General Discussion

General DiscussionIs 7.00 a secret Buff or Nerf to Techies?

Is 7.00 a secret Buff or Nerf to Techies? in General Discussion

    shadow blade on techies ? :| when you are playing techies your enemy will buy sentry/gem so shadow blade on techies is just wasting a slot. i don't know why people just want to jump and suicide with techies ?
    sb>techies jump>statis trap>proxy>remote=enemy dead + YOU ARE DEAD TOO ! techies jump do not kill you if you are above 50% hp so will kill 1-2 enemy and feed the rest of them :D

    Optimus Drip

      this patch he also does fucking insane amounts of tower damage
      like 3 mines and the tower is gone

      some recent matches.
      like splitpushing is almost a safer broodmother this patch. -60 respawn time means you are dead for like 20 seconds/

      La Lumière

        @ Ghandi But due to techies e getting buffed, wouldn't shadow blade techies be useful? Shadowblade + e (+q) into supports = ez money.

        @A Sneaky Dear. Lol, a safer broodmother? Are you serious xD. Broodmother has an escape ie. Her webs. Techies has nothing unless you have items which I doubt given you are probably gonna get harassed by enemy offlaner.


          @a sneaky deer : techies pushing power increased a lot in this patch and it can act as a very good pusher in the mid-late game .
          about your recent games i don't like bloodstone on techies (it's a personal idea btw ).

          @baby snacks : shadow blade is not a reliable escape mechanism at all ! they can easily counter you with dust/sentry/gem and by the way as a techies you don't want to encourage them buy any kind of detection. when i am playing techies i even ask my teammate to not to build shadow blade(at least not more than 1). but since this new suicide skill is almost always useless you need some escape mechanism and i recommend blink dagger or force staff instead.

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            one of the longest silences in the game and a six hundred damage nuke is useless. Really


              it depends on your view point ! i prefer the previous suicide squad attack spell because it was a RELIABLE SUICIDE ! you could have suicided yourself as soon as you sense the danger ! you could have suicide your self as soon as the pudge hooks you ! as soon as the LC blinks to duel you and .... ! now it's neither FAST nor RELIABLE anymore ! techies is a squishy hero and in order to suicide with this spell you have to wait to get under 50% hp and only then you should use this spell which has 2 sec channeling (that can be interrupted) and also they can attack you in the mid air ! so in action they have a 4 second window to kill you when you are below 50% hp ! in the late game how long does it take for a carry (like juggernate/AM) or even a semi-carry(LC/TA) to kill a techies ? less than 3sec with full hp let alone -50% hp ! see ? it's not reliable anymore ! i wish at least i could have get Attribute Plus (+) instead.
              i prefer to deal 600 AEO nuke with my ultimate from a safe distance rather than jumping in the middle of the fights and then dying instantly with out being suicided!

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              meteor hammer

                can we just admit that techies was a mistake and remove the hero

                stop trying to make him viable its so fucking cancer


                  I played with a guy who I think more or less figured out this meta's Techies. he started offlane until LV6, occasionally dipping into the enemy jungle to coat it with prox mines. at every teamfight win or enemy rotation, he dove deeper and deeper into the jungle, planting more and more prox mines, blocking the camp spawns, cutting off lanes etc. We ratted wtih lycan/NP and Techies simply mined the areas in between.

                  Every PA blink, she's blinking on top of a mine. Every time TA stopped to go invis, she'd trigger a mine and then Techies would plant another on her.

                  I think you really have to have the mindset of coating the entire map with prox mines


                    @crash tan : nowadays Monkey king is the cancer in the meta right now !
                    @onions: according to dotabuff : Proximity Mines do not block neutral creep camps from spawning. how did he blocked the camps ? ! are you sure ?

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                      Ill check the game replay again- maybe they had wards up


                        He is really good now, I have 320 games on him, trust me.

                        But yeah, you can't roam anymore. Just sit the lane, place mines into the trees, at lvl 3 skill the proximity mine is blowing like 3/4 hp of an enemy, then you can blast off and easy kill.

                        And also he is really good support now in duo or triple lane.


                          Im a Techies main. +500 games, 63% win rate.

                          Techies is offically dead. Depends on some players play style, some might find him good, but for me...hes dead. No more roaming.

                          The single most effective tactic with Techies was to get First Blood. A good Techies can get FB 90% of the time and gets his Soul Ring asap. Now its impossible now that the mines have to be 10 meters from each other.
                          Static trap is no longer a stun but a root ability which is nerf.
                          Suicide was his biggest threat while laning and had many Psychological effects on enemies chasing you or coming close to you. Damage was 1150 and it made a huge impact early game, while now we got a useless silence with Techies face to face with the enemy hero.
                          Only good thing perhaps about 7.00 are the shrines which gives him a lot of regen when out of mana.
                          Hero was already dead and out of the Meta, they just finished him mortal kombat style now.

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                            @ i love you , do you live me : exactly , roaming techies is DEAD for sure . And i miss those early first bloods so much too. Totaly agree with you with this new useless slience spell. Plz return the old suicide spell back :|

                            Optimus Drip

                              He is a really string laner still. Much more typical of an offlaner


                                Rod makes techies really strong now. I would like blast off to take away twenty percent max hp instead of fifty percent.

                                Kill yourself in the name...

                                  CARRY TECHIE PLEASE!



                                    @ a sneaky deer : yeah you are right ! Because of this new suicide spell you are not as scary as before in the offlane ! They can easily initiate on you and you can't deny your self most of the times.
                                    @mikaelexjohn: 20%? That would make this spell much more UNRELIABE! You know guys you are thinking techies as something like a tidehunter , sand king , earth shaker ! TECHIES IS NOT AN INITIATOR GUYS ! Techies is about drainig your opponents resources , is about making their supports poor , is about limiting their movements but the point is that if they can kill simply with a single 2 seconds stun then you will end up feeding instead of draining their resources ! I never build BloodStone on techies before but i think that i should do it right now because this new suicide spell is just a useless peice of shit !

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