General Discussion

General DiscussionNever trust pub scrubs to mid or safelane.

Never trust pub scrubs to mid or safelane. in General Discussion

    99% of the time I let these retards take mid or safelane, I lose the game.
    Last game being a prime example of both cases.
    Midas PL safelane < He lost his lane then went afk
    Qop mid < got shit on, then fed some more

    Just a little sidenote: Qop said he never played qop before and when I said let me mid, he said no, he wants it. He maxed Q and SOMEHOW lost his lane badly and he didnt land a single ult... Again, somehow.

    Lesson: ALWAYS take mid or safelane carry. ALWAYS. And keep your reports for people who take them, you're going to need them.

    2k indog monkey

      Isn't this common sense already?

      2k indog monkey

        You can still singlehandedly win the game as a support or offlaner you know
        If you trust your teammates in 3k it's your own damn fault anyway


          It's so frustrating dude
          I'm tired of having to deal with this crap


            Dude, bad people are much better then people who first die a lot, then flames the team for it, and then intentionally feeds themselfes, I don't think you should always pick mid or safe lane doe... You have less then 50% win rate in ranked and I do not think its because of feeding teammates. Im in your bracket and sure, there can be some feeders. But you have to think like this: So you're in retarded peoples bracket. Hmm, I got 4 retards and myself but the enemy SHOULD have 5 retards (You can't think like this if you're a toxic piece of shit yourself). Its pretty simple. I would suggest that if all of your team goes carries. Do NOT go pos 5 support. You should go like pos 3.5 riki roam or something. The new bounty runes rock!

            (Edit) And you REALLY shouldn't report people who steal your lanes. Save them for people who flame or intentional feed to ruin your game!

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            2k indog monkey

              Never rely on your teammates to win
              Be the reliable teammate that helps the team to win (know what it takes to win, be a fucking efficient carry, play support like how it's supposed to, pick with your brains, call out stuffs like push tower, take rs, etc)


                Well they are all thinking like you. So they take carry and mid.

                Field Medic
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                    U need help from the 1k gpm Ta god

                    2k indog monkey

                      "no i am not like them, i am 3k mmr with 5k matches because of that retards who always want to mid or carry but don't know how to play."
                      They think exactly the same like you

                      Field Medic
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                          Now i know why ur still 3k in 5k matches

                          I mean look at me. I climbed from 2700 to 3k by playing offlane timber without much effort. Even when i stopped playing timber and tried to learn void sk mag offlane my mmr didnt drop down back to 2k and just stayed at 3.1 3.2k range

                          Thing is as any role there is always something u can do to win games that ONLY u can do

                          If ur losing your team might be the reason but if ur not 30-0 in a losing game ur also doing something wrong albeit subtle


                            with that kind of mentality, you will always lose games

                            2k indog monkey

                              And the thing is, Alice's improvement is slow as fuck compared to me


                                ^shots fired

                                2k indog monkey

                                  But then again improving from 1200 to 3000 is easier than improving from 1800 to 3300


                                    ^ see OP

                                    i can climb from 2700 to 3300 in a span of 5 months even with slow af improvement rate

                                    thats cuz that i never once whined about my teammates on a forum LUL


                                      Fuk u bws u only climbed 800 points and skipped the rest of the grind

                                      I do not acknowledge that AT ALL


                                        thats one of dumbest posts i saw in a while

                                        4pos pudge/grim only

                                          then how can your teammates trust you to play the mid/safelane carry? i mean those you called "scrubs" are in your bracket so you are a scrub yourself because you play among scrubs. then who tf should play those lanes if all of the players are scrubs? already played like 5k games huh? but you still cant see that you are actually one of them people who you call scrubs. shame on you

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            If you think all your teammate are suck and noobs, ask yourself why u still same mmr with them.

                                            The only reason you team with tard and noobs most of the time is because u are one on them also imo.

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                                            M U R D E R

                                              Only reason hes playing with tards is because he hasnt made a tryhard smurf yet



                                                this works if u are actualy a good player , not a delusional kid.
                                                by pressing alt i can see that u have 5k games and u still strugling.
                                                that means that u reached ur cap and its a bit higher than the average shitstains.
                                                be proud of that at least.
                                                also u play vs handicaped patients at 3k mmr (ranked or unranked) all of u are bad , u aint better so dont give " advice" to other people to dont let their teamates go mid , ur in the same sack.
                                                i would prefer a 4k pure sup player with 500 games to go mid instead of you.
                                                ur teamates going mid and feed isnt the reason u are losing.

