jews Will ...

                                              Hmm okay. Thanks guys for the info. I'll work more on trying to maintain a higher GPM and xpm along with good kda after finals. Thanks :D