                                                my fucking god these threads

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                                                  ^The truth

                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    i FP necro mid, then someone picks TA, so i have to play pos 5 necro

                                                    but then they carry my ass so who cares haha xd


                                                      pudge mid picker says?

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        you are right where you belong and you'll never rise with that attitude because you are blaming others instead of improving


                                                          man if u caant win low 3k games u dont deserve 3k sorry u suck hard likeur mother i killed in front of house blungeon rape hacksaw ur poor mother then put make up on her decomposited body and proceed to necrofuck her ..then i burned her to the lastash in front of ur garbage ....funny thing

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            ^holy shit that escalated quickly

                                                            but yeah, you should have at least 60% winrate in 3k if you want to rise at any reliable speed, right now you're more likely to lose MMR than gain it


                                                              ^^there he is, i've missed that

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                                                                Lol @ that retard who copied my profile. I didn't say any of the shit above

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                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                  You have to apply the give me my role or I feed mentality and actually do it

                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    Lazy Town but the citizens are neoconservatives


                                                                      I feel its necessary to point out that the game with the first time QOP was UNRANKED. If someone's never played a hero in ranked its one thing, but its perfectly reasonable to be learning new heroes in Unranked


                                                                        also of note op. If i click on two different posts and they take me to the same account, the same person wrote both posts


                                                                          I actually find its allot more common for people to suck as support. Some people simply can't seem to accomplish anything if they can't farm the entire map and out right click people. It's always annoying when someone can't do your normal role right. But if youre losing games, it's probably because you're sucking at whatever role you're doing instead.


                                                                            I know its unranked and that isn't the issue here. Its the fact that he doesn't have the common sense to think "hey, I can't play qop, so if someone else asks for mid, I should probably give it to them". I asked for mid and he refused. He went on to max his Q and lose to a damn sky mage AS A QOP.

                                                                            He said he couldn't play before the game started... Did he repick? No.... Did he ask someone else to mid? No.... Did he LET someone else mid? NO. There was Absolutely no reason for him to go mid. Our other lanes were going fine until he lost mid and their mid started ganking non stop because he was so fed.

                                                                            I'm in the shithole I'm in MOSTLY because I play with retards. Look threw my games and my roles in each of those games and tell me otherwise. I don't care if the enemy team has retards, me losing means mine are bigger retards. This game isn't a 1v5. Just the other day my support left me to solo safelane at 4 min. I was the only carry, guess who ended up winning them the game? ME. I had to solo a fucking pudge+luna lane. People just can't play for shit these days.


                                                                              okay first of all if he's trying to learn qop it makes a lot of sense for him to go mid because thats where the hero is usually played and where he should practice it. You cant get mad because he picked a hero he probably wanted to learn and went to the lane that the hero is played in.


                                                                                He didn't pick qop, he randomed her. He said he couldnt play her and asked if he should repick, nobody replied, so he went with the random.
                                                                                One rule: You do not go mid if you : 1) Cannot play for shit.
                                                                                2) Can't play your hero well.
                                                                                3) Can't play mid.
                                                                                Games with other people who are trying to win isn't the place to "practice" your hero and try your luck. Reminds me of those a**holes who jungle with any hero they see on Youtube. You want to practice a hero after having 2000 matches, go play custom games or bots. Ranked/Unranked doesn't matter. A game is a game, and I can't win with garbage like him dragging me down.





                                                                                    I DONT SEE THR LOGIC HERE AT ALL ROOOFFFFFFFFFLLLLLLL THIS IS THE MOST RETARDED THING IVE READ IN AVWHILE THANKS OP

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      it's not even ranked


                                                                                        Op. Heres a tip.

                                                                                        STOP POSTING SO U STOP LOOKING LIKE AN IDIOT ROFL


                                                                                          he posted the same shit every few months, this is his 4th thread mb smh


                                                                                            The Dunning-Kruger is strong in this one.


                                                                                              And it's unranked man what the fuck are you doing whining. When he asked if he should repick, why didn't you repick you dumb piece of shit? If someone asks reply, lest it be that cause of your whining on an videogame forum.

                                                                                              You're dogshit and will stay dogshit. Better focus on other things in life.


                                                                                                stupid cu.nt check my jungle talon sven 850 gpm
                                                                                                if u cant win shitty 3k game then u dont deserve mors than 2k

                                                                                                Kill yourself in the name...




                                                                                                    Also if you have time to check the profile, and it looks like the one aboce, go solo core or do anything because game is guaranteed to be fucked.